



Week beginning: 8 January 2018

Answer the following questions in a single full sentence:

  1. What is a pilgrimage?
  1. Give two reasons why a religious believer may go on a pilgrimage.
  1. Which country is Lourdes in?
  1. Which country is Iona in?
  1. Which river is important to Hindu’s in India?
  1. Which religious believers go to Mecca on their Pilgrimage?
  1. What is the name of the black box in the middle of the Grand Mosque in Mecca?
  1. Who saw visions of Mary in Lourdes?
  1. What denominations (group) of Christians visit Lourdes?
  1. Where is the Sacred Rat Temple?

Answer the following in full sentences giving reasons for, against and your own opinion:

  1. ‘Pilgrimage is a waste of time’. To what extent do you agree?
  1. ‘All Muslims should Visit Mecca once in their life’. To what extent do you agree


Week beginning: 15 January 2018

Quick quiz – answer following in sentences:

  1. What is ‘Day of the Dead’?
  1. When and where does ‘Day of the Dead’ take place?
  1. How does the ‘Day of the Dead’ differ to our customs?
  1. What key symbols are used to decorate the skulls?
  1. What is pattern?
  1. Why are the skulls created and decorated?

More detail – answer the following in FULL sentences:

  1. What materials could be used to create ‘Day of the Dead’ skulls?
  1. What key words would you use to describe your ‘Dead of the Dead’ skull design?
  1. Name an artist who is inspired by ‘Day of the Dead’.
  1. Describe the work of the artist, using Art Vocabulary: Line, Shape, Colour, Pattern and Tone.
  1. What colours does the artist use?


  1. Draw an example of a ‘Day of the Dead’ skull
  1. Design your own ‘Dead of the Dead’ skull on A4 plain paper.
  1. Outline your skull using black pen.
  1. Make your design colourful, use coloured pencils to colour your design.


Week beginning: 22 January 2018


  • You are being asked to listen to one piece of music for each film composer listed.
  • You can enter the composer’s name into YouTube and select one of their pieces of music to answer the questions about.
  • Remember to use musical language when answering the questions.

Film composers:

1. John Williams 2. Hans Zimmer 3. Danny Elfman

For each piece, answer the following questions:

Name of piece/film: ______

1)Write down the instruments you can hear.

2)Describe the musical elements used in the piece, using full sentences.

3)Explain in detail how the musical elements set the tone of the film. Also discuss the use of contrast in your answer.


Week beginning: 29 January 2018

Complete the following questions onto lined paper and hand into your Technology teacher: (remember we are looking for high quality work and presentation at all times).

Materials - single and two point perspective drawings

  1. Research single and two point perspective drawings, collecting an image of both and describing the difference between them.
  1. Produce a range of simple sketches (simple shapes) using the single point perspective and two point perspective techniques.

Food - answer the following in sentences:

  1. Each ingredient has a function when making a dish/recipe. What is the function of tomatoes in the Ragu sauce?
  1. Name the 3 macronutrients and give 4 examples of ingredients from each.
  1. Shepherd's Pie was a composite dish. Explain your understanding of a composite dish.

More detail – answer the following in full sentences:

  1. Explain in detail about safe meat preparation. Include as much information as possible that shows your understanding.
  1. Explain “absorption”, give an example of a dish that uses absorption as the cooking method and explain the method in detail.



Week beginning: 5 February 2018

Answer the following questions in full sentences:

  1. What are the pronouns used for when conjugating verbs?
  1. Write an equation to explain the steps which go into conjugating a verb in the present tense.
  1. What are the verb ending for;
    -er verbs:
    -ir verbs:
    -re verbs:
  1. Translate the following sentence: often he eats pizza (manger – to eat)
  1. Translate the following sentence: We do not finish the homework (finir – to finish)
  1. What are the past participle endings?
  1. Which two verbs are used to form the perfect tense? (auxiliary verbs)
  1. When is être used instead of avoir in the perfect tense?
  1. Translate the following sentences;

I went to France

I played football

We watched the film

She chose the food

  1. What is the translation of the verb “aller”?
  1. How is “aller” used to form the near future tense?
  1. What are the conjugations of “aller”?
  1. How are infinitives used to form the near future tense?
  1. Is the below sentence in the near future tense? If yes, why? If no, why?

“je suisvais manger le pizza’’

  1. Translate the following sentence into the near future tense:

He is going to play football

Week beginning: 19 February 2018

Quick quiz- answer the following in a sentence:

  1. What information should you not include on your social networking site?
  1. Why should you tell the truth and be honest when updating your profile?
  1. What are the consequences of posting and sharing inappropriate information?
  1. What is sexting?
  1. What are the consequences of sexting?
  1. What should you do if your friend is sexting?
  1. How do you turn yourself into ‘Ghost Mode’ on Snapchat?
  1. Why should you not let people know your location?
  1. Why should you not let people know that you’re on holiday through social media?
  1. You have met someone online and they ask to meet you in private. What should you do?

More detail - answer the following in FULL sentences:

  1. What is sexual exploitation?
  1. What should you do if you know someone has been sexually exploited?
  1. What information can employers take from your social media accounts? What can they do with this information?
  1. The new iPhone is a gadget you MUST have but you can’t afford it. You come across an auction site which is selling the phone for £200 but requires you to enter your bank account details. What should you do?
  1. What advice would you give to someone who does not know anything about staying safe online?



Week beginning: 26 February 2018

Quick quiz- answer the following in a sentence:

  1. What is the CBD?
  1. Why is the CBD in the centre of a city?
  1. Give 4 examples of what you would expect to see in a CBD.
  1. Give 4 examples of different types of land use.
  1. Why might an area within Newcastle be redeveloped?
  1. What is traffic congestion?
  1. What are the problems associated with traffic congestion?
  1. How can these problems be solved?
  1. What is rural- urban migration?
  1. What is a slum?

More detail - answer the following in a paragraph:

  1. Explain why rural-urban migration can put pressure on a city.
  1. Give 3 examples of problems in LIC’s
  1. What is a self-help scheme?
  1. Explain how slum areas of Brazil have been improved and evaluate their successes.
  1. Describe the structure of the Earth and explain what plate boundaries are.



Week beginning: 5 March 2018

Answer the following questions as a full sentence:

  1. What was the Holocaust?
  1. What is genocide?
  1. What does persecution mean?
  1. What does resistance mean?
  1. Who was Heinrich Himmler?
  1. What was his ‘final solution’?
  1. What does SS stand for?
  1. What was a Jewish Ghetto?
  1. What was Treblinka used for?
  1. What happened on Kristallnacht?

The following two questions should be answered in more detail, using your own knowledge and further research to support and explain your opinions:

  1. Explain how persecution of Jewish communities in Germany increased between 1933 and 1942.
  1. Explain how some communities or individuals provided resistance to the Holocaust. Give at least two examples to support your explanations. Challenge: Do you think the resistance worked? Justify your opinion.

Week beginning: 12 March 2018

Quick quiz

  1. State the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects.
  1. What term is used when light changes direction when it passed through different mediums?
  1. State the colours of the rainbow?
  1. Which colour oflight has the longest wavelength?
  1. Define heat.
  1. Define temperature.
  1. What are antagonistic muscles?
  1. What is the role of a tendon?
  1. What is the role of a ligament?
  1. What gases do we exchange with the air?

More detail - answers the following in full sentences:

  1. Produce a ray diagram to show how light reflects off mirrors.
  1. Explain the process of convection. Use the diagram to help.

  1. Describe how we breathe in terms of volume and pressure.


Week beginning: 19 March 2018

Quick quiz: Please answer the following quiz questions in full sentences:

  1. Give two benefits of warming up before exercise.
  1. What are the two parts of a warm up?
  1. Describe a warm up that you have completed in one of your PE lessons.
  1. What chemical element is pumped around your body?
  1. What is your working heart rate?
  1. What is your resting heart rate?
  1. How do you work out your target heart rate?
  1. What is cardiovascular endurance?
  1. What is muscular endurance?
  1. What is dehydration and how can you prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated?

Challenge time: Please answer the following task in full sentences and with detail:

Key information: Basic fitness can be classified in four main components: strength, speed, stamina andflexibility. However, exercise scientists have identified nine components that comprise the definition of fitness. They are: strength, power, agility, balance, flexibility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, co-ordination and speed.

Task: Pick 5 sports of your choice. For each of your chosen 5 sports, state which component of fitness is the most important for that sport and justify why.