Board Meeting of the Trustees of Fromberg School District #6
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
A board meeting of the Board of Trustees of Fromberg School District #6 was held Tuesday evening, February 14, 2017, in the Library of Fromberg Schools.
Jerry Paughofficially called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
Members present: Jerry Paugh, Kristin Bauwens,Vanissa Barker, and John Carter.
Members absent: Lori Guenthner
Clerk Julie Jones and Superintendent Harris were present for the entire meeting.
Guests: Senior Students and Kate Warner Combs
Pledge of Allegiance
Adopt Agenda – Kristin Bauwens moved and John Carter seconded to approve the minutes from January 17, 2017 and the bills and activity report. Motion carried.
Public Comment
Board Chair– N/A
Trustees – N/A
Business Manager-
Julie Jones explained to the board that Trina Halama had wanted the school to complete an application stating how many years she taught in Fromberg for a teaching job in Hawaii. Superintendent Harris corresponded with Trina that there was still money owed by her to the school district for a broken contract and that it would be verified on the application to Hawaii. Trina Halama chose to have the broken contract placed on the application rather than paying what was owed.
Julie Jones summarized upcoming budget items with the board.
Senior Students – Two Seniors reported on the senior trip to San Francisco from April 18 to April 23rd.
Staff – N/A
Jody Bauwens Letter – re: school section
Resignation letter from Cheryl Lynn Tatum
Bartlett Canal letter regarding the annual stockholders meeting.
Superintendent’s Report
1)Resignations –Cheryl Lynn Tatum has submitted a resignation and Superintendent Harris accepted as per district policy.
2)Fromberg High School girls won the play in against Roberts. They will be playing Harlowton tomorrow morning at Huntley Project.
3)The school spelling bee was last Wednesday. The School Spelling Bee was won by Brenda Hassan. LeaunaDemarais and Jerzee Carr place second and third respectively and will participate in the Carbon County Spelling Bee in Joliet on February 22, 2017.
Old Business
1)Adopt Multi-District Cooperative District Policy 1007FE-F1
Kristin Bauwens moved to pass the District Policy 10077FE-F1 and John Carter seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
2)Weighted Grading– Superintendent Harris and Counselor Kate Warner-Combs have researched other schools that had weighted grading. They suggest that the school use a weighted grading system for online college classes, AP MTDA Classes, and MTDA classes with a greater level of difficulty. Kate Warner Combs suggested another option that would be to have grade percentages established for these classes that are differentthan regular classes offered. Kristin Bauwens moved to approve weighted grading for college classes, AP classes, and MTDA classes as determined by the Superintendent and counselor. John Carter seconded. Motion carried.
3)Senior Trip - Kristin Bauwens moved and John Carter seconded to approve the senior trip as presented.
4)Hire Junior High Boys Basketball Coach- Kristin Bauwens moved and Vanissa Barker seconded to hire Jacob Music as the Junior High Boys Basketball Coach. Motion carried.
5)YWCCSSC Preschool Agreement– Kristin Bauwens moved and Vanissa Barker seconded that YWCCSSC provides services at the Fromberg School District. Motion carried.
6)Call for Election Kristin Bauwens moved and John Carter seconded to approve the resolution calling for an electionon May 2,2017,to elect one (1) trustee for a three year term and approve additional levies to operate and maintain the Fromberg Schools for the 2017-18 school year. Motion carried.
7)Acting Principal Stipend – Superintendent Harris stated that she has relied on Kate Warner Combs to cover principal duties when she is absent for meetings and professional development. Supt. Harris recommends that Mrs. Warner-Combs receive a stipend of $4,800 per year for acting principal duties. Kristin Bauwens moved and John Carter seconded to approve the $4,800 per year stipend for Kate Warner Combs beginning for the 16-17 school year. Motion approved.
8)Request to purchase of One Acre of School Section located on Five Mile – John Carter moved to dispose the one acre parcel. No second was made. Motion died.
9)Approve High Point Support Agreement– Kristin Bauwens moved and Vanissa Barker seconded to approve the High Point Support agreement. Motion carried.
10)Approve MTSBA Membership Dues-Kristin Bauwens moved and Vanissa Barker seconded to approve the MTSBA Membership dues. Motion carried.
11)CBA/Retirement Incentive- There was discussion to offer a retirement incentive. Kristin Bauwens moved and Jerry Paugh seconded to approve a retirement incentive contingent on MTSBA’s advice. Motion carried.
There was discussion on the first proposal that the Board will be offering the FEA.
12)Superintendent Evaluation
There was discussion regarding the Superintendent Evaluation. With no concerns, it was proposed to use the same evaluation that was prepared in 2016.
Kristin Bauwens moved and Vanissa Barker seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is set for March 6, 2017 at the Fromberg High School Library at 7:00 p.m.
Board Chairman
Attest: Clerk