Black Box Players Contract

Please share this with your parent/guardian, fill out the information on the bottom and both parties need to sign. Return this form to me by

I understand that in order to stay in this class and pass with a good grade, I must do the following:

1. Be in class on time everyday. Tardies and truancies will badly affect my grade.

2. Participate fully in every in-class activity. Memorize my lines by the assigned date. Be a supportive audience member when I am not performing and others are.

3. I must bring necessary materials to class. I may NOT bring food, sodas, coffee make-up or gum.

4. Dress appropriately for school and always be in uniform.

5. Show respect to every member of the class, including the teacher, by listening when they are talking and honoring their opinions and contributions. I will be asked to leave the class for put downs, slurs or other aggressive behavior.

6. Must become a member of the Thespian Society.

7. Must attend Alabama Theatre Association’s Junior Thespian Festival.

I agree to abide by this behavior and to accept the consequences (class or school detentions, parent conference, involvement of counselor or administration, lowering of grade, removal from class and/or failing grade) if I do not.


Phone Number______

Parent/Guardian Names(s)______

Parent/Guardian Phone (where can best reach you) ______

Student Number______


Parent Signature______

Student Signature______


The Black Box Players Rules and Regulations



You have been selected to join the Black Box Players. Before we begin our journey of long hours and hard work, every student and parent must read the Policies & Guidelines.


1. Calendar- Students will receive an advanced notice of all rehearsals and performances. Changes may be made to the calendar on an “as needed” basis. Students will be notified as to whether or not they have a “day off” from rehearsals. If rehearsals are changed an announcement will be made.

2. Performances- All cast and crew must be at all performances. Everyone will participate either on or off stage during performances. Failure to adhere to this will lead to dismissal from the Program!

3. Other Activities- I understand that students may be involved in more than one

activity. I will work with each child to help them attend another activity. It is

important that our cast and crew make a serious commitment to our production.

Any absence for other activities in the school must be approved by Mrs. Thompson. Please let Mrs. Thompson know early enough so that the calendar can be changed if necessary.

4. Parents- Please make every attempt to schedule ALL appointments at times that do not interfere with your child’s scheduled rehearsal. We need every minute, to prepare for our show, and it helps if the cast and crew are all together.

5. Consequences- The directors reserve the right to ask a student to leave the cast

and/or crew if he/she has more than 3 unexcused absences, or does not comply with the behavior policy in accordance with the Mobile County School System.


Drama students are expected to follow all the policies outlined in the student

handbook. Inappropriate behavior will be handled through Mrs. Thompson or the

administration at Dunbar. You will be subject to dismissal from Black Box if your behavior is deemed inappropriate.


All cast members are asked to supply a binder to put scripts and music inside. Students must bring their binder, a pencil and a highlighter to every class/rehearsal. Students should dress comfortably for rehearsals in clothes and shoes that will allow them to move freely for blocking scenes. Water bottles can be brought to every rehearsal.


Our goal is to put on a quality performances, while having fun. We all need to commit and to cooperate in order for that to happen.