BMFS Competition Guidelines

Here is a competition guideline we hope will be helpful for skaters and parents who are interested in competing.

The following criteria must be met before any skater can represent the Blue Mound Figure Skaters and the Blue Mound Ice Arena at a sanctioned competition.

  1. You must be officially tested at a level you are capable of competing at by a higher level coach at least two weeks in advance of the competition registration deadline.
  1. You must have a coach and be willing to pay for and take private lessons. Attached is a list of available coaches. All competitors, except first year competitors, must pay a $150 competitor’s fee and participate in the arena fundraiser. This fee helps to cover the cost of the ice as well as paying the team liaison. Ice time on Saturday morning starts at 6:00am.We have the ice broken up into two sessions 6-8:00am and 8:15-10:15am for safety reasons. Skaters must choose a session to skate on. Only competitors are able to use the ice until 9:00am. After 9:00, all club membersmay skate. Additional competitor's ice is available on Wednesday from 6:15-7:15PM and Wednesday mornings from 6-7AM.
  1. You and your coach need to decide which and how many events you would like to compete in. This needs to be a realistic goal. Your coach knows which events are available at each competition for your level. Until you are in the freestyle levels you are limited to a program to music, stroking, and spotlight events. Some competitions do have Jump N Spin for the lower levels. In freestyle you can also do footwork, solo compulsories, interpretive, open freestyle, and team compulsories. Your coach can explain these events to you and you can also get an ISI rules book which has all this info plus more!!
  1. In order to compete, you need to fill out a registration form for each competition. The form needs to be signed by you and your parents a week before the registration deadline and turned into your coach for verification and completion. The team liaison then signs the form and sends it in to the competition director. All skaters pay an ISI registration fee when they sign up for lessons in the fall.
  1. Once you choose to compete, you have made a commitment to yourself, your coach, and to BMFS. As a result, you have to be at a portion of Saturday morning or weekday morning ice times. You can also work hard on Monday nights and at open skate, which are great times for practicing elements. There is also ice available some mornings before school starts. To make use of this time as well as other open figure skating times, you must have an arena membership. There may also be some ice time available at our neighboring rinks. The skaters will be notified of these times.

**Saturday morning ice time is split into two sessions 6-8:00 and 8:15-10:15. Please make contact your coach as to which session you should attend.

  1. A major part of competing is choosing appropriate music. In doing this, pick out 3 selections you like and share them with your coach for final approval. ALL music must be approved. Coaches are responsible for cutting the music. Your coach will know how long the music for your event will be. This information is also available in the ISI handbook.
  1. Once your music has been chosen and approved, choreographing the music is the next step. Your coach is responsible for the majority of it. Your input is essential in this process also.
  1. Costumes are another vital part of competing. Your costume needs to be chosen soon after you decide to compete. Your coach should help you make an appropriate choice in costumes.
  1. Since you are a representative of BMFS and BMIA, we expect you to behave, at all times, on and off the ice, with good sportsmanship and by making right choices. We will tolerate nothing less! Eligibility and ineligibility to compete will be decided by your coach on a case by case basis.
  1. It’s important to come and watch and support your fellow teammates at competition. We need to cheer each other on.
  1. And lastly, each competitor is unique and talented in their own way. Be proud of yourself, your talents, BMFS and have fun and enjoy yourself! Remember, you grow with every experience on the ice, good or bad.

Private Lessons

Rates & lesson times are to be arranged with the coach directly.

Feel free to contact any coaches with questions or to set up a lesson time.

Coaches Contact Information:

Cathy Shearer


Katie Kopp


Sabrina Sowles


Sarah Nuffer


Courtney DeBoer


1. Let your private lesson coach know if you are interested in competing and the number of competitions you plan to attend.

2. There are additional fees to be a competitor skater. (Entry fee, travel expense, coaches fees) Please talk with your coach ahead of time so that you’re aware of what is involved.

3. If a lesson is arranged with the coach and the skater misses their lesson without notice to the coach regular lesson fees still apply.

4. ISI competitions offer a wide variety of events for your skater to compete in. Please let your coaches know what you’re interested in, they can also help make suggestions and explain the different events offered. You can compete in as little or as many events as you want but make sure you & your coach make the decisions together.

5. Questions-PLEASE ASK! 