Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community

The Little Portion Food Pantry

Newsletter July, 2016

Some of the donated garden produce Donated Panera Bread

New at the Pantry

Kids’ packs were given to families with children.

Monthly Results – July Distribution

Volunteers – over 45 people volunteered at the pantry in support of the July distribution.

Screening & Distribution – Screening – 125 Families; 15 walk- ins Distribution – 122 Families, 270 adults, 250 children, 520 individuals. Over 8,100 pounds of food distributed.

Besides canned food and dry goods we distributed the following;

Panera Bread –216 lbs.

Eggs - 122 dozen,

Potatoes - 645 lbs.

Meat - 600 lbs.

Garden and donated produce - 215 lbs.

Stuff A Truck – Donations to this month’s collection totaled 2030 lbs.

Food Items needed: pasta sauce, tuna fish, crackers, canned tomatoes, spaghetti, rice, canned fruit, oranges, and apples, soap and toilet paper. Please do not donate expired food. It cannot be distributed.

Kids’ packs-–We will be making kids’ packs to be used in our August distribution.

Next Screening is on August 18, 2016 (9 am till 12 noon) at Blessed Sacrament Church, 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham.

Next Distribution is August 20, 2016 (9 am till 12 noon) at the Blessed Sacrament School, 515 Hillcrest Ave Burlington.

Our thanks to everyone who supports this important ministry. We appreciate your contributions – please designate monetary contributions to “Blessed Sacrament Church - The Little Portion Food Pantry.”