Traphill Elementary School


Kindergarten Supply List

Bookbag (no wheels please)

Plain No. 2 Pencils (yellow pencils only)

Pink Erasers (handheld oblong pencils)

Scissors (Fiskars Blunt tip)

Crayons (24 pack)

Pencil/Crayon POUCH (no boxes please)

Colored Pencils


12 Glue Sticks

Expo Skinning BLACK dry erase markers

Ear Phones

Binder (1in)

2-3-ring binder folders with pockets inside

2- 1 inch spiral ring notebooks (RED, BLUE)

1 Marbled Composition Book (no spirals)

White t-shirt (1 size larger than what your child wears

Other items we will need that you may donate to our class…


Zip-Top baggies…any size

Large Sanitizer

Expo Markers

Clorox Wipes

Traphill Elementary School


1st Grade Supply List

Bookbag (no wheels please)

Plain No. 2 Pencils (yellow pencils only)

Pink Erasers (handheld oblong pencils)

Scissors (Fiskars Blunt tip)

Crayons (24 pack)

Pencil/Crayon POUCH (no boxes please)

Colored Pencils


Expo Skinning BLACK dry erase markers

Ear Phones

Binder (1in)

2-3-ring binder folders with pockets inside

2- 1 inch spiral ring notebooks (RED, BLUE)

1 Marbled Composition Book (no spirals)

White t-shirt (1 size larger than what your child wears

Other items we will need that you may donate to our class…


Zip-Top baggies…any size

Large Sanitizer

Expo Markers

Clorox Wipes

Traphill Elementary School


2nd Grade Supply List

Book Bag (no wheels please)

1-One inch 3 ring binder (no zip-up binders, please)

8 glue sticks (standard size…not jumbo)

24 plain yellow pencils

1 box of crayons (box of 24, please)

1-Two pocket folder (plain/flat, no prongs)

5 one subject spiral notebooks (1 of each color: red, yellow, green, blue, and purple)

4 handheld erasers (plain, rectangular type are fine…NO PENCIL TOP ERASERS!)

A pencil bag/box

Pair of safety scissors

Pair of earphones

Box of quart or gallon size baggies

2 boxes of Kleenex

1 plain white tee-shirt…one sizer larger than your child’s regular size

Other items to donate to our class…

Paper towels

Dry erase markers

Hand sanitizer

Clorox Wipes

Traphill Elementary School


3rd Grade Supply List

1 – 1” three-ring binder

3 – One subject notebooks

2 - Mead style composition books (not spiral bound)

1 Box of yellow pencils

1 Package of pencil top erasers

2 Boxes of crayons

2 – Two pocket folders

1 – Pencil Bag (no pencil boxes please)


Suggested items to donate to our classroom:


Hand Sanitizer

Paper Towels

Cleaning Wipes

Storage Bags (any size)

Traphill Elementary School


4th Grade Supply List

2 packs of #2 pencils (1 to keep, 1 to share with class)

Pencil cap erasers (1/2 pack to keep, ½ pack to share with class)

Crayons (24 count)

4 glue sticks (2 to keep, 2 to share with class)


Pencil box or pencil pouch

3 folders with pockets

1 folder with prongs

7 one subject spiral notebooks

2 packs of index cards (to share with class)

4 packs of notebook paper (1 to keep, 3 to share with class)

2 composition books (They have a hard cover and are black and white on the front)

Head phones or ear buds

A white t-shirt (We will use this all year so you may want to get a larger size)

Optional items to donate to the class:

Box of Ziploc bags (any size)

Clorox Wipes

3 boxes of tissues

Hand sanitizer

Dry erase markers

Traphill Elementary School


5th Grade Supply List

1 – 3 ring binder

3 – Pocket folders

2 – “mead-style” composition books (not spiral bound)

4 – Spiral bound, one subject notebooks

Glue sticks

Pencil top erasers

1 box yellow #2 pencils

1 pencil bag

Headphones or ear buds for the computer lab

1 white t shirt for tie-dying

Wish List, these items are nice to have in the classroom:


Clorox Wipes

Zip lock style bags, any size

Paper towels