Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Mt 5:4


Sndy 1005PM Stephen Paddock shot K’s rnds in2 a crwd attending a cntrymsicfstivalfm hotel

The shooting lasted abt 10 minutes, killed 58 wounded over 500

This was the worst shooting attack in US History.

Pres Trump said we are a nation in mourning

Jesus said in the sermon on the mount: blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted

Today I want to look at what Jesus said, how could JS say blessed are those who mourn???

I. Mourning In The Bible

A. Words translated ‘mourn’

14 diff words translated ‘mourn’; 11 Hebrew words, 3 Greek words

B. Use of ‘mourn’

In the NKJV, mourn, is used 113 times in the OT and 18 times in the NT

There are multiple different meanings of mourn as follows

1. mourn the death of a loved one Gn23:2; 37:34,35 JesusZc12:10; Mt 9:15; Lk 23:27

2. mourn the consequences of a bad decision Nb 14:39

3. mourn the rift between a parent and a child 2Sm 13:37

4. mourn with a friend going through rough times Job 2:11

5. mourn the magnitude and actions of God Dn 10:2

6. mourn the feeling of the world before the return of Jesus to judge Mt 24:30

C. One more use of mourn

7. mourn sin – see several ways;Ezra 10:6 – mourn because of the sin of the people

1Co5:2 – not mourned the one who sinned

2Co12:21 – mourn for many who have sinned, continue in sin

James 4:8, 9 – sinners lament and mourn

It is along these lines that JS is speaking when He says blessed are those who mourn

II. The Beatitudes

A. Word beatitude – from the Latin, beatus, meaning blessed

B. Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:3-10

Observpattrn: type of prsonblssd;qlifying/clarifying of prsnblssd 3,6,8,10; the blessing

Observe: The blessing except 1st and last are future[ shall be]

Obsrv: mnydisput any blessing in poor in spirit, mourn, meek, hunger and thirs, persecut

C. 2nd – blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted, Jerry Bridges, bookHumility

Mourn is the mourning that comes from mourning sin

David is an example – 2 Sm11:1-12:15 David’s sin of adultery, murder,

David mourns his sin in Ps51…

Notice who David sees his sin against – the Lord v4

True D sinned against Bathsheba/Uriah BUT he Cs sin against God, D mourns sin

Jesus – blessed are those who mourn – deep grief w tears over sin in their life

Ps 119:136 w tears over sin

Lk 18:13 the tax collector, humble himself

Major prblm faced w P’s was no heart/no mourn sin Ps5117 Is 118; 2913

For they shall be comforted – promise of future comfort from the Lord,Lk1625

Cmfrtcoms fm trsting in JS Is611-3, why mourn? Bless futrcmfrt, pres HS

D. Alternatives to mourning sin

regret, remors, cry, ignor, Cin others, judge others, compare self to others, blame others, celebrat, ignor, treat superficially, not C as all that bad, compare 2other, joke, critcmplan

III. Application

1. Jesus said blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Have a soul searching

time with God and then mourn sin in your life.

2. I think very little mourning over sin in church today – not good. We think too highly of

ourselves. Superficial view of sin. Accept certain sins judge others – is this you?

3. Come to prayer meeting this Wednesday, mourn for our nation its sins and evils. How bad do

things have to get before Christians pray?Natl sin- we oftncomplncrit, we shld mourn