
Board Assessment Survey (To be completed by each board member)

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly
Disagree / Don’t Know / Comments
How board time is spent
The Board has clear goals and an action plan for its own work based on the organization’s strategic plan.
Board meeting agendas focus on the most important strategic issues facing the organization; tactical issues are not discussed.
The Board thoroughly examines the pros and cons of all major issues and makes fully informed decisions based on information that includes a variety of sources outside of the organization.
Board meetings are productive, well organized and allow enough time for thorough discussion. Broad participation and active thinking are encouraged.
Individual Member Responsibilities
I am an informed advocate for (organization). I have the specific information and data I need to talk knowledgeably about our services and positions in the communities in which I travel.
There is a clear policy regarding expectations of board members’ participation in fundraising.
Board Development and Recruitment
The expertise, skills, relationships and other factors needed for this board to be effective are adequately represented among our members.
Our recruitment plan ensures that we have the diversity required to effectively represent (organization’s) stakeholders and to develop and support our strategic plan. Future leadership needs are taken into consideration.
Board/Executive Partnership
The board and chief executive officer work in partnership with well-defined roles for the benefit of the organization.
The board has discussed and approved a succession strategy so that there is a clear course of action designed to minimize the disruption caused by a transition to new leadership.
We monitor and evaluate organizational effectiveness based on pre-determined criteria.
The board regularly assesses its performance and that of individual members based on expectations tailored to the interests and abilities of each member, and (organization’s) goals .
Board engagement
I understand what is expected of me as a board member.
The organization uses my skills appropriately.
I feel recognized and appreciated for my contributions to the Board.

Results of this survey are useful in establishing priorities for the board’s continuous improvement in governance. Following compilation of results, it is worth dedicating some board discussion time to ensure that members have an opportunity to clarify and expand on comments, and to suggest ways to improve board effectiveness.