Bo’ness Community Council
Minutes of Meeting 14th May, 2008
Upper Room Bo’ness Library
Present: Madelene Hunt (Convenor), Bill Kelly (Vice-Convenor), Len Ainslie, Margaret Bennett, Ian Don, Gail Fairholm, David Findlay, Malcolm Gilfillan, Stuart McAllister, Anne Nimmo and Walter Stanners.
In attendance: Cllr. Harry Constable, Cllr. John Constable, Cllr. Adrian Mahoney, PC Bryan Mackie CSP and members of the public
Apologies: Bill Bruce, Roslynne O’Connor and Ann Ritchie
PC Brian Mackie CSP
Brian informed members of BCC that he is now back on full operational duties in Bo’ness and he should be able to regularly attend our meetings.
He reported that there had been 49 undetected crimes, the majority of which were vandalism. There has also been a rise in car crimes (3) and the theft of a motor vehicle in the Dean Road area. There has been 64 detected crimes involving motoring offences/vandalism/theft.
The Drum Farm buildings have now been boarded up and this should reduce the youth disorder issues in that area. Other hotspots for youth related issues are Redbrae Avenue, Mingle Place and the town centre. Chief Inspector Lawrie is now in charge of the Falkirk/Grangemouth/Bo’ness Command Area.
Egg throwing by youths had been reported by residents of Deanburn and Livingstone Drive.
Madelene enquired if the Police could intervene with the parking problems in Jamieson Avenue (especially near the shops with cars parking on the footpaths). Brian agreed to speak to his colleagues within the Traffic Dept. and Falkirk Council Roads Dept. to see if this matter required monitoring.
Ian Don submitted the current financial position.
BCC£714.37Mining Memorial£320.63
Len Ainslie
The next Bo’ness Fair Exec. Meeting is on Monday 19th May and the Fair Committee are looking for volunteers to act as stewards on the Fair Day.
Monday 19th May, Bo’ness Foreshore Development Meeting - open to nominated members of the public only.
I was very impressed with the turnout at the last Bo’ness Area Forum and matters on the Agenda that were of particular interest to me were the Foreshore Development and the introduction of the New Licensing Act.
David Findlay
No report
Walter Stanners
I’m still pursuing the pavement issue with the new development proposed for construction at Cumloudon. After consulting with the developers, they have assured me that a pavement will be included within the project.
Cllr. Mahoney gave me the contact details for Steve Rolfe and I duly visited him at Municipal Buildings, Falkirk. I have been asked to sit on a panel of members which decides which groups should receive funding from the Fairer Scotland Initiative. Deanfield is the area in Bo’ness that I’m particularly interested in (the criteria for funding are that the areas must have a higher crime rate and several residents be unable to pay the Council Tax).
I can inform you that the continuing saga of the shrubs and trees around the Mining Memorial should soon be resolved. Phillip Harris from Falkirk Council will make the necessary arrangements for the work to be done and hopefully this should help satisfy some of my ex mining colleagues who consider the memorial a disgrace at present.
Cllr. Mahoney
Plans to create a HeritagePark at Kinneil Estate were suggested by Cllrs. John and Harry Constable under discussion of Bo’ness Local plan. How can we best use the assets of Kinneil Estate, working with the Scottish Government, Bo’ness Community Council and Friends of Kinneil?
Traffic calming measures on Carriden Brae were also raised but this presents problems due to the nature of the road and its bends.
The Concessionary Travel Scheme operated by the Scottish Government and Falkirk Council, will now allow users with a valid bus pass to receive ½ price rail travel locally but only at weekends..
Nothing would be signed with the contractor ING until the consultation process has taken place for the new Foreshore Development. It’s now up to the Bo’ness public to make their concerns known about the development. The 6 storey buildings on the draft drawings are raising concern but are only proposals. Any applications for the foreshore will obviously have to receive planning consent and there is always the objection process.
The current Administration has no intention to commence car parking charges in Bo’ness.
Len Ainslie
As far as the school is concerned the Area Forum has a 9pm finish because of the staffwho are employed to be present during the meeting and I’m sorry if certain individuals felt that they were not able to express their views and I also believe the fact that INGrepresentatives
werenot present was a disgrace.
Gail Fairholm
I have 88 baskets ordered for the town centre and I still have 12 more to get. I’m also still waiting on information from roads dept. to see if I can place large planters in various locations.
Cllr. John Constable
The full Falkirk Council has now met and held discussions and agreed that the Administration should accept the new deal demanded by ING. Both I and my brother Cllr. Harry Constable moved an amendment that agreed that there be no final decision until the Bo’ness public had been consulted.
I have written to the Chief Exec requiring her to inform me what format the consultation exercise will take also to Cllr. Gow the Leader of the Council seeking an assurance that the Administration will accept whatever verdict the Bo’ness public reach on this matter.
Bo’ness Area Forum
This meeting has been held and bordered on farce with no ING representative in attendance. The Leader of the Council was also very unhelpful.
Drum Farm
SNH have recently asked the developer for more information regarding the badgers set. There have been around 100 objections to this new development and there is a danger of the developer lodging an appeal and taking the local decisions out of our hands.
Local Plan
The Local Plan will go forward to a Public Enquiry and the HeritageTheme Park and any other proposals for Kinneil Estate and traffic calming in Carriden Brae will hopefully be revisited.
Proposals for extending the streetscape enhancement works further in the town centre have received £250,000 in funding from Falkirk Council.
Car Parking Charges
A petition signed by close to 1,000 town centre users and traders, calling for a policy decision by the Administration to rule out the introduction of car parking charges havebeen lodged.
Cllr. Harry Constable
I would just like to reiterate what Cllr. John Constable has said.
Gail Fairholm
I believe that political debates between the various Councillors should not be discussed at Bo’ness Community Council Meetings.
Margaret Bennett
The Churches Together Group is working hard. Last Saturday we had a Prayer Walk and on Sunday evening there was a joint Pentecost Service in Bo’ness Old Kirk, which was well attended.
Anne Nimmo
Neighbourhood Watch are hoping to start a new group in the Deanfield area of the town.
Stuart McAllister
The next Meeting of the Falkirk Access Forum will be an outside visit to one of the designated areas for upgrade of the Core Path Plan within the Falkirk Council Area. Falkirk Council will provide transport from Falkirk and I will give a report of my visit at a forthcoming BCC Meeting.
Bill Kelly
No report
Madelene Hunt - Planning Applications
Application lodged to build a house next to the 007 Motor Museum.
Old Tourist Information Office – retrospective application lodged for change of use to a Church.
Community Planning Bo’ness/Blackness - Mapping your Future event, Bo’ness Town Hall - Tuesday 27th May from 2pm to 8pm. Transport and crèche available
Falkirk Area - earmarked for funding through Heritage Lottery Funding
Draft scheme of establishment of Community Councils and draft code of conduct for Community Councillors consultation document received.
Save our Phone Boxes Campaign info.
Madelene Hunt - Why has there been scaffolding around the corner of Hope Street/North Streetsince October and no work been carried out as yet.
Cllr. John Constable & Bill Kelly-funding is available from Falkirk Council for special projects.
Madelene Hunt - Victorian Street Fair looking for volunteers to assemble stalls.
Cllr. Mahoney -Hippodrome will not be open on day of Victorian Street Fairas it would require a lot of manpower due to numbers expected. It is hoped to have a Heritage stall to help raise awareness of THI in Bo’ness.
Len Ainslie - What do offenders actually do when they receive a Community Service punishment?
Cllr. John Constable- will be contacting CEO Falkirk Council re: issues with damage to the Wynd wall.
Madelene Hunt - Received notification of next Falkirk District Safety Panel AGM- Tuesday 20th at 7.30pm in the Municipal Buildings
A letter should be drafted and dropped into every household regarding the details of the consultation process for the Foreshore Development.
BCC should organise a public meeting provided we can get representatives from ING to be present. Should preferably be held in premises with disabled access.
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.