September 19, 2009

1.  The meeting was called to order by Susan Boggs, President at 11:45 a.m.

A quorum was present.

2. Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes Review

Motion- It was moved to approve the minutes from the previous board meeting and current board meeting agenda. The motion was made by Sara Williams and seconded by Shawn Grime.

Vote- . Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

3. Policy Governance Items

Motion- It was moved to accept the board governing style, ground rules for meetings, board member roles and responsibilities, & the board member code of conduct as presented in the 2009-2010 board books.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

4. Committee Reports

a. Awards & Grants (Marc Kaminicki)- looking for nominations for AOCC awards, an idea emerged to nominate the governor for a legislative advocacy award.

b. Public Relations (Eileen McGarvey & Kris Owen)- working on a professional brochure to put on the website, working on letters & window cling gifts for school counselor week. It has been suggested that they send letters to PTOs and newspapers as well regarding school counselor week. Also, they will work on a “special edition” of the Advocate to send to principals talking about what school counselors do. Angel Rhodes, Amy Binkley-Dils & Rick Bondy expressed willingness to help with the special edition.

c. Legislative (Angel Rhodes)- working on a hand-out to leave with legislators after a visit. Angel has also looked into the possibility of changing the date of Advocacy Day so more school counselors could be there. Angel will get with Towner & Assoc. and OCA rep. to discuss. Also, she will be contacting board members to promote the grass roots effort campaign.

d. Finance (Susan Boggs on behalf of Dave Zimmerman)- will be developing policies & procedures for the financial area. Dave and Sara Williams welcome volunteers to their committee.

Motion- A motion was made to accept the final budget from last year by Shawn Grime. Judy Maver seconded the motion.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

Motion- A motion was made to accept the proposed budget outline of the 2009-2010 budget by Amanda Leszczuk. Shawn Grime seconded the motion.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

5. New Business

a.  Accept Resignation

Motion- It was moved to accept the resignation of Marcy McKendry as District 7 Director. The motion was made by Judy Maver and seconded by Sara Williams.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

b.  Accept Appointment

Motion- It was moved to accept Jim Collins as the interim director of District 12. The motion was made by Shawn Grime and seconded by Gail Logan.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

c.  Domain Based E-mail Address Purchase

Motion-It was moved to purchase domain based e-mail addresses for the board from Grant Marshall for an initial fee of $250. The motion was made by Sara Williams and seconded by Faith Kover.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

d.  Name Badge Purchase

Motion-It was moved to purchase name badges for the board as presented by Sara Williams. The motion was made by Shawn Grime and seconded by Judy Maver.

Vote- Jim Collins, Rick Bondy, Gail Logan, Angel Rhodes, Sara Williams, Judy Maver, Amanda Leszczuk, Faith Kover, Susan Boggs & Shawn Grime voted in favor of the motion.

For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0

Motion carried.

e.  Board members may be reimbursed up to $50.00 for registration, hotel, travel, or food expenses for AOCC not covered by the member’s school district. Present receipts to the treasurer for reimbursement.

There being no further business, Judy Maver motioned to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Shawn Grime. Susan Boggs, President, adjourned the board meeting at 12:35 p.m.