BMW Motorrad Club Cape

Club Meeting Minutes

28 February 2018

  • Please sign book
  • Suggestions, comments, feedback welcome at the back of the book please
  • Special welcome to the guests present
  • Apologies – Geoff Russell
  • 29 November 2017 – Proposer is Johan and Seconded by David
  • 31 January 2018 – Night ride

31 January 2018 / 28 February 2018
Dirk & Liese le Roux / Anton le Roux
Mike van Wyk / Humphrey Bande = present
Rosalind Stanley / Sven Petersen
Cobus Theron / Calvin Theron
Matthew Fouche / Lizette Monteith
Robin McConnell / Carl Koch
Anton Caswell / WilnaVivier - present
Peter Haarhoff - present / Claire Barker - present
Brian White / SunelZhuanBeeselaar
De La Harpe de Villiers / Colin Ward
Les Milner
Baron Dedricks
Marietjie Nortje

Name / Bike / Present
Wesley / GS Adventure / Yes
Ebert / Yes
  1. Blesfontein 3-day Karoo hospitality - Anna-Marie Wilken
  2. #1000km in a day - Garry van As
  3. Lambert’s Bay Leaves Us Longing - Jani Casteling
  4. ATGATT... Me? Naahh! - Jinx Louw
  5. Baviaanskloof Kareedouw side entry - Zanie Cilliers
  6. Riding the Trans Cape MTB on a GSA - Tony Schlee

This month’s winner: Anne-Marie Wilken


  • The late Russell Rathbone for the floating trophy
  • Audio Lens will print an A1 canvas image of the winners choice1
  • 3 December 2017 - Training Off Road Day: Lev 1, 2, Pillion – Anne-Marie/John
  • 21 January 2018 – Club Breakfast Ride – Neels
  • 27-28 January 2018 - Easy Off Road Overnight Ride to RooibergLodge - Geoff
  • 31 January 2018 – Club Meeting Night Ride – Neels Wilken - 38 Bikes!
  • 4 February 2018 - Club Breakfast Ride –David – Trails End in Grabouw
  • 10 February 2018 – Lamberts Bay Overnight – Ian – 46 people – 33 bikes
  • 17 February 2018 – GS Trophy – hosted by Donford. 22 entrants from Cape Town. Good support. Probably lead to requests to host more in future – two teams
  • 18 February 2018 - Club Breakfast Ride to Tulbach- Wouter
  • 23 February 2018 – Ladies event: Rally in the Valley – Anne-Marie – 20 ladies
  • 2 March: Cancervive Night ride - Annemarie
  • 4 March: BMW Club Breakfast Run - Neels
  • 18 March: BMW Club Breakfast Run – Geoff
  • 21 March: BMW Club - Off-Road Day Ride – Neels & Carel
  • 28 March: BMW Club Annual General Meeting
  • 5 July – 16 July 2018 - BMW Motorrad Days 2018 Epic Alps Tour – Ian Closed for entry due to no bikes being available.
  • 11 Marc – BMW will marshall the Argus Cycle Tour

27 April…Hoggs back had to be cancelled as they are fullbooked. We will put it on the calendar for April 2018 and start taking bookings from June/July 2018. Deposits will secure. Instead of Hoggs Back – GR taking trip to Transkei/Lesotho/Eastern Cape instead. Six days leave. Pillion friendly and off road. Please see website for more details.

Yolandi raises questions around GS Trophy in Montague. Entry is very expensive and queries whether day passes are available. NW meeting with DdB on Saturday and will get more details to share on forum. Gary advises that there is accommodation available at Avalon Springs to attend the event. John adds that the event is open to road and off-road riders and that there are routes both across the 3-day event. Entertainment will be included in the cost.

Neels advises all members to remember that the next meeting is the Clubs AGM and that a new committee must be selected. Two of the current Committee is not standing - Neels and Craig. Suggest that members put up their hand to represent this club. Please contact Neels directly to advise. If you nominate someone, please check that they are willing to serve.

Meeting closed at 09h10

Next Meeting –28 March 2018