Monday27February 2012 7pm – 9pm

Adult Education Centre

GranvillePark, London SE13

Record of Meeting

Present: Councillor Maines (Chair), Cllr Kevin Bonavia,Councillor De Ryk, Dru Vestry, Heather Elliston, David Smith, Peter Smith

Apologies: Wendy Wood, Pat Hughes,Angela Kadri, Joan Barker, Gill Stoker, Peter Abbott,

Item / Action
1 / Welcome & introductions
Cllr Maines welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduce theagenda.
2. / Matters arising from minute of the last meeting
Transport and car park issues
It was reported that the bus lane through the village is currently under review. The group also received update about the current state of affairs on the station car park. Following representation by Heidi Alexander (MP) on the issues raised concerning proposed parking charges increase by Network Rail from the end of February when they would take over the management of the car park, a reply has been received. Network Rail has indicated that the charges proposed are in line with charges across London and as such there will be no reduction.The car parking charges will also apply on Sundays. A petition has now been raised to challenge Network Rail decision on this matter.
With regards to business permit holders and other users, Network Rail are happy to carry on with the arrangement that Lewisham Council has made with parents and teachers at John Ball school, other business permit holders and the farmer’s market. It was explained that an hour’s grace will permit parent to drop off and pick up theirchildren from school. A £20 annual permit charges is payable to Network Rail for this arrangement brokerage by the school.
The Localism Bill
A discussion on the opportunities presented by the Localism Bill took place. One of the opportunities mentioned was the empowerment of the community to take over the management of community assets. The Localism Act will provide communities with a new route to have their say about the future of those assets they care about which are not maintained properly. Cllr Maines mentioned that he had written to Kat Nicholson, the Council head of legal to seek further clarification on how best to proceed. It was explained that the Assembly will have a key role to play should any community group wish to take over assets of community interest. A question was raised about whether the Blackheath station car park can be classified as a community assets which can be run by the community. It was explained that as the car park is privately owned by Network Rail it might be impossible to apply this rule. Cllr Maines would seek further clarification on whether it can be applied in this instance.
Olympic parking
Changes to parking in Blackheath during the Olympic was unveiled at the series of drop in sessions held at the beginning of February. The main issues highlighted by many people who attended the sessions were buses on diversion, planned closure of the station car park and temporary closure of Tranquil Vale for the duration of the games. These measures are proposed by the Olympic organisers to enable better movement of spectators from the station to the games.
It was reported that the Olympic organisers have scaled down on things planned. Plans for the coach parking has now been withdrawn. Alsothe number of people expected to go through Blackheath en route to events taking place at GreenwichParkis thought not to have been as much as initially predicted. It is envisaged that less people than predicted will now be attending. Arrangement has also been made to allow people visiting their relatives in area affected by parking restrictions to use car parking facilities at Blackheath Station on Sundays as there will be no spaces for visitors parking in the area. It is envisaged that the cost of visitors permit issued for this purpose will be covered by LOCOG. However, it is not clear how manyvisitors ticket will be issued to each household.
3. / Youth Engagement
Ade reported that she had met with the extra curriculum leader at St Mathew Academy to discuss the formation of a youth forum in Blackheath. The aim of the project will be to increase the number of opportunities for young people to get involve in their community. Further meetings will be arranged with youth organisations in the ward as well as Lewisham Youth Service and the Young Mayor’s project to build capacity for this project. The group agreed that the minimum age of young people to be involved in the project will be capped at 13. It was explained that St Mathew had been considering setting up a forum for its students and they are keen to work in partnership with the assembly and other local youth organisations in the area. It was consequently agreed that a youth engagement strategy paper is produced outlining how the forum will operate.
4. / Assembly Coordinating group membership
A general discussion took place around the assembly coordinating group membership. Ade circulated a leaflet on the roles and responsibilities of the assembly coordinating group members. The processes for nomination onto the group was agreed. An expression of interest will be sought at the Assembly meeting for interested volunteers to join existing members. New members will be endorsed by the assembly.
5. / Planning Assembly Meeting – 13 March
Arrangements for the next Assembly meeting were discussed and the following were agreed:
  1. report back on grants given by the Assembly – Ahoy sailing project and Teach Sports Youth Citizenship project
  2. Update from Blackheath Safer neighbourhood Team
  3. Volunteering in Blackheath (2 local projects working in the area will be invited to speak to the meeting about their work (The Keep Blackheath tidy and Time bank project)
  4. Updates on Station car Park (group asked if a representative of the car park operator can be invited to the meeting)
  5. Olympic – parking arrangement for residents and their visitors during the games
  6. Assembly Coordinating group membership
Meeting publicity
A general discussion about the content of assembly publicity took place. The group felt that regular information should be included in the leaflet to publicise events and activities taking place in the ward. Concerns were raised that very little is known in the community about activities taking place on the Heath. Cllr Maines was asked to provided details of events happening on the Heath for the rest of the year for inclusion in the door to door leaflet. An annual programme of events could also be developed for subsequent year in advance.
It was also agreed that perhaps an additional method of communication could be developed with the creation of an online forum linked to the Assembly webpage. This could be used to raise issues and provide an opportunity for people to comment on the work of the assembly. Peter Smith volunteered to facilitate this. It was suggested that notices could also be sent out to groups and community organisation in the area requesting information about their group activities and this can be included on the website. An example of similar site recently set up by the Lee Green Lives community group was cited.
6. / AOB
Assembly meeting budget
The meeting requested details of the annual assembly meeting production budget. A breakdown of cost was discussed. Some concerns was raised about how previous year’s budget was used for coloured printing and catering. Ade was asked to provided the group with an actual breakdown of budget including any underspend for this financial year. A question was raised about whether any remaining underspend can be rolled over to next financial year. Ade explained that it might not be possible to carry over revenue budget but she will clarify with the Assembly programme manager and get back to group.
Item of agenda for future assembly meeting
A request was made by the group to have a presentation on the progress of the Heathside & Lethbridge Estate regeneration programme. Cllr De Ryk volunteered to look into this.
7. / Declaration of Interest
There were no interest declared at this meeting