MFOA Board Meeting

Sunday, November 9, 2014 @ 4:00 PM MCSO/EOC – Ocala, FL

Board members in attendance – A. Summers, C. Anderson, C. Dill, D. Soluri, D. Stewart,

G. Parenda,J. Law, J. Pole,K. Townsend, M. Coppock,M. Reece, R. Sullivan,

T. Bedford, T. Lee, Sr., T. Singer

Board members not in attendance –T. Adams,W. Clayton

  • Call to Order – by A. Summers. 4:06 called to order
  • Previous minutes – Motion to accept Sullivan /Coppock
  • Treasurer’s Report – J. Pole. Approved. Motion to approve Sullivan/Townsend. Discussed why cost was so high for basketball clinic-Food for players-$1527.18 over budget. Will use contingency money to cover cost.

Old Business –

  • Web page updates – - Football Registration packet has been disabled until next July 2015. Basketball Registration packet will be disabled on November 18, 2014. Both will be replaced with a pop-up message of that registration will begin July 2015. - D. Soluri
  • New Officials’ Registration Baseball & Softball forms have been posted. Discussion; Should be posted with all others at beginning of year.
  • Basketball State Clinic paperwork has been compiled and mailed to FHSAA. Done by T Adams
  • Basketball Clinic Recap – C. Anderson, M. Coppock, T, Lee, Sr. Mr Howard did great job. Anderson and Adams congratulated for hard work. Reviews were very favorable.

Al Summers has a new job description….

  • Basketball Officials Registration Update – 168 persons are currently registered under M.F.O.A. with the F.H.S.A.A. 121 officials are now properly registered with M.F.O.A. with 47 having not begun or completed with process. Lists have been forwarded to W. Clayton and broadcast through the Arbiter. Two more updates will be sent out until the final deadline of Monday, November 17, 2014. Any registrations not completed by this date will not be considered as per MFOA Policy.
  • PDF file on rules about internet media use update –posted link to site that discusses social media.
  • Football Evaluation updates – M. Reece 526 slot evaluations with 100 left to come in. Final report will be done as soon as complete. There will be a seven (7) day period for questions from membership. Final report will be used to start next year. 10 coaches participated.

New Business –

  • Baseball News – D. Stewart. Needs new site for meeting on dates-Dec 14 and Jan11. Three umpires need to be selected to attend FHSAA clinic in Jan. Deadline is Dec1. $65.00 must be collected from officials. Check will be sent to FHSAA by MFOA. MFOA is not paying for this. If they do not go there will be no refund. Field Clinic is Jan 24 at Trinity Catholic
  • Basketball News – C. Anderson, M. Coppock, & T. Lee, Sr.College clinic should not be given clinic credit. motion- The president will discuss with W Clayton present booking. If they can be taken off of the present booking do so for the month of November. If they cannot be removed from first booking they should be removed from the next booking for the remainder of November and they will not be given credit Motion to accept Sullivan/Bedford passed 6-4.

We do not officiate scrimmages of schools we do not service.

  • Basketball Evaluations – M. Reece will post in a timely manner
  • Flag Football News – G. Parenda Meetings will be on Sundays? New schedule will be posted this week.
  • Football News – T. Bedford, C. Dill, & K. Townsend 8 crews selected by MFOA. 7 crews selected by state.
  • Football Playoff Updates – W. Clayton
  • Softball News – J. Law. Slow pitch was a success. Fall ball has started at Shocker.

Field clinic will be Jan 17 at Forest High start at 8:00am. Ask that President contact FHSAA Mr. Craig Damon for permission for FHS- BHS to have a scrimmage that day.

  • Other –

Reports –

  • Suspensions/Fines/MFOA Incident Reports – T. Singer. Ricky Howard 11/7/14 incident report; Charles LaRocco -Questioned call on field by other members of crew. Argued with other officials on the field. Third time. Cannot argue around kids on the field. Made demands of AD at game for people to get off of track. $10.00 fine. Remain mindful that they are there to work with the student in a positive manner. Singer will follow through. Motion to accept; Reece/Stewart. Discussion; Recommend to state that he be removed from all playoff crews. Motion to accept Stewert/Bedford Passed 9-1
  • Other –

Adjourn – Motion to adjourn ALL seconded by ALL Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm

NOTES: Next MFOA Board meeting will be held at 5PM on Sunday, December 14, 2014

Marion County Sheriff’s Office/Emergency Operations Center in Ocala.