QuitCore Info Sheet

December 11, 2018
Combining behavioral support such as that offered through AlbertaQuits with the use of NRTs, Champix, or Zyban increases an individual’s chances of quitting successfully when compared to using one quit method alone.

BlueCross tobacco cessation pharmacology funding support

By taking part in QuitCore, participants who commit to attend the full program can also access financial supports for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or prescription cessation medication such as Champix (varenicline) or Zyban (bupropion SR).
This is a specific enhancement to the QuitCore program and is not available separately from the program. You are eligible for this support even if you have other group benefits or have coverage through one of the Alberta Health medication coverage programs.
The enhanced cessation medication support is provided in a partnership between the AHS Tobacco Reduction Program and Alberta BlueCross.

How do I get the pharmacology funding support?

1. When you complete your QuitCore intake form, indicate your interest in enrolling for this support by checking ‘yes’ and fill in your personal health care number.
2. You will usually receive your QuitCore BlueCross card from your group facilitator during Session Four or Five.
3. When you receive your card you will also receive a letter identifying that each of the five types of NRT, and all brand names, are covered through this program. You will not be required to have a prescription for the NRT (which is different from most benefit programs) but you will need a prescription if you and your prescriber choose to use Champix (varenicline) or Zyban (bupropion SR). It is recommended you take your letter with your card when you go to your pharmacy.
4. Take your QuitCore card to a community pharmacy/pharmacist of your choice and work with the pharmacist to get the right products to help you minimize withdrawal as you make the behavior pattern changes needed to reduce and stop smoking.

What will the card provide?

Your card will cover a maximum of $500 dollars of NRT, Champix or Zyban and the card expires seven months after it has been generated. You are only eligible for one QuitCore BlueCross card in a twelve month period. If you come back to attend QuitCore twelve months, or more, after your first card is generated you will be eligible to get another card.
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Other important considerations

  • If you are taking any prescription, or over the counter medications, it is important for your pharmacist and physician to know that you are reducing and stopping smoking. Some medications are processed differently when a person smokes - and when they quit - so it is important that these medications are monitored and changed by a prescribing health care provider familiar with your care.
  • When a pharmacy bills a benefit program for medication they are eligible to bill a dispensing fee for each medication. This includes nicotine replacement therapy. This dispensing fee will be billed against your $500 dollar maximum and will not be charged to you directly.
  • The Alberta Pharmacy Association, Alberta Health, and BlueCross have an agreement establishing the price range which can be charged for each medication covered under BlueCross medication programs. Your pharmacist will use this range when billing your QuitCore BlueCross card for your NRT or prescription medication. For this reason there is no purpose in comparing promotional prices at different stores as they do not apply when billing medication to a coverage program.