HA1109 review

Blue Angels F6F-5 Hellcat

I’m not going to get into any thing technical about this model or any model for that matter. I’m looking for something that is visually appealing, a good paint and markings application and parts that fit well. Just the general things most average collectors will look for and appreciate. I’ll leave any technical points of view up to others.

This is the long awaited Hobby Master Blue Angel F6F-5 “Hellcat”. This model along with their release of the Blue Angels A-4F definitely is worth taking a look at. Hobby Master has produced a masterpiece with exquisite paint and markings that are absolutely flawless. I like the fact that you can read the name of the pilot on the side of the canopy.

The canopy is clear and opens to a well finished cockpit with all the features we expect to find. Hobby Master even took the time to paint the harness and that really stands out. The model can be displayed in an open or closed canopy option. This model comes with a pilot figure to complete the look most collectors want to see, a plane with a pilot.

All the parts fit very snug and are easily assembled in their little slots. The fit of all the components are very good and don’t leave any sort of gap or spaces. The propeller is free spinning and fits without any prop droop. There are no major parts of the fuselage that aren’t metal, that’s right, the entire fuselage, wings and tail are all metal and you know what that means, this is a heavy model.

Displayed on the stand or off this model looks great. You can display the model with the wheels up or down. Since this is a demonstration team plane there are no center-line tanks provided that you have to exclude when displaying the model on the stand.

Just like the Blue Angels A-4F that Hobby Master has released I’m looking for something that I can say is a problem but with this model I simply can’t find a thing. This plane along with the A-4F will make a very striking pair and I’m sure Hobby Master will follow these two models with a Blue Angels F-4. Since there are only 1,000 pieces worldwide I’m sure all the Blue Angel and F6F lovers will snatch these up very quickly. Well what are you waiting for, go get your now!!

All opinions expressed in this review and on the Hobby Master Collector website are those of the site owner and do not necessarily reflect those of Hobby Master Limited. My HMC site is a personal collection of models and opinions and is solely financed by me with no outside funds going to finance it. This is why you won’t find any paid advertising spam or pop-ups.