Eggs vs. Super Eggs

Eggs may be the most complete functional food on the planet. Eggs are common inmost diets for good reason, they are the only food we consume from which life springs and they are much more than just the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates they contain. Everything needed to create a life is in an egg in perfect balance. Now, through the work ofa dedicated group of world class nutritional life science specialists the egghas been improved…naturally!

The following information will detail how Hyperimmune eggs are different from our already wonderful table eggs.

1. Preparation - Hyperimmune eggs keep the nutrition of eggs whole, complete anduseful.Hyperimmune eggs go through a patented low heat spray drying process thatpreserves virtually all of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins (most importantly, the relevantimmune proteins and immune regulatory factors that are unique to hyperimmune eggs). Heat used to cook or process most eggs destroys much of the nutritionalvalue and, since eating raw eggs is not recommended, it is generally the only way theyare consumed. That is not the case with Hyperimmune eggs. Our low heat processeliminates the undesirable elements like salmonella while preserving the incrediblenutritional and unique immune system value of the Hyperimmune egg.

2. Immune system benefit - Hyperimmune eggs contain unique proteins that are used directly by yourimmune system to restore balanced function and maximize its efficiency. This is the first pure food that can provide both specific antibodies to protect us from invading bacteria and unique immune co-factors that bring the immune system back into balance for optimum function and protection.

Hyperimmune eggs stand apart from eggs as we know them in that they contain IgY antibodiesand immune-regulatory co-factors. IgY antibodies are the avian equivalent of mammalian IgGantibodies.These IgY antibodies and the unique immune co-factors are a major and important difference between hyperimmune eggs and normal table eggs. Together with our patented low heat processing which maintains nutritional integrity, hyperimmune eggs represent a scientific breakthrough that helps the body deal with bacteria, viruses and other invaders.However, that’s not all, the immune co-factors in hyperimmune eggs help restore innate intelligence to the immune system so that it controls inflammation effectively (chronic inflammation is now linked to virtually every chronic disease), does not attack the host (auto-immune diseases) and does not attack non-threatening particles (e.g. allergies/asthma). With hyperimmune egg as part of your diet your immune system becomes your best friend instead of your worst enemy.

The addition of hyperimmune egg to your diet has been proven to not only be effective but safe as well.The following list is a breakdown of the contents naturally found in hyperimmune egg which we market as i26 (for human and pet health) and IgY Recovery Proteins (for improved athletic performance). You’ll see that Hyperimmune eggincludesvirtually every vitamin people and pets need (except vitamin C) as well as minerals, fats and amino acids needed for healthy living.

Vitamins naturally found in Hyperimmune Egg

Note: Nothing is added to hyperimmune egg, all the nutritional ingredients listed below are natural and have been protected by our patented low heat, no chemical processing method!)

B-3 Niacin

0.075 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is required for more than 50different processes in the body. Essentially, vitamin B3 (niacin) helps the body produceenergy from the foods eaten. Vitamin B3 (niacin) makes enzymes that help the cellsturn carbohydrates into energy. Vitamin B3 (niacin) helps control the level of bloodglucose. Vitamin B3 (niacin) also acts as an “on-the-spot” antioxidant within the cells,mopping up free radicals when it is being used to release the energy within the cells.Vitamin B3 (niacin) works closely with vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)to ensure good health by keeping the skin, nervous system and digestion workingproperly.

B-2 Riboflavin

0.457 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary to produce energyinside the cells. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also vital to make two of the enzymes that arenecessary for releasing energy from the fats, proteins and carbohydrates in foodingested. Basically, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is required to keep the body alive Vitamin B2(riboflavin) regulates cell growth and reproduction as well as helping to make healthyred blood cells. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps the immune system stay healthy andvitamin B2 (riboflavin) may even help memory. The most important role that Vitamin B2(riboflavin) has, is in cell respiration – to ensure each and every cell inhales oxygen andexhales carbon dioxide in order for the cell to stay alive and healthy. Vitamin B2(riboflavin) also helps cells use energy better.



0.890 mcg

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) helps to makehealthy red blood cells. If not enough cyanocobalamin foods are consumed, not enoughred blood cells can be made and the ones that are created are too large and fragile tofunction properly. When there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygenand nutrients around the body, anaemia develops. All the cells in the body needcyanocobalamin to grow and divide properly. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is requiredto make all the different cells in the immune system, including white blood cells. VitaminB12 (cyanocobalamin) is the only B vitamin the body actually stores, mostly in the liver.The body absorbs vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) through digestive enzymes in thestomach, then binding with a substance called intrinsic factor after which it goes to thesmall intestine to be absorbed.Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) has another important role - to make the protective fattylayer, or sheath, that lines nerve cells – like insulation on electric wires, called themyelin sheath. If the nerve sheath is damaged and there is a lack of vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin), mental function can be adversely affected.

B- 5

Pantothenic Acid

1.533 mcg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic Acid) is required to make twoimportant coenzymes which help the body use fats and carbohydrates to make energy.This function enables the body to make some important hormones, to make healthy redblood cells and to make vitamin D.A form of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) calledpantethine is available in supplements. Pantethine is available to do useful things, likehelp lower high cholesterol. It has also been known to help reduce the effects of stress.

Vitamin A

540 IU

Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) is one of the Bvitamin co-factors. It assists the B vitamins to function more effectively.Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) is used to improve the way proteins are used in thebody, it assists with red blood cell formation, as well as assisting in the manufacture offolic acid in the intestines. PABA also maintains correct intestinal flora.PABA is used in sunscreen preparations since it can help protect the skin against ultravioletradiation.

B-1 Thiamin

0.040 mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in the production ofglucose (or energy) for the brain and nervous system, to ensure they are workingeffectively. Without enough energy to the brain and nervous system, a person canbecome forgetful, depressed, tired and apathetic.Vitamin B1 (thiamine) also helps to keep the heart beating strongly and healthily,because it keeps the heart muscle elastic.

B-6 Pyridoxine

0.170 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is required to convertcarbohydrates from the form they are stored, into the form that can be used for energy.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is also needed to turn the proteins that are eaten (ieaminoacids) into the proteins the body can use. Types of proteins the body needs are thingslike haemoglobin (this is what carries oxygen in the red blood cells), hormones,neurotransmitters, prostaglandins (hormone-type substances) and enzymes.

Folate (Folic Acid)

47 mcg

Folic acid is one of the B vitamin co-factors. It assiststhe B vitamins to function more effectively. Folic acid is required for DNA synthesis andcell growth and is important for red blood cell formation (it helps to make new red bloodcells work efficiently and properly), energy production as well as to help form aminoacids. It is important for healthy cell division and replication, since it is involved as acoenzyme for DNA synthesis - it is especially useful for cells that wear out and dividerapidly, such as red blood cells, skin cells and the cells that line the small intestine. Folicacid also assists in digestion, and the nervous system, and works at improving mentalas well as emotional health. Folic acid is needed to build muscles and to keep the bodystrong and in good condition. It is also required for protein metabolism and in treatingfolic acid anaemia. Folic acid is also very important in the development of the nervoussystem of a developing fetus. Basically, folic acid is needed for the normal growth andmaintenance of every cell in the body.

Vitamin E


1.050 mg

Vitamin E is required for one really important reason -to act as an antioxidant and get rid of free radicals in the body. Vitamin E is specialbecause it is especially good at protecting cell membranes against free radical damage,and because damage to the cell membranes is often the first step that can lead tocancer, heart disease and other health problems, anything that helps reduce free radicaldamage is beneficial. Since Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, it works well as anantioxidant. Cell membranes are made up of mostly fat (phospholipids), so vitamin E isable to get into the cell membrane and stop any free radicals that get through.Vitamin E, vitamin A, betacarotene and vitamin C – are the main antioxidant vitamins,that give protection against illness and disease.

Vitamin D

82 IU

Vitamin D’s most important role is to regulate how muchcalcium is absorbed from the food that is eaten and to ensure that levels of calcium areregulated properly in the body. The immune system also needs vitamin D to functioneffectively.

Lutein +Zeaxanthin

503 mcg

Lutein is a carotenoid compound which is found indark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, sorrel), plus in various fruits andcorn and also in high amounts in egg yolks.Lutein is a potent antioxidant, which scavenges for free radicals to prevent themdamaging the eyes and causing health problems for the eyes.Lutein is also present in the eye in the very back of the retina, in a small regioncalled themacular area.

Minerals naturally found in Hyperimmune Egg


56 mg

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.About 98% of the calcium in the body is in the bones, while another 1% is in teeth andthe other 1% circulates in the blood. Calcium is required all through life to keep bonesand teeth strong and healthy.


1.75 mg

Iron is required to carry oxygen in the blood. Everyone of the red blood cells in the body contains a protein called haemoglobin (four atomsof iron are attached to every atom of haemoglobin molecule). In the lungs, oxygenmolecules attach to the iron atoms and are carried to the blood cells. When the oxygenreaches its destination, it is swapped for the waste carbon monoxide and carried backto the lungs where it is removed by exhalation.


12 mg

Every cell in the body needs magnesium to produceenergy. Magnesium is required to make more than 300 different enzymes and to sendmessages along the nerves.Magnesium makes the muscles relax and that ensures the heart is healthy and beatsregularly, preventing abnormal heartbeat. Magnesium is also needed to keep bloodpressure down to normal levels.Magnesium is required so that the body can use other vitamins and minerals properly –vitamin C and calcium work better, for example, when there is sufficient magnesium inthe body.


128 mcg

Potassium, along with sodium and chloride, is anelectrolyte. An electrolyte is a mineral that dissolves in water and carries an electricalcharge. Since the body is mostly made up of water, electrolytes are found everywhere inthe body – inside the cells, in the spaces between cells, in the blood, in lymph glandsand everywhere else. Potassium has a positive charge (as does sodium, while chloridehas a negative charge). Because electrolytes have electrical charges, they can moveeasily back and forth through cell membranes. This is important because as they moveinto a cell, they carry other nutrients in with them and as they move out of it, they carryout waste products and excess water.To keep body fluid levels in balance, cells need to have a lot of potassium inside themand a lot of sodium in the fluids outside them. To keep the balance, sodium andpotassium constantly move back and forth through the cell membranes.


142 mg

Sodium, along with potassium and chloride, is anelectrolyte. An electrolyte is a mineral that dissolves in water and carries an electricalcharge. Since the body is mostly made up of water, electrolytes are found everywhere inthe body – inside the cells, in the spaces between cells, in the blood, in lymph glandsand everywhere else. Sodium has a positive charge (as does potassium, while chloridehas a negative charge). Because electrolytes have electrical charges, they can moveeasily back and forth through cell membranes. This is important because as they moveinto a cell, they carry other nutrients in with them and as they move out of it, they carryout waste products and excess water.To keep body fluid levels in balance, your cells need to have a lot of potassium insidethem and a lot of sodium in the fluids outside them. To keep the balance, sodium andpotassium constantly move back and forth through the cell membranes.


1.29 mg

Zinc is extremely important for proper functioning ofthe immune system – current research shows that zinc assist with quicker healing of the cold or flu. Zinc also keeps the skin healthy, helps preserve eyesight and might evenimprove memory. Over 200 different enzymes in the body depend on zinc to workproperly. Zinc is necessary to make many hormones, including the ones that tell theimmune system what to do when it is under attack from germs. Zinc is essential formaking hormones that control growth and for the important male hormone testosterone.There is some zinc in every one of the cells in the body, but most of it is in the skin, hair,nails and eyes (and in the prostate gland, for males).


0.072 mg

Copper is required in the formation of haemoglobin,red blood cells and for healthy bones. It helps with the formation of elastin as well ascollagen - making it necessary for wound healing. Copper works closely with iron forthese functions.Copper is a vital component of a number of essential enzymes. It is essential for energyproduction, connective tissue formation, iron metabolism, melanin formation and it alsohas an antioxidant function.Copper is also necessary for the manufacture of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline aswell as for the pigmentation of hair.


0.028 mg

Manganese is a trace mineral, which means the bodyonly needs a very small amount of it to be healthy. Manganese plays an important rolein a number of physiological processes as a constituent of some enzymes and anactivator of other enzymes. Manganese-activated enzymes play important roles in themetabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, and cholesterol.Manganese enables the body to utilize vitamin C, Vitamin B1 (thiamin) , vitamin H(biotin) as well as choline. It is used in the manufacture of fat, sex hormones and breastmilk in females. Manganese is also necessary for healthy bone and cartilagedevelopment as well as wound healing.Manganese is thought to also help neutralize free radicals as well as being ofassistance in preventing diabetes and it is also needed for normal nerve function.


30.70 mcg

Selenium is another important mineral for the healthof the thyroid gland - it helps it to work properly and reduces goitre. It is helpful infighting infections since it stimulates increased antibody response to infections andpromotes more energy in the body. Selenium is a potent antioxidant. One of the mainactivities of selenium is its anti-aging properties and its ability to help rid the body of freeradicals, as well as toxic minerals such as mercury, lead and cadmium.Selenium helps with alleviating menopausal symptoms in women and it also assistsmen in producing healthy sperm. Tissue elasticity and pancreatic function is alsodependent on this mineral.

Amino Acids naturally found in Hyperimmune Egg


0.735 g

Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a keyrole in maintaining glucose levels in the body by helping the body to convert glucoseinto energy. Alanine also eliminates excess toxins from the liver.


0.820 g

An essential amino acid -This amino acid isresponsible for a number of different body functions including immunity and hormonalfunction maintenance, healing of wounds and waste removal from thekidneys.

Aspartic Acid

1.329 g

A non-essential amino acid shown to increasestamina, fight fatigue and depression and plays a vital role in metabolism.