Personal Narrative Project

Essential Question: How does a person’s environment influence their identity?

Within the narrative project, you will tell a story from your life that answers the Essential Question. Utilize the Plot Diagram, Sensory Language organizer, and Figurative Language organizer to support you through this process. This narrative project will count toward your final grade, so it is important you follow all directions carefully.

If you have any questions, please ask and stay for tutoring.

Narrative Project Guidelines:

Must be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, 12 pt font, double spaced (approximately 600 words)

*The story should be a maximum of 4 pages double spaced

The story must have a creative title

The narrative should contain the plot structure: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution

The story should be told in first person (I, me, we)

There must be sensory language (All 5 senses should be included)

Whenever you use sensory language underline the word or phrase

There must be figurative language (Both similes and metaphors)

There must be 2 similes and 2 metaphors

Highlight similes in one color,highlight metaphors in a different color

**Include a key to show which is which**

The narrative must show a clear connection to the Essential Question, which will be described in the conclusion

There must be an illustrative cover (It may be drawings, digital art, photography, collages, etc) that also includes the title and author

All work must be completed for the Narrative Project to count

The Narrative Project is due:

Odds: Thursday September 24th

Evens: Friday September 25th

On the day the narratives are due you will be presenting a summary of your narrative.

For the Narrative Project you will be graded on:

1. The plot structure’s sequence of events

2. Sensory language

3. Figurative language

4. Conclusion connection to the Essential Question

5. Overall following of instructions, meeting of criteria, and professionalism of work within typing, signals, and cover page

The Conclusion:

At the end of the story, your conclusion should give the reader an idea of how the story ended, what has happened since then, etc. You also must include a description of how your story connects to the Essential Question.

  • This means in a minimum of 4 sentences of your conclusion, you must explain how this story illustrates how your environment has influenced your identity. What part of your environment was this story discussing (a person?, a place?, a family tradition?, etc)?
  • How did it influence your identity (did it change your personality?, did it inspire you?, did it teach you a lesson, etc)?