Regular Board Meeting of December 8, 2013
Board Members/Public present: (Underlined – voting members)
Andrew Rost Kim Fickett Penny Kerwin
Jennie Franceschi Mike Eugley Janice Jensen Wendy Mitchell
Members excused: Jim Seavey, Jeff Guerette
Members Absent:
Andrew Rost, President called the meeting to order at 4:10 pm at the Westbrook Little League Conference Room. Items discussed not necessarily in order of meeting:
1) Wendy:
a. A concern was raised about parent conduct during the games was raised. Specifically any practice of motivating kids to hit with monatary items. members felt this practice was something that should be addressed at the beginning of the season next year especially in light of the issues with the NFL.
2) Andrew:
a. Update on meeting with Dr. Gousse this week:
1. Meeting invited many of the organizations that use the Thursday folder system to get information out to the kids/families in Westbrook.
2. A recent incident with a organization prompted the meeting as the schools are having a tough time with the ever increasing load of materials that are going into the folders
3. It was discussed for the groups to find alternative forms of advertising- AJ, WCC tables & Boards - seasonal sports showcases?
4. Other items discussed - creating a common code of conduct for both parents/kids to sign to set similar expectations across all sports.
3) Open Elections
a. President- Andrew stated he was still interested in remaining in the seat. Motion Jennie 2nd Penny Vote: Unanimous in favor
b. Vice President - Penny stated that she would like to stay on the Board and felt this would be a good position for her. Motion Kim 2nd Jennie Vote: Unanimous in favor.
c. Treasurer: With Penny stepping down this seat is now open. Kim mentioned interest in taking this seat. Motion Penny 2nd Janice Vote: Unanimous in favor
d. League coordinator: As Jim Seavey just started this year he will continue in this role - stated via proxy. Motion Kim 2nd Penny Vote: Unanimous in favor
e. Director of Equipment: Mike stated he would be willing to stay on to help. Motion Jennie 2nd Kim Vote: Unanimous in favor
f. Fundraising: no one present voiced an interest in the seat- will remain open
g. Concessions: With Kim stepping down from this seat, Wendy Mitchell voiced her interest in taking over this seat. Motion Kim 2nd Penny Vote: Unanimous in favor
h. Current Seats filled - Secretary-Jennie, Director of Coaches-Jeff, and Director of Publicity- Janice.
4) Indoor Flag football.
a. Andrew gave a quick update on the beginning of the season.
b. Looking for additional parents to help with coaching
1. Mike E will help out on Dec 28
2. Jarrod White & Randy Mitchell also volunteered to help out.
3. Move concessions expiration to balance the board.
c. Kim to look at website to address the dates/time issues. Practice 5-6 & games Saturdays 12-2 (12-1 warm ups, 1-2 games)
d. Parents are getting shirt size to Andrew – new flag logo will be on shirts
e. Rosters and payments are getting completed.
f. Flag belts have been purchased along with additional footballs,whistles & timers
5) Financials
a. Penny will meeting with Kim to work on closing out Westbrook Tuffy Football.
b. Currently there is $19,000 in our accounts.
c. Penny said she has paid all bills to date that she has received.
d. All equipment deposits have been handed out with the exception of Doran Cameron and Maria Dorn.
6) Equipment
a. Only missing one equipment set – Cameron Doran. Mike has tried to contact and no calls have been returned.
b. Items to look at next year:
1. Purchase a new grill
2. An additional storage unit/addition to the shack?
3. A permanent storage unit
4. An additional helmet rack
5. Multiuse scoreboard
6. Lighting
a. Jennie will ask the City Planning & Codes department about ordinance requirements as it pertains to lighting.
7) Miscellaneous items
a. Portipotties – Would look to have two throughout the season and have a 3rd for the tournaments. – could we look at placing inside the gate? Could the company still service the units inside the gate?
1. Andrew needs to get the key back for our locks.
b. Potential meeting locations
1. Andrew will look into a conference room at IDEXX
2. Wendy will look into the availability of a conference room at the Public Safety building.
8) Adjournment Motion at 5:40 pm by Kim/2nd Janice– Vote: Unanimous all in favor
Next Regular Board meeting: January 12, 2013 4-5:30 pm
– Location: Westbrook Little League Conference Room off Bridge Street
Meeting will be held on the generally on the Second Sunday night of each month- the board reserves the right to schedule mid-month meeting as necessary or move our meeting due to conflicts with WLL.
(Minutes stated are in summary form and not verbatim)
Action Items from 12/08/2013 meeting or before:
ð Andrew – Submit application to SMYFL for League change
ð Andrew – Contact Portapotty company about getting back our key for our lock
ð Andrew - Contact WCC about leak in storage shed
ð Andrew – Provide Penny invoice for Lights
ð Andrew – Coordinate a meeting with Jeff & Jim on 2014 Football program coaches guide
ð Andrew – Provide Penny with all receipts for purchases made to date. (including line paint)
ð Andrew – Master First Aid kit - purchase
ð Andrew –Winter Flag Football Program 2013-2014
o Volunteer group formation
o Coordinate with Neighboring communities on joining program
ð Andrew – Take Dick’s gift certs from Kim and purchase additional items needed for winter flag and for equipment for next year. (Yard markers, end zone pylons, ice packs, water cooler to replace the JV cooler, paint, Master First Aid Kit, supplies for Winter Flag – Balls?)
ð Andrew – Set up meeting with Maria on electrical upgrades proposed for lighting and look at 2014 budget to make capital purchases in conjunction with this – scoreboard with time clock
ð Penny – Equipment refunds – Dorn & Doran
ð Penny – Financial Statement for 2013
ð Penny – Pay:
o Medal invoice
ð Penny – Close the books on the Westbrook Tuffy Football club once all invoices have been paid and funds accounted for. & are you still checking the PO box for invoices?
ð Penny - Once monthly statement arrives showing deposit info (scanned checks) for registration funds – please forward to Kim or Jennie
ð Penny – Banner for WHS Boosters? Was that ever made?
ð Penny – Returned check for fan apparel – See Kim
ð Penny – Reimburse for line paint – Andrew to provide receipts
ð Penny – Review sponsor spreadsheet in Dropbox with deposits slips made by Kim to reconcile the banners money.
ð Penny - Collection of Amato’s books from Kim & Cameron Doran
ð Kim – Sweatshirts for Amato’s prizes – hand out?
ð Kim - Start actions to begin a new club under the name of Westbrook Youth Football.
o Bank account
ð Kim - Dick’s certificates – all gone?
ð Kim – Adjust website dates & time for winter flag
ð Kim – Set up meeting with Maria, & Andrew to discuss Grant opportunities.
ð Kim – Work with Penny on Scholarship by-law language
ð Kim - In previous discussions it was mentioned that the club may wish to hire a consultant to review the organizations financial situation to determine if there is anything that we are missing to ensure we are in good standing. – Still needed?
ð Mike E. – Provide invoice to Middle School to pay for helmets.
ð Mike – Purchase an additional helmet rack
ð Mike – Equipment collection:
o Doran Cameron
o Water Coolers & Bottles from Varsity team
o Any other equipment outstanding?
o Current storage building lock is questionable – might it make since to install a better lock? Keys need to be made up for members needing access.
ð Janice – Update website – Upload code of conduct
ð Janice – Email out to members on Facebook Page – request to be part of group
ð Janice – Contact Westbrook Transportation office to find out if there is a possibility that we could rent buses to transport kids to our games?
ð Janice –
ð Jeff – Andrew to reach out to set up a meeting with Jim & himself to put together a better coach's manual for use during the 2014 season.
ð Jeff –
ð - To send receipts to all Banner sponsors.
ð - Coordinate time for Gold room/Comedy connection fundraiser
ð – Contact Tim Dame on donations from Portland Seadogs for raffle??
ð Jim S. – Andrew will coordinate a meeting with Jeff on 2014 Football program coaches guide for you to attend.
ð Jim – Winter work – 2014 Football Program Coaches guide
ð Jim – Access Dropbox & review documents
ð Jennie – Email Greg & Maria on City field list and which ones could be an opportunity for the program to take over for a capital campaign. – SENT – Discussion to continue
ð Jennie – Timer –research cost & feasibility to install on current board
ð Jennie – Scan in Summer Camp waivers & all documentation to date
ð Jennie – Picture with kids & banners – send letters
ð Jennie – Meet with City on Lighting ordinance
ð Jennie – Send out emails to: January meeting notice
Items for next Agenda:
Open Board seat- Fundraising
2013 Wrap up – Member check your outstanding items list
Winter Flag Program - update
By-laws amendments
(Minutes stated are in summary form and not verbatim)
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12/08/13 Town Hall Meeting Minutes