Blood Disease Chart

Name and Description / Causes / Symptoms / Treatments / Other
Leukemia / Abnormal WBC divides rapidly; acute = aggressive, chronic = mature WBC
Genetics & environment / Fever, chills, fatigue,infections, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen,Bone pain / Chemo, drugs, target, radiation, stem cell
Anemia / Not enough/inadequate RBC, bleeding, body destroys RBC’s, iron/vitamin deficiency, chronic diseases / Fatigue, Weak, paleness
Short of breath Headache,
Dizziness or lightheaded,
Chest pain, Cold hands/feet, / Blood panel to define cause; treat accordingly (fluids, iron, transfusion) / Many risk factors
Evan’s Syndrome / very rare autoimmune disorder; immune system destroys RBC’s, WBC’s and/or platelets / (too few platelets) hemolytic anemia (destruction of RBC); infections, fatigue, prolonged bleeding / blood transfusions; meds, IV drugs, immunosuppressive drugs / Genetic link
Hemophilia / X-linked genetic inheritance / Prolonged bleeding, blood in urine/stools/vomit / Meds to replace clotting factor / No cure
Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia / Mother & baby’s platelets not compatible; mom forms antibodies & destroy fetal platelets / Baby has low platelets, Hemorrhage (brain/spine/abdomen) / Meds, monitoring / Severe disorder (if untreated)
Lymphoma / Cancer of lymph system (lymphocytes), tumor; many risk factors (age, immune sys, environment, etc.) / Swollen lymph nodes, Cough
Shortness of breath, Fever
Night sweats, Stomach pain
Fatigue, Weight loss, Itching / Chemo, radiation, immunotherapy / Hodgkin- less common
Non-H – most types
Rh Disease (Rhesus Isoimmunisation) / Incompatible Rh factor btwn mom & 2ndBABY; mom makes antibodies to baby blood / High bilirubin; Newborn: severe anemia, jaundice, brain damage, heart failure / baby – phototherapy, fluids Blood tests to diagnose; RhoGam to prevent
Thrombocytopenia / Low platelets; bone marrow issues/leukemia / bleeding, bruising, slow blood clotting; internal bleeding / Treat cause; meds, transfusions
Sickle Cell / Inherited anemia; gene mutation / Pain, swelling, infections, delayed growth, vision problems / meds / Many complications of disorder

Cardiovascular Disease Chart

Name and Description / Causes / Symptoms / Treatments / Other
Aneurysm / Enlarged artery / None unless rupture; pain / Emergency surgery if ruptures
Atherosclerosis / Plaque build-up in arteries; heart disease; lifestyle / None unless severe/total blockage / Lifestyle changes, meds, surgery
Cardiomyopathy / Heart disease / shortness of breath, Fatigue
Swelling (ankles, feet, legs, abs, veins of neck / Meds, lifestyle changes, surgery
Congestive Heart Failure / Weak heart pumping power; result of Coronary Artery disease / Congested lungs, fluid build-up, fatigue, rapid HR / Meds, lifestyle change to prevent progression
Heart Murmur / Physical activity, congenital defects / Swelling, short of breath, cough, Enlarged liver/neck veins, chest pain, dizzy, faint / Meds, surgery / Indicates a heart problem
Hypertension / Heart disease, stress / Abnormally high BP / Meds
Myocardial Infarction / Blocked coronary artery / Fatigue, chest pains, malaise / Hospital treatment, meds
Stroke / Lack of blood to brain; narrowed blood vessels / Confusion, Headache, Numbness, vision/walking trouble, dizziness / Drugs, surgery / Prevent w/healthy lifestyle; diagnose: act FAST (face droop, arm weak, speech, Time to call 911)
Myocarditis / Inflammation of heart muscle; Viral infection or immune response / Short of breath, chest pain / Meds, rest, low salt diet
Pericarditis / Inflamed heart membrane; viral infection / Chest pain, weakness / Meds; surgery if doctor finds fluid build up
Tachycardia / Meds, drugs (smoking), heart disease, heart failure/defects, high BP / Fast HR; 100+BPM / Meds; vagal maneuver / Fast HR, over 100bpm
Bradycardia / Fitness; age related or heart damage; meds (beta blockers, bp meds); electrolyte imbalances / slow HR (below 60bpm);Fatigue, short of breath, heart pounding / Pacemaker or meds