Bloomsburg University



Bloomsburg University Dance Ensemble

Article I: Name

Bloomsburg University Dance Ensemble

Article II: Purposes

Our purpose is to study and further our education in the art form of dance. WE will explore a variety of disciplines of dance by taking master classes in various forms of dance. WE will create new and interesting choreography to further develop and enhance our skills in dance. WE will hold at least one annual performance on campus every year to exhibit our growth individually and as a group. WE will make efforts to involve the community so as to encourage continuing education of dance as a traditional form of expression.

Article III: Membership

Violation of constitution results in dismissal!

Section 1: The Dance Ensemble involves a one-year membership (fall and spring semester).

Section 2: To obtain membership, one must be a Bloomsburg University student.

Section 3: Members must maintain regular attendance in technique classes and all rehearsals.A maximum of two absences from the ensemble will be excused in the Fall semester, and two in the Spring. A total of 2 tardy will be considered 1 absence. This means two absences no matter how many classes you are involved. Excused absences require a note and must be handed into the president or teacher no later than one week after the absent to be considered excused.

Section 4: Members must be in good academic and social standing at Bloomsburg University. Members must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner when representing the Bloomsburg University Dance Ensemble.

Section 5: In order for a member of the Dance Ensemble to take over a current class for the following academic year, one must obtain membership in the DanceEnsemble for at least one year and be approved by the executive board.

Section 6: In order for a member of the Dance Ensemble to add and choreograph a new technique class, one must obtain membership in the Ensemble for one year and the class must be approved by the executive board.

Section 7: Try-outs will be held for all new members wishing to obtain membership in the dance ensemble. Returning members wishing to obtain a position in a class they were not previously in must participate in tryouts for that class. Returning members that participated in an intermediate level class must participate in tryouts to move to an advanced level class, but are guaranteed a spot in the intermediate class. Returning and new members will be required to try out for the competition team.

Section 8: Any member will only be allowed to participate in a maximum of 4 dances. (This includes any extra pieces, but does notinclude the senior dance/teacher dance/competition).

Section 9: Anyone interested in pledging another group will be allowed to obtain membership to the Dance Ensemble during the fall and spring semester of the year in which they are pledging. If it becomes a problem with absences then action will be taken. This rule does not apply to the Competition Team.

Section 10:Anyone who has already obtained membership to another group can acquire membership to the Dance Ensemble.

Section 11: In the event of any injury or permanent absence from a class during the spring semester in which the presence of the dancer is essential to the class, a teacher may replace the dancer at the discretion of the executive board.

Article IV: Advisor

Section 1: The advisor is selected by the majority vote of club members of the Dance Ensemble as long as the members are in agreement with a choice.

Section 2: The advisor should have an interest in dance and have the time and desire to give support as needed.

Section 3: The Dance Ensemble may vote to have co-advisors if they so desire.

Section 4: The primary duty of the advisors/co-advisors is to mediate and propose new ideas to the Dance Ensemble.

Section 5: Other duties of the advisors/co-advisors are facility reservations, critiquing dance numbers for the show, and any other needed help.

Article V: Officers

Section 1: The officers of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, historian, banquet chair, and public relations will be elected by majority vote of Dance Ensemble members.

Section 2: The Dance Ensemble may elect co-presidents if they choose.

Article V Article VI: Duties

Section 1: President duties include being in overall charge of the Dance Ensemble. The president must be willing to listen objectively to the entire ensemble and enthusiastically participate in every meeting and work closely with the advisors and fellow officers.

Section 2: Vice-President duties include, but are not limited to, running all committees, working with the head representatives of all the committees and assisting them if need be. The vice-president must also work closely with fellow officers. In the case that the president fails to fulfill his or her duties, it then becomes the job of the vice-president to fulfill these duties.

Section 3: Secretary duties include, but are not limited to, precise recording of all meetings, ideas, type agenda, keeping a complete list of all members, track of meetings and attendance. The secretary must be willing to work closely with fellow officers.

Section 4: Treasurer duties include, but are not limited to, taking care of any financial responsibilities including the budget, dues, and fees. The treasurer must be willing to work closely with fellow officers.

Section 5: Historian duties include, but are not limited to, keeping in contact with alumni members, keeping records of the Dance Ensemble’s history and events, and documenting events through pictures and scrapbooks. The historian must be willing to work closely with fellow officers.

Section 6: Public Relations duties include, but are not limited to, publicizing Dance Ensemble events through posters, flyers, Internet, and newspaper. Public Relation is also responsible for notifying members of upcoming meetings and events. The public relations must be willing to work closely with fellow officers.

Section 7: Banquet Chair duties include, but are not limited to, organizing the spring banquet. The banquet chair must be willing to work closely with fellow officers.

Article VII: Elections

Section 1: Officers are chosen by majority vote by the previous members of the Dance Ensemble Executive Board.

Section 2: Elections are held once a year at the end of the Spring semester. New officers begin duties in the Fall semester of thefollowing academic year.

Section 3: In order to run for an Officer position, you must have been a member of the Dance Ensemble for at least two years.

Article VIII: Sub-Committees

Section 1: Members of the Dance Ensemble can volunteer to be part of the different sub-committees.

Section 2: The number of individual representatives will depend on the amount of interest in each committee.

Article IX: Sub-Committee Duties

Section 1: The sub-committee’s chairperson will attend all meetings as requested for the organization.

Section 2: Should an administrative problem arise, the sub-committee will make itself available to resolve the problem.

Section 3: At meetings, each sub-committee will report their progress in completing their assigned tasks to the Ensemble.

Article X: Dues and Fees

Section 1: Dues will be decided as necessary to cover expenses of the Dance Ensemble and must be paid in the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters. Failure to pay these dues will result in dismissal from the ensemble.
Section 2: The amount of dues and their payment will be decided by a majority rule of the advisor and the executive committee members.

Article XI: Meetings and Practices

Section 1: Regular attendance to all meetings is mandatory; if more than one meeting is missed it will result in one of your 2 absences for that semester.
Section 2: A total of more than two absences during the fall semester and more than one absence during the spring semester will result in dismissal from the Dance Ensemble. Two tardies is the equivalent of one absence.

Section 3: There are two-three critiques a year where the dances for the Spring show are performed for and critiqued by the advisors. Attendance at these critiques is mandatory. An absence from one critique will be considered one absence.

Section 4: Failure to pay tuition will result in dismissal from the Dance Ensemble. It will be left up to the executive board's discretion. If dismissal does occur there will be no refunds of dues. Appeals of unjust elimination from a dance can be presented to the Executive Board.

Article XII: Amendments

Section 1: Any member of the Dance Ensemble will be able to propose an amendment.

Section 2: All amendments will be presented to the Dance Ensemble Officers in writing.

Section 3: All amendments will be voted upon at the ensuing meeting of the executive board after which they were presented.

I have read the constitution and understand the commitment required to be a member of the Dance Ensemble. I promise to dedicate myself to the dance classes and dance numbers in which I choose to participate. I also agree to attend regular Dance Ensemble meetings, critiques and shows.

Phone Numbers:

School Address:

Email Address:

Technique classes you are taking:





Technique classes you are teaching: (if applicable)




