World War II Project

In your selected groups of two or on your own, you will be researching one of the topics below and creating a PowerPoint presentation, model, or poster to display in to present to the rest of the class in our class museum. Project topics, listed below, will be chosen through a drawing.


Hitlers Government

The Blitz


Women in war

Gas Masks

Air Raid Shelters

Battle of Britain

Children during the war

New Weapons

New Technology

Fashion (clothes)

* If you have a topic not listed in mind, talk to me to see if it is acceptable.

Project Requirements:

  1. Presentations should be at least 5-8 minutes in length – see rubric.
  2. Presented information is factual – see rubric.
  3. Presentation is organized and concepts are understood – see rubric.
  4. Presentation is created using PowerPoint (required) or Prezi (if you know how to use it)
  5. Group dynamics are positive and group goals are reached – see rubric.
  6. A student note sheet of your topic is created and provided for remaining students to take notes on your topic


Research chosen topic (Do we have all the research to explain the subtopics? )

  • Do more than a definition but don’t write a book

Collect your research individually and then come together and decide what to include

PowerPoint and Note sheet Requirements

ALL POWERPOINTS ARE DUE on March 21, 2014

  • If not emailed to me () or given me a copy of your PowerPoint on Edmodo - - 4 points

At least 5-8 minutes long

Must have at least 2 pictures per slide (relevant to the slide) -2 pts per picture missing


  • If found to be copy and pasted - -20 points off total score earned

No requirement for number of slides but MAKE THEM READABLE and INTERESTING


Student Note sheet (Skeletal notes) – other students will fill in as you are giving your presentation ( you will get this Monday 3/3/14

  • 1 copy of note sheet is due to Mr. Frazier no later than the day BEFORE you present
  • – 3 to 5 points if you turn in note sheet the DAY you are presenting

Only 1 partner needs to speak during presentation (both can if you want)

Make sure you know what you are talking about


Note – Late Work policy applies

- If you partner is absent on assigned day – either:

1) You can do the presentation and partner will receive a 15% deduction on score earned

*even if your partner was not going to say anything, still a deduction (not there for support and/or answering questions)

2) You don’t do the presentation and both receive a 15 % deduction on score earned

Teacher Scoring Rubric

Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Power Point is emailed or copy of pages turned in by march 24 / 0
NOT submitted by midnight of October 7th
TOTAL 20 pts
Project is accurate to WW I standards - FACTS / 10
Accurate and All subtopics discussed / 7
Accurate but 1 -2 subtopics not discussed / 5
Obvious incorrect facts and/or 1 -2 subtopics not discussed / 2
Obvious incorrect facts and 3 or more subtopics not discussed
Project shows effort in research / 10
Very complete information; well researched obvious; knowledge of topic evident / 7
Information somewhat complete (missing some important facts); somewhat well researched; knowledge of topic evident / 5
Information is missing; not well researched; Somewhat familiar with their topic / 2
Information is missing; poor research; Is not familiar with their topic
Slides are neat (not too wordy) and organized enhancing understanding; / 10
Slides are neat and organized; easy to understand / 7
Slides are somewhat neat and organized (font too small; too many words) / 5
Slides are not neat and not well organized (font too small, too many words, too many errors) / 2
Slides are not neat and not well organized (font too small; too many words, too many errors)
2 pictures per slide requirement
- 2 pts per missing / All slides have required 2 pictures / ______slides were missing 1 picture / ______slides were missing 2 pictures / TOTAL DEDUCTION
Project is creative and utilizes PowerPoint technology / 10
Creativity and time/effort obvious / 7
Creative but more time/effort should have been put into it / 5
Somewhat creative and more time/effort should have been put into it / 2
Not very creative (too plain) and evident that little time put into it
Presentation is ten minutes in length with questions / 10
5-8 minutes+ / 7
4 minutes / 5
3 minutes / 2
Less than 2 minutes
Audio or Video Clip / + 5
Audio/Video clip included / BONUS
Project is presented on assigned day / 10
Day assigned / _____ day(s) late
- 5% of score / TOTAL DEDUCTION
Student Note sheet / 10
Turned in day before presentation and includes important info. / 7
Turned in day before presentation but is missing important info. / 5
Student note sheet turned day of presentation and important information included / 2
Student note sheet turned in day of presentation and is missing important info.
TOTAL 70 pts
Teacher’s Score
*Pds 4,7 - Average / ______/ 90 pts
Partner or Self Evaluation Score / 10
See eval sheet / 7
See eval sheet / 5
See eval sheet / 2
See eval sheet
TOTAL / ______100 pts

Partner Evaluation Sheet


YOUR NAME:______


Partner did excellent job; covered all their material; never doubted research or presentation creation / 7
Partner did a good job; covered most of all their material; had some doubt about their research or presentation creation but trusted he/she would come through / 5
Partner did an ok job; covered some of their material but I had to step in and finish the research; doubted that he/she would come through based on observations / 2
Partner did little to nothing to contribute to this project; I did most research and creation of the presentation

Self Evaluation Sheet


YOUR NAME:______

I feel that I did an excellent job; I covered all the material; never doubted my research or presentation creation / 7
I feel that I did a good job; covered most of all the material; had some doubt about my research or presentation creation but came through ok; I could have put more time into it / 5
I did an ok job; covered some of the material but I didn’t finish the research; I should have put more time into it / 2
I did very little to nothing to prepare for this project even though I had time in class

PowerPoint Project Rubric

_____Daily Research (2 pts per day)

_____Creating Presentation (2 pts per day)

TOTAL 16 pts.

_____Project is accurate to WW I standards - FACTS (up to 10 pts.)

_____Project exemplifies effort in research (up to 10 pts.)

_____Slides are neat (not too wordy) and organized enhancing understanding ( up to 10 pts.)

_____Project is creative and utilizes PowerPoint technology (up to 10 pts.)

_____Presentation is 5 to 8 minutes in length (up to 10 pts.)

TOTAL 50 pts.

_____Group Scoring [evaluate each group partner(s) on overall effort/effectiveness ] (10 pts.)

_____Project is presented on assigned day (5 pts.)

Total 15 pts.

Earned Group Points: ______/ 115 Points