Town of Maggie Valley
Board of Aldermen Agenda Setting/ Monthly Workshop Meeting
June 7, 2016
Members Present: Mayor Pro-Tem Janet Banks, Aldermen: Mike Eveland, Phillip Wight, and Clayton Davis
Members Absent: Mayor Saralyn Price
Staff Present: Manager Nathan Clark, Chief Scott Sutton, Public Works Director Mike Mehaffey Planner Andrew Bowen and Finance Director Shayne Wheeler
Staff Absent: Town Clerk Vickie Best
The Agenda Setting/Monthly Workshop began at 9 a.m. on Tuesday June 7, 2016 in the Flossie White Room of the Town Hall.
Council began reviewing the proposed agenda for the June 13, 2016 Board of Aldermen Meeting.
1)Meeting Called to Order
2)Consent Agenda
a.Minutes to be Approved: May 2, May 11, May 9, May 12 and May 23, 2016
b.A/R Report
c.Tax Release
d.Budget to Actual
e.Town Clerk Certification on Rezoning Newspaper Advertisement on May 30 and June 6, 2016
3)Public Comment
4)Rezoning Request: The Meadows @ Campbell Mountain Est. (R-1 to R-2)
The residents from Campbell Mountain Estates are vocalizing their objections to a higher density at the bottom of Campbell Mountain. Campbell Mountain Estates is not within the corporate limits of Maggie Valley, but is within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
Trinity Cove, Creekside Drive and Riddle Cove Road are all examples of the same scenario as what is being requested by the rezoning. Manager Clark encouraged the Board to look at the integrity and harmony of the neighborhood. How does changing the zoning affect the area? How would the rezoning affect the current neighborhood and the adjacent school?
a.Public Hearing
b.Staff Report
c.Applicant Presentation
d.Board Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 829
Manager Clark invited any of the Council members to contact him or Director Mehaffey if they desired to make an on-site visit to the Meadows at Campbell Mountain. Manager Clark went on to explain that the issue can be tabled until a later meeting if Council so desires and is unable to make a decision.
5)Town of Maggie Valley Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget
a.Public Hearing
b.Manager Comments
c.Board Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 828
If Council does not adopt the budget as proposed, a Special Called Board of Aldermen Meeting will need to be called and a budget, by State Law, must be adopted by June 30.
6)Town of Maggie Valley Solid Waste Ordinance 830
a.Public Hearing
b.Manager Comments
c.Board Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 830
Alderman Banks was under the impression that once the recycling containers are paid for that the customer will own the container.
This is not the case. The $5 monthly charge is for the service; not the purchase of the container. Manager Clark explained how the solid waste (garbage/brown totes) works and that the totes belong to the Town and are issued to the property. The totes must remain at the property and when someone moves the Town picks up the tote.
7)Town of Maggie Valley Elimination of Festival Fund Ordinance 831
This ordinance eliminates the Festival Grounds as an Enterprise Fund and now will be accounted for in the General Fund as a department. The Festival Grounds has never made money, therefore the auditors as well as the Local Government Commission issued a statement that the Festival Grounds should not be looked at as an Enterprise Fund.
8)Town of Maggie Valley Budget Amendment Ordinance 825 (Creekside Drive Road Project)
This ordinance finalizes all of the finances for the Creekside Drive Road Project with all of the financials completed and accounted for.
9)Town of Maggie Valley Budget Amendment Ordinance 826 (Town Hall Board Room Renovation)
This ordinance accounts for the Town Hall Boardroom Renovations.
10)Town of Maggie Valley Capital Project Ordinance 827 (Town Hall Board Room Renovation)
This ordinance accounts for the monies taken from fund balance and moves the funds to the General Fund.
Manager Clark assured Council that the old projector and screen would be saved and used to benefit the Town.
Manager Clark reported that the Maggie Valley Civic Association returned the $400 donated by the Town to help offset the cost of a new sound system for the Pavilion. The Association was able to purchase a cheaper system and could pay for the system with their own funds.
11)Approval of Town Attorney Contract for FY2016-2017
Craig Justus of the Van Winkle Law Firm has served the Town for the past two years as the Town Attorney. The contact with the Van Winkle Law Firm is due. The current rate for Attorney Justus to serve as the Town Attorney is $18,000 annually.
Attorney Justus has done an outstanding job for the Town and it is recommended that Council reappoint Attorney Justus. This fee is included in the proposed budget.
12)Festival Grounds Event Approvals
a.Southeast Mini Truckin’ Nationals: April 21-23 2017
b.Slingshot in the Smokies: May 30-June 6 2017
c.3 v 3 Soccer Shootout: August 6, 2016
The Southeast Mini-Truckin’ Nationals have submitted their application for April 21-23, 2017. The event also features a parade for the entire community. The promoter is very prompt and diligent about submitting the appropriate paperwork.
The Slingshot in the Smokies have applied for their event to be held on the Festival Grounds May 30 through June 6, 2017. This event has outgrown the space at the Comfort Inn.
Alderman Banks questioned how staff would clear the grounds from one event to another event setting up on Monday. Council will discuss the fees for longer events at the annual October Festival Grounds Workshop.
The 3 v 3 Soccer Shootout has asked to reschedule their event to August 6, 2016. The group has already paid their fees.
13)Non Powell Bill Request: Preserve at Jonathan Creek
The Subdivision would like to participate in the Non-Powell Bill program for road repairs. The approximate cost is $1,515. This will be taken from the FY 2015/2016 budget.
Attorney Justus is still working on the Hemlock Loop Road Improvements to determine road rights-of-way and how a Special Assessment would be structured.
There is an opening on the MVTDA1% Subcommittee. The Town will be accepting applications through the end of June and Council will make an appointment at a July Meeting. The opening will be advertised.
14)Parham Park Enhancement
The rock work for the proposed area will cost between $2,200 and $2,300 not including the plants and the bench. The area of Parham Park does need dressing up and the Board will support the decision for the improvements. Council will decide at a later date to name the area or not.
15)Other Business
16)Department Head Reports
a.Andrew Bowen, Town Planner
b.Mike Mehaffey, Public Works Director
c.Scott Sutton, Chief of Police
d.Nathan Clark, Town Manager
The Agenda Setting Meeting/Monthly Workshop ended at 10:38 a.m.
Mayor Pro-Tem Janet Banks ______
Vickie Best, CMC Town Clerk