A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the BroctonCentralSchool District, Chautauqua County, New York, was called to order at 7:00 pm in said school district in said building on October 18, 2012.


Douglas Walter, Vice PresidentJohn W. Hertlein. Superintendent

Susan HardyJason Delcamp, K-12 Principal
David Hazelton

Todd McFaddenBetty DeLand, District Treasurer/School Business Executive

Michael RiforgiatoLinda Miller, District Clerk

Steven Smith

Thomas DeJoe, AbsentAlso: 3 Staff, 17 Public, and 7 Students

At 7:02 pm, Vice President Walter called the meeting to Order. Jessica Link, Middle School Student of the Month, led the group in the pledge to the flag. She was then introduced to the Board and presented with her plaque. Kenya Stanton, Student of the Month for High School, arrived later in the meeting and was introduced at that time.

Mr. Delcamp introduced our Foreign Exchange Students and each of them spoke about their homeland and family.

- Manuel Paramo from Spain (Conklin – Host family)

- Hannes Baur from Germany (Conklin – Host family)

- Kyoko Inagaki from Japan (Andrews – Host family)

- Kim Ye-seon from Korea (Hosmer – Host family)

- Anna Haferkemper from Germany (Lokietek – Host family)

CONSENT AGENDA - RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the minutes of the special and regular meeting of September 20th, the Special Meeting of October 4th and the September warrant, Budget Transfer Report and Revenue Report

Motion by: Mr. SmithSeconded by: Mrs. Hardy

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the agenda for the October 18, 2012 meeting with amendments.

Motion by: Mrs. HardySeconded by: Mr. Riforgiato

6 YesMotion carried

Under Public Comments, two individuals representing the Chautauqua County Stampede (adult football league/semi-pro) spoke to the Board regarding their request to use the school field for their games. The spokesperson, Mr. Andy Alynn from ShermanNY, explained the program and what it will entail. Mr. Hertlein informed the group that he has communicated with our insurance providers concerning this request and should the Board decide to approve the request, there are several requirements that must be met first.

James Wolter, resident, presented the Board with copies of its School Report Card for the last 2 years and asked questions regarding the information it contained. Mrs. DeLand attempted to answer his concerns with explanations regarding revenues, fund balances, proposed budgets, tax levies, etc. Mr. Wolter and anyone else interested were asked to please meet with school officials to learn about the budget process, etc.

Larry Spicer, resident, spoke to the Board about his concerns regarding finances also. He stated that we cannot go on the way we are going. He asked 7 questions of the Board. They concerned the management contracts; the pool; bookkeeping; where money comes from; number of kids in school district; tuition; BOCES students; and number of teachers.

Communications of the Superintendent included an update and status of the New York State Parks & Recreation Historic Preservation area located on school property. Signage is required for the designated area and Mr. Hertlein stated that the sign is ordered and should be in place very soon.

The Capital Project is moving along very well. Everyone is very busy with work being done in many different areas.

The APPR has been submitted to the State. Mr. Hertlein thanked everyone involved in completing and submitting the forms.

Julie Morrison, French teacher, addressed the Board requesting that a trip to Quebec City, Canada from May 9-12th be for BCS students of language classes be approved. She shared the proposed itinerary with the Board and fielded any questions.

Mr. Delcamp announced the Rotary Students of the Month for September and October who are John Nickerson and Jeremy Eckstrom respectively. Mr. Delcamp spoke about the Interact Club mentioning its many volunteer and service projects. He commended the sports teams on their seasons; thanked the staff for their patience during the APPR process and shared additional good news items.

On November 1st at 6:00 pm, the Board Audit Committee will meet with our auditors to review the audit report. This precedes the regular meeting. Also under Board Committee Reports, Mr. Hertlein asked that the Policy and Negotiations Committees set meeting dates.


RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent approve the following substitutes as indicated: Jordin Erickson – Teacher Substitute (Not Certified)

Emily Hohman – Teacher/Aide Substitute (Not Certified)

CarrieCave – Teacher/Aide Substitute (Not Certified)

Tamara Topliffe – Cafeteria Worker Substitute

Motion by: Mrs. HardySeconded by:Mr. Riforgiato

Discussion: Mr. Smith inquired about presenting separate resolutions for each individual instead of grouping the individuals into one resolution.

6 Yes carried.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, appoint Michael R. McGough to the position of substitute teacher for vocal music commencing September 10, 2012 until Rachel Offenbach-Smith’s return.

Motion by: Mr. SmithSeconded by: Mrs. Hardy

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the transportation requests as listed:

Ilse Ghent to Northern ChautauquaCatholicSchool

Donovan and Dylan St. George to CentralChristianAcademy

Motion by: Mr. McFaddenSeconded by: Mr. Riforgiato

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve Brandon Dix from SUNY Cortland for a 10 day on-site Field Experience with the Phys Ed Department under the direction of Mr. Terry Presto.

Motion by: Mrs. HardySeconded by: Mr. Riforgiato

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Brocton Teacher’s Association and the BroctonCentralSchool District covering the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013 and grant approval to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education President to sign completed contract.

Motion by: Mr. HazeltonSeconded by: Mrs. Hardy

6 YesMotion carried

RESOLVE that the Board of Education appoint the following individuals (students) to serve on the Advisory Committee for the Westfield-Brocton Consolidation Study beginning October 5, 2012 and ending at the completion of the consolidation study.

Makayla G. Weaver(10th grade), 8345 Rt. 380, BroctonNY14716 (716) 792-7730

Connor Dolce(11th grade), P O Box 264, BroctonNY14716 (716) 792-7257

Matthew P. Siragusa(10th grade) Alternate, 5 Harmon Avenue, BroctonNY14716 (716) 792-9936

Motion by: Mrs. HardySeconded by: Mr. Riforgiato

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the disposal of the following equipment:

-Scrap metal – value of $200.00

-John Deere tractor – value of $150.00

-Black & white photography equipment

Motion by: Mr. SmithSeconded by: Mrs. Hardy

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve members of the BroctonCentralSchool language classes to travel to Quebec City, Canada on May 9 – May 12, 2013 for the purpose of language and culture education as per their travel itinerary.

Motion by: Mr. SmithSeconded by: Mrs. Hardy

6 YesMotion carried.

RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent approve the CSE, CPSE and 504 recommendations as presented.

Motion by: Mrs. HardySeconded by: Mr. McFadden

6 YesMotion carried.

Under Public Comments, Mr. Spicer asked about the Advisory Committee’s timeline. Mr. Hertlein informed Mr. Spicer that the Advisory Committee was meeting this evening and more information would be available. The proposed timeline is available on the school’s web site.

Also, Mr. Wolter presented some additional budget questions.

ADJOURNMENT: 15284 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, adjourn the meeting of October 18, 2012 at 8:25 pm.

Motion by: Mr. RiforgiatoSeconded by: Mr. Smith

6 YesMotion carried.


Linda L Miller, District Clerk