Mrs. Reed
E-mail Address:
Blog Address: blog.wsd.net/mireed
The purpose of this class is to adapt you to junior high. This is quite the adjustment going from 6th to 7th grade. You now have 7 classes with 7 different teachers and different ways of doing things. This is an adjustment for every 7th grader and our goal in this class is to make it easy and successful. Should you have any question about this class, please discuss this with me. You can either send an email or talk to me in person. I’m really excited about this class! I expect you to give your best effort
Grades will be set up the following way: each day you will get points for participating in class, you will also get points for filling out your planner with the activities from each of your classes as well as your homework. You will get points for checking the portal for grades and missing assignments, as well as once a week talking to a teacher about a question or problem in one of your classes. Lastly you will get points for showing your grades via the portal to your parents weekly.
Parents this is a transition for you as well, and we want you to know how to best help your child succeed! If you make this a habit, it will help your student be successful! Show them you care!!!
You will need a binder with 7 sections in it, 1 for each class. You should store your planner and paper in here as well. We will work on keeping this organized during class. I also recommend a USB drive that is at least 4GB. This will make it easier to transport and save files.
Hall Passes
Each student will only be allowed to use one hall pass for emergencies if allowed by teacher.
Tardiness: When the tardy bell rings, students will be in their seats with work and materials ready, or they will be marked tardy. At the third tardy they will receive an N in citizenship. If a student receives four or more tardies they will receive a “U” in Citizenship.Cheating will result in a zero on the assignment and an N in citizenship. If it happens again the student will have a “U” in citizenship!
Behavior: the rules for my classes are:
Be on time
Follow directions carefully
Be prepared with daily supplies
No food, drink or gum in classroom
Raise hand before speaking
Teacher dismisses the class
Speak respectfully and appropriately to teacher and peers
Students need to behave courteously at all times. If there is a problem the student will be warned to correct the behavior. If not corrected, the student’s citizenship will be affected.
Make-up Work Policy
Initiating make-up work for absences or missing work is the student’s responsibility. Students should check the blog to see what has been missed. My room will be open before or after school for make-up sessions.ALL make-up work must be completed by the beginning of the last week of the term. NO EXCEPTIONS!