Meeting Notes
Meeting Name: / IN-AAMS - August 2013 Meeting / LOCATION: / IERC conferenceFacilitator: / Fred Craigin, President IN-AAMS / Recorder: / Amy Helm, SecretaryIN-AAMS
Time Keeper: / Fred Craigin, President IN-AAMS / Time Adjourned: / 1937
Date: / August 22-2013 / Next
Meeting Location: / September 10th @11:30
BOARD MEMBERS: P=Present… 50% needed for Quorum Operator PILOT Representatives Attending:
Patrick Rauscher (St Mary’s LifeFlight) / Al Hider (Air Evac LifeTeam)Keith Miller (St Mary’s LifeFlight) / Mike O’Leary ( ? )
Doug Scher (Lutheran Air) TREASURER / P / Bryan Smith (Air Methods)
LuAnn McKinley (Lutheran Air) / P / Noah Silveus (PHI)
Rodney Logan (Memorial MedFlight) / P / Daniel Paden (Air Methods) / P
Ken Nemes (Memorial MedFlight)
John Gott (Air Evac LifeTeam) / ADDITIONAL ATTENDIES:
Tim Lowe (Air Evac LifeTeam) PRESIDENT ELECT / P / Stacy Fiscus –Air Evac Life Team / P
Joe Ruley (Parkview Samaritan) / P / Stephanie Deckard / P
Mike Durr (Parkview Samaritan) / P / Karen Moulton, RCM Air Methods / P
Brian Beard (St Vincent StatFlight) / Jason Smith / P
Fred Craigin (St Vincent StatFlight) PRESIDENT / P / Jeremy McKim, Air Methods / P
Jarrod Sights (LifeLine) / Jill Mayfield, Air Methods / P
Steve Johnson (LifeLine) / Brian Carpenter, Air Methods / P
Joe Michna (Air Methods KY) / P / Sean Hickey, Air Methods / p
Amy Helm (Air Methods KY) SECRETARY / P / Lori Mayle, Air Evac Life Team / P
Agenda Item / Discussion / info / Individual responsible /
next update
Call to order / Quorum / The meeting was called to order by Fred Craigin at 1913. A Quorum was present.
Approval of minutes / The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted with no questions. Correction on the start time. / Amy Helm
Treasurer Report / Treasurer’s report was presented via email. Treasurer read report. Stopped payments made to old internet server 8/22/13. / Motion to accept treasures report by Rod and 2nd by Tim
Safety Letter / Continuing to Look to get support on a national level. Having a parent organization will help / Fred will advise back to the group.
Program Directors / More involvement from the programs Directors so we can implement the ideas we are putting out to the group. / All members
IERC / Good turn out during the round table. Good question and answers. Review of the round table was discussed and points to follow up were discussed further. Education to customers on the following: Capabilities of different air frames and IFR capabilities. Pre-Designated LZ’s were encouraged to the group from INAMMS. Surface areas safe for landing, Help getting EMS/Fire equipment back to the customers; Helicopter shopping was discussed at length. Information on IFR aircraft and education on airframes will be added to the website. Each program needs to get the Pilot to get airframe information together and send to Fred. LZ-Bring each companies LZ info to the next “sit down” meeting and share with the group. Goal is to get the same information out across the state. / All members
Training courses / FPC and CFRN refresher on course for October 4th -6th. Location will be at the pyramids with STATflight. Hotels in the area with discounts have been sent out in email with information. Fred will resend and post information on website. Test will be offered on Sunday October 6th. / Fred-Needs exact number of participants wanting to take the test so they can be ordered
Social Update / Fred and LuAnn are continuing with updates. LuAnn needs more pictures for the website. A separate page will be set up for Trauma information. Facebook-LuAnn will start a page for INAMMS / LuAnn-please send her more pictures!
INAMMS brochures / See below
LZ card / The LZ cards and brochures are printed and ready to hand out. LZ cards will be posted on website. Lutheran took care of printing. / Fred
Old Business
IDHS / Jason smith discussed the reorganization. Field staff will be governed under the state fire marshal office. Mike Garvey is the Head of EMS branch. No changes for us in the field. / Jason
Conference Call Line / One vendor has shown interest. “Roll Call”. $0.03 a minute. Will ask for a trial call next month to try their service. / Fred-will follow up with group for number if they agree
FAA Summit / Tim and rex will work on this together after the conference
DHS / NIPSBAK-Group to work on increasing mutual aide. Info will be sent to each agency to see if we have the state 800 Frequencies. Respond to fred if you have the mutual aide frequencies, VHF, UHF / Fred-follow up with fred if you have the frequencies in your helicopter.
Adjourned / Motion to adjourn / Motion by Doug 2nd by LuAnn
Next Meeting / September 10, 2013, 2013 Teleconference @ 11:30 / Fred-will send out number
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