Blaine County School District No. 61
Blaine County, Idaho
Request for Proposals
For Superintendent Search Firms
Purpose for the Request for Proposals
To find the most suitable candidate to serve in the role of Superintendent of Schools for the Blaine County School District in Idaho beginning July 1, 2014.
December 2, 2013 Request for Proposals Deadline.
December 5, 2013 Finalist firms will be contacted.
December 12, 2013 Interviews and public presentations by firms during an open public meeting.
December 16, 2013 Selected firm will be notified.
Basic Information about the District
Mission: To be a world class, student-focused community of teaching and learning.
Vision: We are a model school district in which:
Exhibit high standards of achievement, civic responsibilities and become accountable learners.
Comprehend the interconnectedness of world cultures and are productive global citizens who are technologically proficient, problem solving critical thinkers.
Imbed mastery of BCSD 21st Century Student Performance Indicators in all subjects.
Perform at the highest level by engaging all students with challenging, inspiring, and relevant instruction.
Community Collaboration
Fosters community partnerships and support through transparency and accountability.
Climbing Towards Excellence
The Blaine County School District is located in the south-central part of the state near the world famous Sun Valley Ski area. The economic condition and outlook have stabilized over the past year reflecting the trends of the national economy. Although the local economy is tenuous we are beginning to see signs of growth in the construction and housing industry. The Blaine County School District has been very fortunate not to be facing the same financial situations as most school districts across the country. Financial stability has enabled the district to maintain programs as well as introduce new programs.
Historically, district enrollment has increased at an average rate of 2.2% annually since the 1980-81 school years. Over this period of time enrollment increases followed the local growth and cost of housing. Over the past three years, the enrollment of the district has been stable. Recently, we have not grown at the thirty-year average of 2.2% but anticipate the averages will catch up over the course of the next several years during economic recovery. For the calendar year 2012 the county had a 5.7 percent unemployment rate compared to a statewide average of 6.3 percent. As a result of this unemployment rate, the district’s Free and Reduced School Lunch enrollees increased to over forty percent. This increase will also increase our Title I appropriation as the program is tied to “free and reduced” school lunch counts.
The district includes approximately 2,655 square miles and serves an estimated population of 21,199. The cities of Sun Valley, Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue and Carey are major incorporated communities in the district.
The district operates four elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, a combined Pre K-12 school, one alternative high school and special administrative and support facilities. Total enrollment for the district is approximately 3,300. There are currently approximately 16 students per FTE teacher, including classroom and special education teachers, but excluding counselors and librarians. All classroom support staff including counselors, librarians, learning disability, ancillary and social workers, the ratio is closer to 12 students per certified staff member. This ratio is much less than the State average.
School / Configuration / Enrollment / LocationCarey School / K-12 / 235 / Carey, Idaho
Bellevue Elementary / Pre K-5 / 330 / Bellevue, Idaho
Hailey Elementary / Pre K-5 / 498 / Hailey, Idaho
Hemingway Elementary / Pre K-5 / 385 / Ketchum, Idaho
Woodside Elementary / Pre K-5 / 359 / Hailey, Idaho
Wood River Middle School / 6-8 / 698 / Hailey, Idaho
Wood River High School / 9-12 / 784 / Hailey, Idaho
Silver Creek High School / 10-12 / 50 / Hailey, Idaho
Major Initiatives for the coming 2013-2014 School Year
· Implementation of Common Core State Standards, known in Idaho as Idaho Core Standards.
· Field testing the new ISAT, or SBAC test for the Idaho Core Standards.
· Continuing work on the ambitious 2009 Strategic Plan based on unprecedented community involvement.
· Mapping and curriculum alignment in Math, Language Arts.
· Opening of a Dual Immersion Magnet School, the first of its kind in the district.
· Certification of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, the first of its kind in the district.
· Investigation of expansion of the International Baccalaureate Programme into the Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme.
· Implementing several major technology initiatives, largely funded by the recent Plant Facility Levy.
· New construction additions to Wood River Middle School and Hemingway Elementary with site improvements at Hemingway Elementary.
Expectations of the Consultant
1. Develop and conduct a thoughtful, timely process for gathering Board, educator, staff, parent, and community input in order to craft a common vision for the leadership needs of our district.
2. Translate these needs into a comprehensive set of criteria and profile for the desired superintendent.
3. Recommend media and/or web based advertising outlets to reach appropriate candidates.
4. Conduct a thorough search for appropriate applicants and ultimately produce for the Board a pool of diverse, highly qualified, experienced, competent candidates who meet the criteria established.
5. Collect all relevant background information on potential candidates so that strengths and weaknesses of each applicant can be assessed.
6. Conduct appropriate background checks and interviews of qualified applicants and include these results in the information about individual candidates who are recommended to the Board for consideration; we would expect a thorough background check that would go beyond contacting the references supplied by the candidate.
7. Develop and construct a candidate selection process with appropriate community and stakeholder involvement, professional treatment of the candidates, and compliance with Idaho open meetings laws.
8. Provide a collaborative model for working with the Board, with timelines that include feedback and can be flexible, should that be warranted.
Proposal Specifications
1. Information about the consultant or organization making this proposal including:
a. Identification of the persons who will take primary responsibility for the search with a resume/biography. Names and contact information for school board members or clients from other search projects that can be contacted about working with these individuals. We would expect that the persons designated as primarily responsible for the search will make the Board presentation during the final phase of the selection process.
b. Provide a minimum of three school districts (of similar and academic quality to the School District, if possible) that have used your services for a superintendent search within the past two years. For each reference supply the school district name, contact person, their title, telephone number and address. Describe the contract (scope, length, and dollar value) for each reference.
c. Statement as to whether the individual or organization is currently engaged in other projects that are coincident with, potentially conflicting, or might affect the timeline of this search.
d. If you intend to propose a form of professional services contract between you and the school district, please provide a sample copy of the contract form. If you prefer that the school district generate the contract, please so indicate.
e. Please provide documentation of any litigation you have been involved in within the last five years including a brief description of the nature of the dispute and the outcome.
2. Describe the approach to be used by the organization to accomplish the tasks detailed in the Expectations of Consultant, including timelines inherent in the proposal.
3. Enclose examples of promotional materials developed and used in representative searches.
4. Describe any unique aspects of the proposal and the services to be provided which will allow the Board to differentiate between other proposals.
5. Describe the way in which a process for the evaluation of candidates will be developed, including Board engagement, consistent with best practices in executive hiring and open government requirements. Please provide any preliminary recommendations regarding the role of community and staff.
6. Describe the methods used to identify prospective candidates, promote their interest in applying, and obtain comprehensive, thorough and reliable information about these candidates.
7. Submit a detailed cost proposal, including signature, to perform the complete services requested in the Expectations of Consultant, including any pricing/cost data necessary to carry out this project. Specify any reimbursable costs to be billed in addition to fees quoted. Proposal must also include a maximum price that will not be exceeded to complete the described work. Payment terms must be specified.
a. Estimated cost by each scope of work section.
b. Estimated hours spent by each member of the project team and their fees.
c. Estimated travel expenses.
d. Estimated publishing and advertising expenses.
e. Estimated postage and other costs to distribute information regarding the vacancy.
f. Any other expense.
8. Describe any limitations on the number of visits to District and/or Board or community meetings.
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation of proposals and the selection of the consultant will be based on the review and analysis of all factors, including subjective considerations, which will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. The organization’s detailed proposal for conducting the requested services.
2. The organization’s background, qualifications, experience and guarantee in providing work as identified in the proposal and submission requirements of this RFP.
3. References of work done of a similar nature.
4. The Board’s opinions regarding the organization that will most effectively engage with the Board, staff and community and is most attuned to the needs of the District; and that will recruit the most qualified talent pool of candidates and provide the highest level of service in screening and interviewing candidates.
5. The organization’s commitment to spending the requisite amount of time assisting the Board and staff in pre‐planning the search process and fully executing it, including without limitation, solicitation of applicants, thoroughness of screening and background checks, interviews of candidates, and finalizing the selection.
6. All other factors that indicate the organization’s capability and commitment to perform satisfactorily, including responsiveness and availability.
7. Costs.
The Board may negotiate final terms, conditions, and pricing of in the agreement with the selected organization.
Submission Requirements and Deadline
1. Format and Submission of Proposals: The format requirements for RFP responses are designed to ensure uniformity in the responses provide the information necessary to understand each applicant’s proposal, and facilitate an efficient and comprehensive evaluation of all responses. Proposals must comply with the specifications and detailed instructions stated in this RFP document, must be signed by the certifying official, and must be presented to the District according to the detailed instructions below, no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday December 2, 2013.
a. One electronic version emailed to Laurie Kaufman ()
b. One original
c. Six copies
d. Envelopes, boxes, express carrier packages and any other containers enclosing sealed proposals must be clearly addressed as follows:
Blaine County School District No. 61
Mr. John Blackman
Interim Superintendent
Superintendent Search RFP
118 W. Bullion St.
Hailey, ID 83333
2. Late Proposals: Each applicant is responsible for submission of its Proposal. The school District is not responsible for misdirected mail or e-mail, mail or e-mail not received, and/or delivered late by specified date and time stated in this RFP. Proposals that may arrive after the date and time specified above will be returned to the applicant unopened.
3. Reservation of Rights: The District reserves the right, in its sole discretion (for this provision and all other provisions contained in this RFP), to accept or reject in whole or in part, any or all Proposals with or without cause. The District further reserves the right to waive any irregularity or informality in the RFP process or any Proposal, and the right to award the Contract to other than the applicant(s) submitting the best financial Proposal (low applicant). The District reserves the right to request additional information from any or all applicants. The District reserves the right to negotiate with the applicants concerning their Proposals.
4. Release of Claims: Each applicant by submitting its Proposal releases the District from any and all claims arising out of, and related to, the RFP process and selection of a Proposal.
5. A recipient of this RFP is responsible for any and all costs incurred by it or others acting on its behalf in preparing or submitting a Proposal, or otherwise responding to this RFP, or any negotiations incidental to its Proposal or this RFP.
6. Compliance with Statute: By responding to this RFP, the applicant warrants that all applicable Federal and State of Idaho statutes and regulations and/or local ordinances and District policies will be complied with in connection with the delivery of the services offered.
Requests for Proposals
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