Board Meeting- June 21, 2012
· Call To Order 6:27 pm
· In Attendance: Clyde, Lara, Hannah, Mariann, Matt, Jennifer, Valerie, Chuck, Charles, Steve, Rickie
· June 7th Minutes Approved
· Open Meeting- items
o Joe Harrington attended the Open Meeting to introduce the BoD to a fundraising opportunity he is involved in with VIP Fundraising on Drink Cards.
· Close Meeting- Meeting was closed at 6:55
Open Business:
· Larry will look to see if he can find another CPA for this year.- Open
· Larry and Chuck will work together to get Chuck a PO for his expenses. – Closed
· Chuck is looking for a better location for the Cheer for the first 2 ½ weeks of practice. - Chuck has submitted the request with no response yet.
· Tracy will see what types of deals she can get on a phone and plan for the concessions card reader.- Open
· Roly will review the existing by-laws to ensure the information contained is clear on background investigations and add any additional information which will be reviewed and voted on for the next BoD meeting on June 7th. - Roly updated the bi-laws to add a new section on Background investigations, Roly will add an additional section in there for other coaches and volunteers and send this out to the BoD. –Open
· Rickie will provide Steve with a safety overview and some links to add to the CLYFL website. - Closed, Rickie to send these links to Steve to add to the website.
· Rickie will check with GMU to see if we can use their Injury reporting system again for the 2012 season.- Open, will have an updated after July 1st
· Rickie will provide the cost for the CPR class to the BoD – Open, the cost for the new program is $22.00 per person for the online piece and an additional $60-100 for the instructor piece. Rickie is looking into this further to see if he can identify an instructor for this. – Closed- Time and date will be determined and then we will who would like to attend, coaches will also be offered this opportunity.
· Tracy will provide a breakdown of how we are doing with Sponsorships for the 2012 season to the next BoD meeting on June 7th. – Open – Tracy will send this out by EOD 6/21/12
· Mariann will send a separate breakdown for the Evaluations of the stations owners etc – Closed
· Matt will provide feedback to the head coaches on the decisions - Closed
· Matt will be contacting these coaches, parents to provide the decisions on regression/coaching - Closed
· Matt will send another blast out to see if he can determine how many additional coaches will be accepting this offer for the additional coaching clinic- Closed
· Matt will also add a few additional agenda items- Background investigations for volunteers- Closed
· Matt will be creating a proposal for how to proceed with participants that do not attend any of the evaluations – Open sent out for approval and to sit for 30 days. To be approved during July 19th meeting.
· Mariann will add an agenda items for the next BoD meeting to discuss how we will treat non-eval attending players- Closed on agenda
· Jennifer will determine what she would like to do for the Cheer coaches/safety meeting- Closed, will take place on July 21st some time and place as the football meeting.
· Chuck will follow up with John Joback to get more details on what type of background investigation is completed on referees – Open Chuck has not received any response yet.
· Roly will be setting up meetings with AYFL to talk about proposed changes to the Select program for 2013 and beyond – Open
· Chuck will reserve THS for July 28 for the draft- Closed
· Steve to confirm the draft times and Matt will communicate this information to the coaches- Closed
· Mariann will work with Valerie to come up with a way to track players by round on when they are being picked so we can share this information for coaches in future drafts- Closed, Steve/Matt to send a template to Mariann and Valerie.
New Business:
· Registration updates- We are lower than the past in A & C and Flag B league numbers are up. Valerie will send updated numbers to the BoD
· Evaluations #1- How did it go, changed needed for Eval #2?- Evaluations #1 went very smoothly; the only negative was the number of participants that showed up. This was a lot lower than what we normally see. This is more than likely due to the school schedule in the kids getting out a week earlier and family’s vacation schedules. There are only a few items that need to be changed for Eval #2
o Change in how the 40 yard dash is executed for more consistency
o Need to send a blast on parking to reduce the congestion on the mail roads into the school
o Need to change the station from Passing to Receiving
· Discussions to finalize how we will treat non-eval attending players- We have agreed to keep things status quo with the exception of adding a few additional evaluations times and will required 2/3 majority vote on if they should be in the draft or a hat pick. Matt will be sending out the update to the Bi-laws which will need to sit for 30 days.
· Coaches’ clinic- June 23, The event is schedule for this Saturday from 10:30-2 at THS.
· Coaches’ meeting- July 21, This event is schedule for THS for both football and Cheer coaches. (two separate meetings same time and location)
· Draft- July 28th – Is scheduled for THS times are as follows:
o A league 8-10:30- Coaches to arrive by 7 for final eval viewing
o B league 11-1:30- Coaches to arrive by 10:00 for final eval viewing
o C league 2-4:30- Coaches to arrive by 1:00 for final eval viewing
· Fun Fest updates- We are making progress on the Fun Fest, The next meeting is scheduled for July 9th at 5:30 at Wegman’s
· Sponsorships- Tracy will send out the current list of Sponsors we have by EOD 6/21/12. The BoD should take a look at the list and begin talking to other potential sponsors
· Jersey Mikes sponsorship- We are all set with Jersey Mikes for Fun Fest and ongoing partnership.
· Flag coaches- The list of flag coaches was reviewed, Lara will be sending out information to those coaches.
· Background checks- Rickie brought copies of the forms the coaches will need to complete and also the Recommended Criteria for Exclusion. The BoD voted to use the standard practice provided for the Exclusion results. Matt and Jennifer will send these forms out to the coaches. Rickie, Valerie and Roly will be on point for entering the coach’s information into the system for processing then shredding the forms.
· Next meeting is scheduled for July 5th 6:30, Rust Library- Due to the holiday, we will be pushing the next meeting back until July 12th. It will be at Rust Library at 6:30 in room B (conference room inside the actually library where we had the meeting last night)
Action items:
· Valerie will send out the updated Registration numbers
· Matt will communicate minor changes to volunteers for Eval #2
· Steve will send a blast before Eval #2 about parking issues
· Matt will send out proposed changes to Bi-laws on Evaluation (hat picks)
· Matt will send out communication for blast about additional evaluation times (before coaches meeting and before draft)
· Steve will send Hannah the most current list of Fun Fest volunteers
· Steve will send Lara the list from the registration system on other potential flag coaches
· Matt and Jennifer will send out to all coaches the Background investigation form and the Criteria for Exclusion.