Board of Commissioners

May 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes - 7 -




A work session of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler opened the session at 7:00 PM. Representatives from PennDOT and their design consultant Cherry, Weber and Associates were in attendance to present plans for the Powder Mill Hollow Road Bridge Replacement Project. The Public was invited to meet the project design team and view displays showing proposed improvements and detour routes.

The Consultants presented their plans and discussed project objectives. The construction time line is planned for the summer of 2017 with the road closure of approximately three months while school is not in session. The bridge construction is a precast box culvert type as was used in the Township Line Bridge replacement. The cost is estimated at $750,000 to $1.2M and will be totally funded through PennDOT.

Discussed was the DEP report that noted the area around the bridge is ‘exceptional value wetlands’ and cannot be disturbed which requires specific guidelines for the staging area and for keeping the culvert opening exact. A run-around road beside the bridge is not workable through the wetlands, therefore a detour route was necessary. The residents and local farm and orchard growers voiced much concerned about the impact the road closure will have on the growing and harvest season as their truck an equipment access to the fields will be impaired. The impact on school buses and emergency service vehicles was also discussed. Representatives from BAF&R commented that they are comfortable with the proposed detour.

After discussing other timelines and potential weather issues the growers asked that, if possible, the completion date be April 15th. All updates concerning the project submitted to the Township will be posted on the Township website and social media page in order to keep the public informed.

Cherry, Weber & Associates and PennDOT representatives thanked the Commissioners and the public for their time, concerns and suggestions on the project and will keep the Township informed as the project progresses. The project display boards will remain displayed at the Township offices for the public.

The work session ended at 8:55 PM.




The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice-President), Commissioner Daniel Ritter, Commissioner Linwood Bartman and Commissioner Rudy Rivera. Also present were Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO/Zoning Officer Paul Labe, Road Master Mike Hillegas, Police Chief David Viola, Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Engineer John Sartor.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - No one addressed the Board at this time.


The April 18, 2016 Board of Commissioners Meeting minutes were presented to the Board for their review and approval. On a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade, the April 18, 2016 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes were approved as presented. Motion carried.


President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Customer Balance Summary and Deposit Detail Report then read a list of the payment of bills from the following Township funds for approval.

General Fund Expense 5/2/16 $32,262.53

Payroll Expense 4/22/16 39,898.95

Recycling Fund Expense 5/2/16 4,816.50

HRA Fund Expense 5/2/16 150.79

Police Projects Fund Expense 5/2/16 88.64

Commissioner Ritter questioned the current year earned income tax balance. Manager Conrad stated the discount period is the end of April and Treasure Herb has not yet received the mortgage companies’ submission of taxes.

On a motion by Commissioner Bartman, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, approval was given for the payment of the submitted bills. Motion carried.

President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual General Fund statement. The statement was available to the public for review.


Chief Viola read the police report for the month of April 2016 as follows:

Bechtelsville / Colebrookdale
Total Criminal Arrests: / 12 / 34
Total Vehicle Arrests: / 8 / 106
Total Written Warnings: / 2 / 25
Total Assists: / 0 / 9
Total Accidents: / 1 / 15
Total Parking Tickets / 0 / 2
Total Incidents (calls) for the Month: / 123 / 709

Total vehicle mileage for the month of April is 6,481. A corrected total mileage report of 6,434 vehicle miles for the month of March was submitted.

Chief Viola had nothing further to report and there were no comments from the Commissioners.


The Road Master submitted his reports for the weeks of April 18th through May 2nd. There were no comments from the Board.

Road Master Hillegas submitted a road paving bid package for Funk Road. The bids for the previous road projects came in lower than anticipated resulting in available funds to use for additional road work. He requested approval to advertise the bid the next two weeks and schedule a bid opening for the 16th. The Road Master also requested approval of the submitted Escalator Clause Resolution # 5-1-16 for the road project. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve advertising the Funk Road paving project bid. Motion carried.

There was a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Bartman to approve the Escalator Clause Resolution # 5-1-16 for the Funk Road paving project. Motion carried.

The Berks County Co-Op 2016-17 Highway Rock Salt Bid Participation request form was submitted for consideration by the Commissioners. There is no requirement for a minimum purchase. The Road Master is requesting 300 ton. There was a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Rivera to authorize participating in the joint bidding for highway rock salt with Berks County. Motion carried.

Road Master Hillegas informed the Commissioners that calls have come in asking the Township to repair potholes on Franklin Road. He wants the Board to know that this section of roadway is the responsibility of Bechtelsville Borough.

The Post Office is installing two cluster mailboxes on 9th Street as discussed at previous meetings. The cost will be covered by the Post Office and they will notify the residents using the mailboxes that they will be responsible for clearing snow around the boxes.


The following building and zoning permit applications were submitted:

- 139 Henry Avenue - fence

- 933 W. Philadelphia Avenue - fence

- 100 Grandview Road – patio

- 10 Rowell Road – change of use

- 2 Sunrise Lane - fence

- 15 Mill Street – fence

- 32 Elaine Drive – shed

- 88 Applewood Lane – addition

An electrical permit application was submitted for 279 Poplar Road – install service in shed

There were no comments from the Commissioners.

CEO Labe informed the Commissioners that he posted a violation of the MS4 Stormwater Management Ordinance notice and stop work order at 84 Sawmill Road. Engineer Sartor spoke with the owner’s engineer Tom Smith, explaining that the owner started and continues to excavate and cut driveways without any approvals from the Township. The past Friday Engineer Sartor received via email a half completed land development plan from the property owner. With the Commissioner’s permission, Engineer Sartor would like to send an email informing the owner that a full plan needs to be submitted and the area stabilized in the wetlands. He also needs stone at the entrances. Board concurred to have Engineer Sartor contact the owner with the requirements. CEO Labe stated the stop work order is still in effect and the owner can only do E&S work.

President Gamler, referencing the denial from PennDOT for installation of guide rails on Rt. 73 along the ball field at Funk Road, asked the CEO about any distance restrictions for safety barriers placed by the owners in the right-of-way. CEO Labe said there are no restriction on putting down safety barriers or guide rails by the owners.

CEO Labe submitted his monthly report for April 2016 noting that progress is being made on the clean-up at 28 Henry Avenue. The owner of 34 Elaine Drive submitted a letter with a clean-up time-line stating he will be finished at the end of summer. The owner of 462 Englesville Road has made clean-up progress on the driveway. A letter was sent to the American Legion Yeager Post on Water Street asking that they remove the TV’s being dumped on their property as it is a violation of the Zoning Ordinance.

CEO Labe reported the porch at 619 N. Reading Avenue is rotting and unstable and he would like to send a letter instructing the owners to replace a post. The Commissioners concurred.


LTL Consultants submitted a letter announcing the hiring of a new SEO, Robert H. Wuerth and requested approval to represent the Township. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve Robert H. Wuerth, certification #03430, from LTL Consultants, LTD as SEO for Colebrookdale Township. Motion carried.

The April 2016 monthly SEO report was submitted and SEO Labe noted 131 Sawmill Road is completed and they are still working on the septic system installation at 401 Sawmill Road.


Solicitor Karver submitted a copy the Brief filed in the D. James appeal. Today the Attorneys had arguments before the Judge and his decision will be issued in the near future.

Solicitor Karver gave an update on the Zoning Appeal of Jasbenza, LLC to the Commissioners. He explained that the Zoning Hearing Board granted the variances requested by the Applicant based on compelling testimony. They felt the Applicant met its burden through the theory of variance by estoppel.

Based on testimony from the previous CEO, building inspections were done and the Solicitor suggested CEO Labe write a letter to the applicant informing him that a final inspection needs to be completed. CEO Labe should issue a building permit, inspect the property and issue a Use and Occupancy permit if the final inspection warrants.


Engineer Sartor had nothing to submit at this time. He asked CEO Labe if the Tri-Mac Towers project is still active. CEO Labe affirmed it is noting it is not unusual for projects of this nature to take a long while to complete.

COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT - Commissioner Rivera requested an Executive Session after the meeting.


Manager Conrad asked the Commissioners to ratify the BAF&R run cards approval. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Rivera to ratify the run card changes for BAF&R. Motion carried.

The Manager also asked the Commissioners to ratify their approval of Resolution #4-1-16 Designation of Agent for winter storm Jonas reimbursement. Manager Conrad received phone approval from each Commissioner April 25, 2016 as she needed to submit the Resolution and additional paperwork to PEMA at a scheduled meeting on April 26th. There was a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Rivera to ratify Resolution #4-1-16 Designation of Agent for winter storm Jonas reimbursement. Motion carried.

The Planning Commission submitted a letter recommending a waiver of land development to the Boyertown Junior High West School for an addition to the school. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve a waiver of formal land development plan submission and post a $5000.00 escrow for stormwater engineering review. Motion carried.

The Township received a certified DEP notice of an NPDES Permit submitted to Global Advanced Metals. Also received from Environmental Standards, Inc. was notice that Global Advanced Metals is submitting a Remedial Investigation Report and Cleanup Plan to DEP. There were no comments from the Commissioners.

The Township received an email from Muhlenberg Township requesting support in promoting the Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial being hosted in their Township June 9th through the 13th. The Commissioners agreed and instructed the staff to upload information to the Township webpage.

The Township received the Selective Insurance renewal policy for the 5-1-16 – 5-1-17 term with an overall increase of 5.7%. The insurance is now in effect.


BAF&R submitted a letter requesting the Township adopt an Emergency Services Billing Ordinance allowing insurance companies to reimburse first responders for emergency services costs covered in residents’ and vehicle owners’ policies. The Commissioners discussed this briefly and the Manager will research a sample ordinance.

President Gamler noted the submission of the BAF&R March 2016 Chief Report, the BAF&R March 2016 Treasurer's Report and the BMMA 3-28-16 meeting minutes.

OLD BUSINESS - There was nothing submitted to the Board at this time.

SUBDIVISIONS/LDPs - There was nothing submitted to the Board at this time.

NEW BUSINESS - Nothing submitted at this time.


The following communications were received and presented to the Board for their review: News Flyer from Berks Nature, PUC seeking comments for mini-cell towers, CELG newsletter, annual report, donation request.


President Gamler read and the Board reviewed the following:

- email received concerning Bechtelsville Park lawn mowing incident

- letter sent to Zoning Hearing Board submitting comments from the Board of Commissioners

- letter sent to Boyertown Community Library acknowledging their request for funding and informing them that their request will be considered during budget meetings in October.

- letter sent to 626 N. Reading Avenue warning of overgrown grass

- email request for Workers Compensation percentage rates for reimbursement of snow storm costs application

- letter received – physician’s work restrictions for Officer Hanna


The Commissioners discussed the necessary upgrades and repairs needed to the pavilion and bathrooms at Liberty Park after making visual inspections of the property.

Commissioner Spade thanked the Board for supporting the orchard businesses at tonight’s meeting with PennDOT and Cherry, Weber & Associates.