Board Meeting Minutes

August 6, 2013

12-1:30 pm Wellness Center

ü  Call Meeting to Order – Ginny called the meeting to order at 12:09 pm and began by expressing the gratitude of everyone on the Executive Board of the CWC to Hilary for all her service, hard work and contributions over the years. Ginny, Hilary, Peggy, Donna, Kristen and Carol present.

ü  Welcome Guests – Michelle Skrupskis and Jerry Montoya with DOH; Jacobo Martinez, Valencia County Community Development; Dubra Karnes-Padilla, Resiliency Corps./Community Gardens; and Stephanie Kozemchak, United Way.

ü  Consent Agenda – Minutes of July 8, 2013 moved to Consent Exemptions. Resiliency Corps. and YRRS Survey added under Additional items of Discussion. Peggy moved to accept Agenda as amended, Carol seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

o  Agenda

o  Minutes of July 8, 2013

o  Treasurer Report

o  Treasurer Summary

o  Coalitions Report

o  Social Media Report

ü  Consent Exemptions – Minutes of July 8, 2013. Hilary moved to amend the Minutes by adding that due to her resignation as President and Ginny Adame’s election to interim President; Hilary be removed from the US Bank account as a signer/account holder and Ginny Adame be added as such in her place. Peggy seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


·  Capacity and Plan for use of DOH funding – A short review of Health Councils and funding was provided by Jerry and Michelle as background to the latest developments.

Health Council funding was $4.5 million prior to being cut completely. This fiscal year, $1.1 million was requested, however; funding was awarded for a total of $95K statewide. David Brody contracted with DOH and developed the framework for each county in NM to produce a local community assessment. This would be used to develop a county health profile and assist the statewide health improvement plan which is needed for accreditation. A comprehensive county health assessment would cost between $15K-$50K; so for $5K an assessment could not be completed and be considered comprehensive. What could be accomplished with $5K is a Health Data Profile. Via three town hall meetings held between now and June 30th, 2014; a group of county stakeholders could prioritize community needs based on input from the county as a whole. This would also re-establish the Health Councils presence, engage the community and provide organizational development. The following year, funding allowing, a deeper level assessment may be possible. An employment position, funded by DOH for a Health Promotion Specialist in Valencia County is still in the works. The CWC as a 501-C3, can be our own fiscal agent and the County Manager can issue a statement acknowledging the CWC as the community health council.

·  Next Steps/Priorities for CWC – DOH will make their decision regarding the implementation of town hall meetings to gather assessment data for a county health profile by the end of the week. In any case, they prefer a snapshot of data to a 40 page report. CWC can determine capacity after DOH makes this decision.

·  Plans for Implementation and Sustainability - Data collected can be distributed on mini jump drives, about the size of a paper clip and used for projects or grant writing. Access and registration for healthcare changes coming in 2014 are priority. There will be Town Hall Meetings to disseminate information to the public.

·  Action Plan/Set-Date for next Meeting – Next meeting scheduled for Monday, September 9th, at 12 noon, at the Wellness Center. Tina Morrison plans to attend.

Additional Items of Discussion

·  Resiliency Corps. & YRRS Survey – The Resiliency Corps. is awaiting the chance to re-apply for the Drug-Free Communities grant in early September, and Partners in Wellness will be the fiscal agent.

The focus continues to be youth injury prevention and the group would like to keep the current model going, which, if successful, could be used by universities all across the state. The information provided by the YRRS Survey is valid, useful and valuable and will prove beneficial to change behaviors and increase resiliency factors. Dan Greene has agreed to provide notice if any Valencia County schools refuse to participate in the survey, so that they may be contacted prior to the survey administration. So far, both Belen and Los Lunas Schools have agreed to administer the survey. YRRS is understood to be a tool used to assess programs and write grants.

ü  Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.