Blount High School Football Progress Report and Tutoring Policies
Progress reports will be checked every 2 weeks or as needed.
Outline of progress report:
Discipline (Behavior in classroom)
Tutoring Required
Off-Season tutoring (After school) options:
- STAY Tutoring program: Students will receive a stipend (pay) for attending this program.
- Teacher Volunteers: Teachers volunteer their time and tutor students in needed subject area.
- AHSGE: Students will receive tutoring on the portion of the exam that he or she has not passed.
- Varsity Athletics (4th Block): Students can receive tutoring during the last period of the day.
Spring Practice Tutoring:
Students are still required to attend tutoring during spring practice.
- Varsity Athletics (4th Block): Same as during off-season tutoring.
- Late Arrival: Students will be allowed to attend tutoring during practice time, twice a week for up to 1 hour. (Spring-practice usually last 15 days)
- All incoming freshmen are required to attend tutoring.
- Tutoring Scheduling: To be determined. Tutoring schedule will be set up according to the student’s need.
Tutoring Schedule: To be determined. Tutoring schedule will be set up according to which option fits the student’s need.
Consequences for Non-attendance
- 10 W’s (Sprints on a hill)
- 3 Stadiums (Sprints up & down stadium bleachers)
- 1 game suspension
- 2 game suspension
- Team dismissal
Attendance will be checked daily.
Punishment for nonattendance will be conducted on Tuesday.
Rewards for good Grades:
- A and B honor roll constitute good grades. Students will receive a certificate for A and B honor roll for quarter grades (9 weeks) students will receive a plaque for A and B honor roll for the semester. They will also receive a pizzas party.
Rules and Regulations
Do Not Admit, Uniform Violations, Earrings, and Cell phones.
- Do not admit: is a list of students generated daily by administrations. Student names can be placed on this list due to excessive tardies on discipline referrals. Students who are on this list will be subject to the following disciplinary actions.
- Run 10 W’s
- 3 Stadiums
- 1 game suspension
- 2 game suspension
- Team dismissal
- Uniform Violations: Students will be subject to the guidelines set forth by the school mandated uniform policy. Violations will be determined and documented by a coach, and thus left up to his discretion. Students will be subject to the disciplinary actions set forth by the uniform policy and the following actions as well.
- I am apart of Blount High School Athletics and I have agreed to follow all rules and regulations of Blount High school; I am writing this paragraph as a reminder to myself that I most follow the school and team rules, such as the uniform policy. This paragraph is a reminder that if I don’t follow these rules I will subject myself to running, game suspension and team dismal. (Must be written 25 times, and turned into coach who noted the violation. Refusal to write paragraphs constitutes a move to consequences for a second violation, 10 W’s).
- 10 W’s
- 3 Stadiums
- 1 Game Suspension
- 2 Game Suspension
- Team Dismissal
- Earrings are not permitted to be worn on campus during the school day, or while participating in any football related function. Any student, who is seen wearing earrings during either of these times, will have the earrings confiscated and not returned. Refusal to give earrings up when asked, student will then be subject to the same consequences as if he was on the do not admit list.
- Cell phones are not prohibited on school campuses by state law and school rules. Students are not allowed to be in possession on use of cell phone during the school day.
- If a student is caught with a cell phone out on in use during the school day, it will be confiscated, and will be returned to a parent only.
- If a student is caught a second time for this same violation, the phone will be confiscated and not returned until the end of the school year.
- Refusal to relinquish possession of the cell phone will result in the use of do not admit consequences.
Locker Room
Each student is responsible for maintaining the locker room. That includes keeping the locker room clean and not damaging school property.
There are 2 separate locker rooms (varsity and freshmen), and they are responsible for which ever locker room that the student is located. Failure to maintain the cleanliness of the locker room or property damage will result in the following consequences.
- Clean up locker room and 3 bear crawl-sprints at 60 seconds per sprint.
- Clean up locker room and 6 bear crawl-sprints at 60 seconds per sprint.
- Clean-up locker room and 6 bear crawl-sprints before and after practice at 60 seconds per sprint.
If a student is found to have caused property damage in the locker room, he is subject to the above consequences as well as the cost for the repairs of the damage.
Unexcused Tardies:
- 3 bear crawl-sprints (60 seconds per sprint)
- 6 bear crawl-sprint (60 seconds per sprint)
- 6 bear crawl-sprint (60 seconds per sprint) and ½ game suspension.
- 6 bear crawl-sprint (60 second per sprint) and 1 game suspension.
- Team dismissal
Unexcused Absentee: Practice, meeting, or any team function.
An unexcused absentee is defined as, a player not being present for a team function, without notifying a coach prior to the absence.
- 6 bear crawl-sprints (60 seconds per sprint) and ½ game suspension
- 6 bear crawl-sprints (60 seconds per sprint) and a 1 game suspension
- Team dismissal
Profanity: Anytime a student is heard using profanity during practice, there will be a stoppage of practice and the entire team will do 10 up-downs.
If a student is heard using profanity during any other setting, he will have to do 25 push-ups for each letter in the word.
- Profanity directed at a coach or member of faculty or staff:
- 1 game suspension and 10 bear crawl-sprints (60 seconds per sprint) for 1 week
- Team dismissal
Fighting: Any student involved in a physical altercation outside of practice, will be subject to the following consequences.
- 1 game suspension and 10 bear crawl-sprints (60 seconds per sprint). If student is suspended from school for an altercation and there is a game during this time period, the student’s 1st game suspension will be served the following week.
- Team dismissal
Weight Training (Absence or Tardy)
*Same consequences for tardiness to practice.
Stealing: Any student caught stealing will be dismissed from the team.
Hazing: No student is allowed to punish or demean another student in any manner. If a student is caught doing either of the above he is subject to the following:
- 10-100 yard bear crawls
- Team dismissal
Criteria for Awards
- Film Grades
- Game participation
- Attitude
- Statistics
Players must practice, complete all punishment, and dress for games during suspension, unless he has been suspended from school also. Refusal to do either will result in immediate dismissal for the team.