Case Critique
Mosaic number (if appropriate) ……….…….………………….
Date critique undertaken….……….…………………….
Person supporting reflective practice session…………..…………………….
Team Manager…………………………………
Senior Practitioner …………………………………
Peer session …………………………………
Chronology / EventsIncluding the reason for the referral and any outcomes identified for the family or young person.
Assessment intervention (KSS) The role of the child and family social worker
Was the scale and depth of the Assessment/Intervention appropriate to the presenting issue and what subsequently emerged?
How holistic was the assessment?
- Is the information analytical rather than narrative?
Person Centred approach (KSS) Child and family assessment, effective direct work
- How did you involve the individuals in the assessment?
- How did you ensure / evaluate they were satisfied with any outcomes identified?
- How do the support/care plans reflect the views of the individual and or carers?
Other professionals /Agencies (KSS) Organisational Context, professional ethics
- Is there evidence of other professionals being involved with the family / young person?
- Were they the appropriate professionals and were they involved at the right time? If not should they have been?
- How did you work alongside other professionals to meet the needs of the individual and family?
Support / care plan and protection plan (KSS) Analysis decision making planning and review, professional ethics
- How does the support/care plan or protection plan meets the needs identified?
- In what way is the plan holistic and outcome focused?
- Is the recording of the information of a sufficiently high quality
- How will it be reviewed regularly?
Ongoing professional support / active support and safeguarding (KSS)The law and the family justice system
- How have the outcomes of the Support/Care Plan and or Protection Plan been met.
- Has follow-up support been provided at the appropriate level?
Equality and Diversity (KSS) Adult mental ill health, substance misuse, domestic abuse, physical ill health and disability, Child development, Professional ethics
- How were the needs taken into consideration
- Were there issues relating to the service users and family members, gender, religion/culture, sexual orientation or disability relevant to their needs?
- If so then what were/are they?
- How did you ensure those issues were explored? In what ways have the services provided reflect those needs?
Safeguarding (KSS) The Law the family and youth justice, Abuse and neglect of children
- How has the intervention secured the safety of the Child?
- Has the intervention followed the safeguarding policies and procedures?
- How have social care and other agencies met the identified time scales, if not why?
- Were the outcomes satisfactory?
Reflection on practice (KSS) The role of supervision & Research, Professional ethics
- What were your strengths / weaknesses, what did you do well ( identify 3 things)
- What could you have done better, How will you add these to your learning and development plan
- What have you learnt from this case and how will it affect future intervention?
Managers Section
How has feedback been given to the worker on the quality of their assessment and intervention?- What do you think were the strengths and weaknesses of their practice on this case?
- What would they do differently next time?
What has been done / needs to be done as a result of the critique?
Indicate how this case exemplifies best practice or illustrates the challenges faced by practitioners and managers in care management.
Has the practitioner clearly demonstrated knowledge and practice in line with the KSS