Support and Challenge
Block 1Summary
This document provides a summary of our support and challenge from Block 1 linked to the Focused Self Evaluation Plan.
Block 1 focus was-QI: 1.3 Leadership of Change
- Developing a shared vision, values and aims relevant to the ELC setting and its community
- Strategic planning for continuous improvement
- Implementing improvement and change
At the September locality meetings 70% of settings attended and we explored the QI- 1.3- Leadership of Change, focusing on Quality within Ethos and Environment and together we developed a ‘Graffiti wall’ which we used as a tool for our Support and Challenge visits.
Across the 4 localities we visited 62 settings including:
- 8 Nursery Classes
- 1 Nursery School
- 50 Partner Providers
- 3 Early Years Centre’s
The following words are used to describe numbers and proportions in line with Education Scotland inspections:
almost all / means / over 90%most / means / 75% to 90%
majority / means / 50% to 74%
less than half / means / 15% to 49%
few / means / up to 15%
Key strengths observed:
- Almost all settings have a welcoming ethos and nurturing, warm, positive relationships are evident.
- Almost all settings are discussing their Vision, Values and Aims and most settings are revisiting/reviewing their VVA with their staff, parents and children.
- Almost all settings are engaging with and most are reviewing their approaches to self-evaluation using HGIOELCand BtA.
- Majority of settings are developing a range of approaches to engage effectively with parents.
- Majority of settings have key leadership roles for staff linked to their skills/talents/interests and PRD.
- Majority of settings have developed an awareness of the benefits of a calm environment which is enhanced by the use of neutral colours and tones.
- Most settings are reviewing resources and moving towards more open ended, natural resources and loose parts both inside and outside.
- Almost all settings, where possible are embracing free flow play within the play rooms.
- Almost all settings are ensuring children have outdoor experiences and opportunities.
Possible areas for development:
- Ensure that Vision, Values and Aimsare developed and remain relevant and aspirational for the children and families and are embedded in practice, the environment and the children’s experience.
- Explore creative approaches that involve all stakeholders in the Self-Evaluation process.
- Opportunities for children’s voice to be captured and influence learning experiences
- Ensure there are opportunities for staff to reflect and share practice, developing a team of confident, skilful practitioners who can deliver high quality ELC.
- Develop staff knowledge and understanding of the opportunities that natural, open ended resources provide in terms of developing curiosity, enquiry and problem-solving skills.
Examples of Good Practice:
A visual display sharing aspirational Vision, Values and Aimsnear the entrance of the setting linking to current national guidance and real and relevant to the setting.
Self-Evaluation floor books engaging practitioner and childrenwithin the playrooms.
Welcoming environments with a combination of quality spaces to relax and refuel alongside well-defined spaces which are stimulating and provide motivating opportunities to learn.
Creative approaches to engage parents from: e-learning journals, question of the month, parent board explain SEAL, parent committees, focus groups, schema bags.
What are our next steps?