Campbell Middle SchoolGator Pride
October 2015
Proud to be a Title I Campus
Campbell Middle School Administration
PrincipalLaura Perry
Director of InstructionPlas Williams, Jr.
Assistant Principals
6th GradeKathleen Brown
7th GradeJose Lopez
8th Grade Mike Zimmerman
6th Grade Sabrina Barnett
7thGrade Debbie Dinderman
8th Grade Sherri Jacob
Administrative SpecialistsOwen Brown
Trenise Burke-Brown
Angie Yurch
LibrarianAbbie Lester
NurseOlivia LaBruno
Front Desk281-897-4300
Director of Instruction281-897-4328
Assistant Principals281-897-4330
VIPS (Parent Volunteers)281-517-2653
Letter From thePrincipal
Dear Gator Parents and Guardians:
The first grading period is already behind us! Our Scholars are doing the right thing day in and day out. I am pleased to inform you that we had 460 students earn honor roll for the first grading period. These students earned more As than Bs on their first report card. In addition, they have had exemplary behavior, earning no lower than a “satisfactory” in conduct. These students are role models for the entire Campbell student body. They lead by example!
We have had many exciting events so far this year, such as cross country meets, football games, volleyball games, a band Rock-a-Thon, choir concerts, and orchestra Region auditions. These sensationally talented students also serve as role models for the rest of the student body through their day-to-day actions. They worked hard all year, and I am proud of their efforts. I applaud their talent and their dedication to helping Campbell shine. Please come out and support our athletes and fine arts students at their next event.
Another special event was the Parent Involvement Day on Tuesday, October 20th. I was very pleased with the turnout at this event. Thank you for supporting Campbell and our Scholars.
I also want to thank you for supporting our school-wide fundraiser with Cherrydale Farms. The money earned from this fundraiser goes directly back to supporting our Scholars. We have 650 students who sold one box to qualify for the DJ party and 49 students who sold three boxes to qualify for the fieldtrip to Main Events for free bowling, video games, laser tag, and pizza. The money from this fundraiser will be used to purchase items for the Campbell Cash (PBIS) store, provide support to the Principal’s Student Leadership Council and the Student Council in sponsoring special events for school spirit, and providing supplies for both staff and students.
As we head into the holiday season, I want to wish each of you a joy and happiness. Please enjoy a special Thanksgiving Day with your friends and family. Happy Holidays!
Laura Perry, Ed. D.
Campbell Middle School – Title I School
CampbellMiddle School receives federal funds. The funds are given based upon the number of students receiving free and reduced lunch. The majority of the funds Campbell is receiving for the 2015-2016 school year is paying the salaries of additional teachers and staff members to work directly with your children.
Notice to Parents Concerning Title I
As a parent at a campus receiving Title I funds, federal law allows you to ask for information about the certification, college major, and advanced degrees of your child’s teacher(s). You also have the right to request information about the qualifications of a teacher aide or paraprofessional providing direct services to your child. If you would like to receive this information, you may contact the Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Human Resources Department at 281-897-4099.
Cy-Fair and Special Education
If you are the parent of a school-aged child and are concerned because of a physical, speech, emotional, or academic problem which could interfere significantly with educational success, we encourage you to contact the Special Education Department at 281-897-6400 or a CampbellMiddle School counselor to discuss your concerns and learn more about the referral process.
Club Rewind
Campbell is excited that we have the opportunity to offer our families Club Rewind before and after school child care for 6th to 8th graders. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please stop by Campbell to pick up a packet or view and print the information on-line.
This is a fantastic way to ensure your child or children are not left home alone without adult supervision.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
With the Campbell Middle School Vision of Campbell Gators are SCHOLARS! It is our mission to produce graduates, we work to integrate our vision through our PBIS expectations. We have received training and use the concept of teaching positive behaviors throughout our campus. We teach the meaning of the Gator S. N. A. P. (Show respect, be Noble, Be Accountable, and be Punctual) and how these skills look on the bus, in the classroom, in the halls, in the cafeteria, in the restroom, and in large group gatherings.
Please help to encourage respectfulness, accountablility and preparedness by talking with your child about what these words mean to you in your home. With your support and encouragement, this will guide your child to lead, to contribute and to excel.
Dress Code Reminders
No visible cleavage
No spaghetti straps or strapless tops
Nothing off the shoulder
No tank tops or shirts with large arm openings (boys)
No t-shirts with double meanings or those promoting gang affiliation, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons or violence
No bare-midriffs
Hoodies are not permitted to be worn over the head
The length of skirts and shorts must be mid-thigh or longer, with or without leggings
Leggings,when worn,must have a long top or sweater that covers to mid-thigh.
No “sagging” shorts/pants (Must be belted.)
No pajama pants
The following items are NOT permitted:
House shoes
Hats, caps, head coverings (unless for religious reasons)
The above is a list of common dress code violations. For more information regarding dress code please refer to and click on “Campus Info”, then “Student Policies and Procedures”, then “Dress Code”. Students who come to school in violation of the district and/or campus dress code will have the option of correcting the violation or being placed in Discipline Management Class (DMC/in school suspension) for the remainder of the day. Students will receive disciplinary consequences for dress code violations and parents may be called to bring appropriate clothing to school.
Check – In System
Campbell has a system for all persons visiting our school to check-in called V-soft. V-soft helps track visitors, students, faculty, contractors, and volunteers at our school, thus providing a safer more monitored environment for our students.
When visitors, volunteers, or contractors check-in, or parents come to meet with teachers or see their child, they will be asked to present a valid state issued ID for entering into the system.
This will help us keep our campus safe, and we ask for your cooperation in presenting your valid Texas ID when checking in at the school.
How to Get Messages and Items to Your Child During the School Day
The Texas State Education Code mandates that we restrict interruptions to classroom instruction. Delivering messages and forgotten items to the classroom constitutes a disruption of instruction and student focus. In emergency situations only, we will deliver a message to your child’s classroom. All messages that are deemed “emergency” will be delivered to the classroom by an administrator. Campbell staff will follow the listed procedures for facilitating a non-emergency message and “forgotten item” delivery.
- The receptionist will take the message/forgotten item from the parent.
- A non-emergency message/item received before lunches will be delivered during the student’s lunch period.
- The delivery of non-emergency message/item is discouraged after lunch.
Parents can help us by:
- Helping your child get all of his/her school materials and projects organized in one location for quick pick-up on the way out of the door each morning.
- Making transportation, change-of-plan arrangements, and confirming after-school activities BEFORE students arrive at school each day.
- Writing out instructions or reminders about after-school activities and placing these instructions in their assignment notebook or backpack each day.
Thank you for your help in getting your child organized and ready to start a good day.
Attendance and Excessive Absences
According to state law, a student enrolled in school must be in class 90% of the days the class is offered. If a parent/doctor note is not received within three days, the absence is unexcused. Too many unexcused absences could result in a court warning.Any absences from class over the allotted time will result in credit being denied (excessive absences).
Student absences are reviewed each semester. Any student having missed more than eight days in any one class will not receive credit, unless there are extenuating circumstances. The student will need to make up the required time missed due to absences.
There are extenuating circumstances in which students are absent from school. Any student may be excused from absences resulting from personal illness, death or disease in the family, quarantine, etc.
If a student has been absent from school because of illness, a parent/doctor note must be presented to the attendance office within three days of the student returning to school.
Campbell will be communicating with students who are in danger of losing credit because of excessive absences. If a student has accumulated three absences (for any reason) in a class, a letter will be sent notifying you of the absences. Those absences for extenuating circumstances will also be included in the letter. Any student who has more than four absences will be sent another letter stating the total number of absences the student has accumulated over the semester.
Aseach semester ends, the Campbell attendance committee comprised of an administrator, a counselor and teachers will review the list of students who have excessive absences. An assistant principal will coordinate make-up times for students who have accumulated excessive absences.
When writing a note for your son or daughter arriving late to school, for an absence, or the need to leave early; please include the following information in the note:
- Date of document
- Child’s first and last name
- Date of absence, tardy or leave early
- Your signature and contact number
Daily attendance at school is a vital part of the educational process. We encourage students to attend school, with the understanding there are times when a student is ill or has other extenuating circumstances. We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the attendance office at 281-897-4324.
Absences and Make-up Work
During various times of the school year and especially during cold and flu season, more students are absent due to illness. Students have the same number of days to make up work as class days missed. For example, if a student misses two class periods, the student has two class periods to make up the work. However, we encourage students to make up work as quickly as possible.
If your child is absent less than three days, it is not necessary to contact your child’steachers to inform them that your child will be absent or to request assignments that will need to be completed.
If your child is absent less than three days, your child can make arrangements with each teacher to complete missing assignments and arrange for tutorials. If your child is absent for three or more consecutive days, you may contact the attendanceoffice on the morning of the fourth day. The work will be gathered for you and a time will be confirmed for the parent or guardian to pick up the work.
Prohibition of Electronic Communication Devices
During the instructional school day, students are prohibited from using all telecommunication devices such as, but not limited to, cellular phones and camera/video phones. Such devices must not be visible and must remain turned off during the instructional day. The following are examples of the phone not being off: 1) Placing the cell phone into silent/vibrate mode 2)Text messaging.
Instructional school day is defined as anytime students are under the direct supervision of a Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. employee. This includes but is not limited to: riding the bus to and from school; students waiting in the campus bus loading zone (morning and afternoon); in the building before and after school; class time; before, during or after any test; passing periods between classes; lunch time; after school tutorials; practices for extracurricular events; detentions; field trips; and participating in school events. Examples of non-instructional time are: waiting outside of the school building for a parent ride; outdoor athletic events; and, walking to and from school or bus stop. Students who need to use a telephone to contact a parent/guardian during the school day may use the school phones which are available for student use, upon request, and based on need.
A person who discovers a student in violation of this policy shall report the infraction to the appropriate school administrator. The device will be confiscated and returned to the parent or guardian after a $15.00 administrative district fee is collected. Violation of this policy during any testing situation prohibits an optimum testing environment and therefore may result in an invalid test. Use of a cell phone or any other unapproved electronic device during the administration of any test will be regarded as cheating, and the student’s test will be invalidated with appropriate disciplinary action to follow. Failure to relinquish the communication device to school personnel when asked to do so or repeated violation may result in additional disciplinary action. A student’s parent, guardian or non-student owner may pick up the device after showing proof of ownership. If the device is not claimed, the student’s parent, guardian or company whose name and address appears on the device shall be given 30 days prior notice of the district’s intent to dispose of the device. The district will not assume responsibility for these items if they are damaged, lost or stolen. Note: Parents are requested not to contact their child during the instructional school day via cell phone. If an emergency occurs and parents need to speak to theirchild, please contact Campbell Middle School for assistance at 281-897-4300.
Prohibition of Other Electronic Devices
Students need to leave all entertainment devices at home. These would include but are not limited to games, ipods, MP3 players,and the headphones. These devices are a distraction to the learning environment. Additionally, these items are easily laid down and then picked up by someone other than the owner. CampbellMiddle School is not responsible for these items. These items will be confiscated and parents may then pick the items up from the front desk during normal school hours.
Parental Pick Up of Children After School
For safety reasons, parents need to pick up students only at the front entrance of the school. Students being picked up right after school need to be retrieved by 3:20 p.m.Student not picked up by 3:20 will be placed in study hall, and their parent/guardian will need to come to the front reception desk to sign them out.
Safe Passage To and From School
In a concerted effort to make sure your child(ren) arrive and leave safely from school, please help us with the following:
- Bus riders should load and unload at their designated bus stop. They are to remain sitting in assigned seats, keeping voices low so that bus drivers will not be distracted.
- Car riders should remain in the cars until the driver has stopped in the unloading area. Drivers, should follow the signage in the parking lot: form one line for dropping off and picking up; pull up to the “Unloading” area in front of the school, before releasing your student.
Parents are discouraged from dropping their child(ren) off at Campbell before 7:45a.m. due to no adult supervision. Beginning at 7:45 a.m.,supervision is provided in the cafeteria.
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD and Campbell Middle Schoolencourages you to be apart of the Campbell eNews group. Just e-mail your address to and say that you would like to receive the eNews communication or look in your first day packet for a form to complete and send back with your child. All persons receiving our eNewswill receive our daily announcements. What better way to keep informed of the activities atCampbell?
VIPS (Parent Volunteers) News
Campbell needs you!
Please complete a volunteer form and help in any way you are able. The form may be picked upat the front desk. Return all forms to the front desk. Thank you!
A Message for Parent and Child
Students have a job. That job is to attend school and do the best that they can. Education is the future. Each and every student needs all of the support they can receive to understand that school is about business, not just their social life. Please encourage attendance, having school supplies, andproper behavior to make an education obtainable for each and every student.
PE Uniforms
All students taking PE are required to wear the full Cy-Fair uniform during PE. Dressing out ispart of “participation” and all participation is graded.
The uniform will be sold at Gator Day and daily at the school store.
Free and Reduced Food Services