
On this the 19th day of September, 2017 at 12:00 pm, the Board of Directors for the Blanco County Appraisal District convened in a QUARTERLYMEETING at

615 N. Nugent Ave, Johnson City, Texas 78636 with the following member’s present to-wit: David Behrends, Shelton Coleman,Lanny Counts and Janice Fox. Lynn Boyd was absent. A digital audio recording was made of this meeting. That recording is the official record of the meeting and a copy is available to the public from the appraisal district office on request. This written summary of that recording is intended to supplement the audio recording, not to replace it. This summary is for the sole purpose of helping listeners quickly find those portions of the recording that pertain to the proceedings in which they are interested. This summary must also be provided whenever the official record of the meeting is requested.

NOTE: This is a PRELIMINARY summary of the minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors for the Blanco County Appraisal District. This summary has not yet been reviewed or approved by the Board of Directors and may later be amended or Corrected by said Board.

ITEM 1- Call to Order. (12:00 pm)

David Behrends - Called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm

ITEM 2 – Roll Call and Recognition of Quorum. (12:00 pm)

Present were David Behrends, Lanny Counts, Janice Fox and Shelton Coleman. Absent was Lynn Boyd. A quorum was declared. Candice Fry and Amy Hulburt were present as Appraisal District representatives.

ITEM 3 – Review Summary Quarterly Meeting 6-13-2017(12:00pm)

Board Members are sent copies of the Summary prior to meeting. After a quick review of the summary Lanny Counts made the motion to accept the previous QuarterMinutes from 6-13-17 as presented. Shelton Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

ITEM 4 – Review June/July/August Bills to Pay/Financial Reports(12:01 pm)

Board Members were sent copies of the bills and financial reportsprior to meeting (except for the portions that are not public record). After a few questions from Lanny Counts, about various categories, Shelton Coleman made the motion to accept the Bills to Payas presented. Lanny Counts seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

ITEM 5 – Discussion and action regarding mapping position opening (12:02pm)

Janice Fox made the motion to contract mapping services to Leegay Saxton.

Shelton Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

ITEM 6– Discussion regarding health insurance changes (12:15 pm)

This item was informational only, no vote was taken.

ITEM 7– Discussion and possible action concerning Pitney Bowes Account (12:16 pm)

Lanny Counts made the motion to leave a $5,000 balance in the reserve account and return the $38,105.04 balance to the entities. Shelton Colemanseconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously.

ITEM 8 – Chief Appraisers Report (12:20 pm)

Information was presented regarding BOD nomination process, Chief Appraiser Refresher Course, collection percentages, and mailing of statements.

ITEM 9 – Public Forum (12:23 pm)

No one from the public was in attendance.

ITEM 10 – Adjourn. (12:35pm)

Lanny Counts made the motion to adjourn. Shelton Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.