Incident Information
Angeles National Forest
Daily Update 9/8/02, 6:00 AM
Incident Information Contacts:phone (626) 821-6701or 6702, 6703
A weak high-pressure ridge will bring light winds, warmer temperatures and lower humidity. Most of the work will be focused on areas around Throop Peak. Crews are preparing a containment line for a potential burning operation on Monday. Structure protection and mop up and securing existing constructed fireline will continue. Much of the remaining fire perimeter is cold.
The spike camp at Grassy Hollow Visitor Center has been moved to Table Mountain. The spike camp was established to reduce the time needed to travel between Base Camp and the fire line and to reduce the chance of injury or damage to vehicles from having to travel along the Angeles Crest Highway 2 and Highway 39.
The Curve Fire investigation team has concluded that candles associated with a ritual involving the use of fire and animal sacrifices started the fire. Anyone having any information relating to this incident is asked to call Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations at (626) 574-5351.
Closed roads include: Highway 39 from the San Gabriel Entrance Station to the Angeles Crest Highway 2, The Angeles Crest Highway 2 is closed from Vincent Gap to Kratka Ridge. Work will begin today to clear the access roads to cabin areas. The intent is to start escorting cabin owners in as early as next week.
Operational personnel discovered that the fire destroyed The South Mountain Hawkins Lookout. The lookout overlooked the Sheep mountain Wilderness and Crystal Lake Recreation Area.
A total of 72 structures were destroyed in the San Gabriel Canyon between Rincon and the Angeles Crest Highway. The assessment team identified 50 special use cabins were destroyed and 19 structures in the Falling Springs Resort area. These structures were seasonal special use cabins or outbuildings and three Forest Service administrative buildings. Structures are still at risk from active burning within the fire perimeter.
Cooperating agencies contributing to the suppression efforts include: California Highway Patrol, Cal Trans, Southern California Edison, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and Red Cross.
The website has been updated with maps, photos and links.
Start Time: / 9/1/02, 12:35 pm
Location: / The fire is currently burning in the San Gabriel Canyon, along Highway 39, south of Highway 2, and east into the Sheep Mountain Wilderness.
Cause of Fire: / Human
Area Vegetation: / Heavy chaparral in steep, rugged terrain
Acres Burned: / 18,893
Structures Burned: / 73
Roads Closed: / Highway 39 at Entrance Station and East Fork Road (Open to residents with identification). Highway 2 is closed at Kratka Ridge on the West and Vincent Gap on the East.
% Contained: / 65%
Target Containment: / September 10, 2002 @ 6:00 PM
Injuries: / 5
Temperatures & Relative Humidity: / 75-90degrees, RH 10-20%
Wind Speeds: / 8-15 mph
Wind Direction: / S-SW
Condition of Fire: / See information above
# of Engines: / 76
# of Bulldozers: / 0
# of Hand crews: / 56
# of Helicopters: / 14
# of Air Tankers: / 5
# of Water Tenders: / 26
Total # of Personnel: / 1,938
Angeles National Forest
Fire Information Number (626) 969-5163