Strategic Planning Meeting
July 23, 2011
Attendance: Rick Brown, Keith Bolton, Jodi Schneider, Phyllis Adams, Nancy Hough, Dana Wehrli, Vicki Amsinger, Evelyn Hendrix, Michelle Martin, Kevin Call, Kelly Galvin and Spencer Gohre. Absent: Christina Schuette, Ray Randolph, Terry Herring, Erica Cook, Kelly Huffman, Mary McDaniel and Christi McLaughlin.
Rick called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m., declared a simple majority present, welcomed all Board Members, called for introductions and thanked Nancy Hough for the meeting room/hospitality.
Spencer Gohre resigned as co-chair of SHRM Foundation citing distance as the culprit in light of her job in downtown St. Louis causing future participation problems.
Rick announced that our chapter won the SHRM 2010 Membership SuperStar Status award for over 10% growth and commended Phyllis for her efforts. Rick also received from SHRM signed Bylaws (amendments) to be ratified by our general membership at the September 2011 meeting.
Rick asked for review of our Mission/Vision statements which are to provide support for professional and personal growth for HR professionals. Keith would like our chapter to consider “values” as well and will check with other chapters on its use. Vicki read the chapter’s purpose from the Bylaws.
SHRM job descriptions were handed out for review. It was suggested that Communications/Recruitment work closely with Membership/Technical Support reaching out to guests and members (i.e., invitation to join Linked In group, email and maintain guest data for future transition into membership, pictorial membership directory, post free listings in community papers). It was requested that job descriptions be reviewed and come back with ideas and opinions at the next meeting.
Rick asked for a review of 2010 goals and reiterated his request for goals/metrics in tactile form for 2011.
Vicki/Technical Support summarized survey results wherein more Lindenwood students and faculty responded versus members. Also the new platform has a drawback wherein the survey tool is subpar (I.e., no counter). In 2011, wants online payment options and survey sent out after every meeting.
Kelly/SHRM Foundation said historically the annual contributions have been $40 and $125 but still has not heard confirmation or matching funds from SHRM. Kelly will follow-up. In 2011, Kelly plans to raise the monetary goal and achieve this goal via communication (of where the money is spent) and presentation.
Dana/College Relations disappointedly reported zero applicants for scholarship and cited the practice of “stacking” scholarship monies as the possible deterrent. (The “stacking” practice used by Lindenwood and other universities reduces aggregate scholarship money awards.) In 2011, the Board may consider awarding with gift cards to four applicants at $250 each to be used for books/supplies using the same criteria as the monetary award.
Michelle/Workforce Readiness worked with Kim Grothaus on a project to adopt three (3) Joplin classroomsto be presented at State Conference in August.
Keith/President-Elect has filled in for Rick a couple of times and is attending State SHRM. Keith has helped with community projects along with Dana, Vicki and Terry. In 2011, Keith joined MEC and will work with Michelle oncross-over group activities and put together a Chapter award program for Leadership and Volunteer awards.
Nancy/Program accomplished goal of HR certification credits for programs. In 2011, Nancy will put together program and request credits all at one time for the year.
Phyllis/Membership achieved goals of membership committee members at registration table, name tags for members, business cards and membership renewal goals. In 2011, Phyllis will work at State SHRM Membership table and kicking off a Chapter membership drive campaign.
Kevin/Communications-Recruitment is getting ideas of what committee needs to accomplish. Will contact Kelly co-Chair to discuss goals for 2011.
Evelyn/HRCI-Certification will find out/track PHR/SPHR/GPHR members who want to gain and coordinate recertification credits. In 2011, plans to hand out flyer with the recertification number assigned to the monthly program and will communicate local resources for study groups and availability of books to membership via website and Linked In.
Jodi/Secretary will continue preparing minutes, powerpoints, take-home meeting programs and required filings with State/National SHRM. In 2011, add reference to Linked In group and job opportunities on take-home programs, Historian duties and developing a pictorial directory with Membership.
Rick wants projected income/expenditures for the 2011/2012 year. Even though Finance and Treasurer were absent, Michelle submitted a physical budget to Rick and reported the monthly bank statement balance of $6,292.12—after $1,000 to American Red Cross. Treasurer via Rick reported a checkbook balance of $4,418.69 after paying promotional items.
For today’s purposes, the Board budgeted strictly from projected income. To begin projected revenue for the year was estimated as $25 renewal membership of 120 members plus two (2) payments from SHRM totaling $3,700.
Expenditures by line item include:
Lindenwood HR Club (already approved this calendar year)$ 300.00
Survey Monkey$ 204.00
Support President (State Conference hotel expense) and President and three (3) Board
members mileage four (4) meetings a year required by State ($45 x 4) if not reimbursed
by State$1,050.00
Speaker Fees$1,500.00
Pay Online (Google Checkout)$ 250.00
Promotional items$ 250.00
Volunteer and Leadership Chapters Awards/gift cards$ 175.00
Membership Drive/gift card$ 100.00
Communications$ 250.00
Post Office Box$ 72.00
It became obvious that projected revenue did not cover expenditures. An option to increase revenue would be to encourage vendor sponsorship @ $250 for each occurrence. Kevin mentioned that many speakers at the State Conference speak pro bono just for the exposure which may be explored. After discussing the next year’s budget we also reaffirmed there was $670 allocated to buy one set of PHR/SPHR study materials for the chapter which will be spent this summer. A Budget subcommittee needs to be formed.
Dana offered the Country Club facility as an alternative for a consistent meeting room (no AV available) all year and/or the Cultural Center (no food or drink). The Board discussed and chose the Country Club as option 1; Spellman Center/Hyland as Option 2; and the Cultural Center as option 3.
Spencer made a MOTION to accept the Board meeting Minutes of May 11, 2011, Keith seconded the motion. Rick called for a vote, all ayes.
Rick handed out the Lewis & Clark Chapter Conflict of Interest Policy and asked each Board member to review, ask questions and if they agreed to comply then execute and return the Annual Conflict of Interest Statement form.
Spencer made a MOTION to adjourn, Evelyn seconded. Rick called for a vote, all ayes. Meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.
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