BITES – Buildings Industry Transportation & Electricity Scenarios

Name ______Date ______Group # _____

Buildings Sector Investigation

Click on the Scenarios tab at the top of the page. Under My Scenarios, click on your group’s scenario.BITES should automatically bring you to the Buildings Sector. To be certain the scenario is reset, click on the [Reset] button at the bottom and then click on [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

1)Background:Hover the mouse pointer over each option and read the description to better understand what you are adjusting which each slider.

2)Prediction: Adjusting the settings in the Buildings Sector can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy use. If you maximize all the settings for the Buildings Sector, what percentage do you think carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced? ______

3)Maximize Options: Adjust all the sliders to their maximum setting. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs].Record the Summary Info below and compare the percentage of emissions reduction to your prediction.

Buildings Sector Maximum Impact Scenario

Buildings Sector Benchmarking

4)Click on the Benchmarking tab. Notice the reduction to Total Emissions compared to the Baseline adapted from the Annual Energy Outlook from 2011.

5)Now click through each sectors emissions benchmark and determine if the adjustments you made in the Buildings Sector had an impact on any of the other sectors.Indicate eitherincrease, no impact, or decrease for each sector looking at the final forecast for 2050.

  1. What was the impact onTransportation Emissions? ______
  2. What was the impact on Buildings Emissions? ______(Of course!)
  3. What was the impact on Industry Emissions? ______
  4. What was the impact on Electricity Emissions? ______

6)Click through the benchmarks for consumption and electric demand to determine if the adjustments you made in the Buildings Sector had an impact on them. Indicate either significant increase, slight increase, little to no impact, slight decrease, significant decrease for each benchmark.

  1. What was the impact on Energy Consumption?______
  2. What was the impact on Petroleum Consumption?______
  3. What was the impact on Biomass Consumption?______
  4. What was the impact on Electric Demand?______

7)Close and Reset:Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner.Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

Buildings Sector Individual Options Investigation

You will now maximize each option individually to determine which one is having the greatest impact on emissions, energy use, and oil use reduction.

8)Prediction: Which option do you think is going to have the greatest impact on reductions within the Buildings Sector? (NOTE: Percent of Existing Buildings Retrofitted by 2050 and Percent Efficiency Improvement of Building Retrofits in 2050 are considered one option as they are interconnected.)


9)Maximize the Improvements to New Buildings in 2030option by moving the slider to 75%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Buildings: Improvements to New Buildings in 2030

10)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

11)Maximize the Percent of Existing Building Retrofitted by 2050 option by moving the slider to 100%and the Percent Efficiency Improvement of Building Retrofits in 2050 option by moving the slider to 39%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Buildings: Percent of Existing Buildings Retrofitted by 2050and Percent Efficiency Improvement of Building Retrofits in 2050

12)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

13)Maximize the Heating, Cooling and Appliance Efficiency Improvement in 2050 option by moving the slider to 35%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Buildings: Heating, Cooling and Appliance Efficiency Improvement in 2050

14)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

15)Maximize the Fuel Switching in 2050 option by moving the slider to 100%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Buildings: Fuel Switching in 2050

16)Analysis: Which Buildings Sector option had the greatest impact on reductions?


17)Explanation: Provide an explanation for WHY the Buildings Sector option above had the greatest impact on reductions compared to the others.


18)Analysis: When you maximized all the options for the Buildings Sector and then looked at the benchmarking, the Electricity Emissions was also reduced significantly by making adjustments to the Buildings Sector options. Which Buildings Sector option do you think caused the reduction to the Electricity Emissions and why? Figure out a way to test your hypothesis. Correct your hypothesis if necessary.


Industry Sector Investigation

Click on the icon for the IndustrySector to select it. To be certain the scenario is reset, click on the [Reset] button at the bottom and then click on [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

19)Background: Hover the mouse pointer over each option and read the description to better understand what you are adjusting which each slider.

20)Prediction: Adjusting the settings in the Industry Sector can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy use. If you maximize all the settings for the Industry Sector, what percentage do you think carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced? ______

21)Maximize Options: Adjust all the sliders to their maximum setting. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below and compare the percentage of emissions reduction to your prediction.

Industry Sector Maximum Impact Scenario

Industry Sector Benchmarking

22)Click on the Benchmarking tab. Notice the reduction to Total Emissions compared to the Baseline adapted from the Annual Energy Outlook from 2011.

23)Now click through each sectors emissions benchmark and determine if the adjustments you made in the Industry Sector had an impact on any of the other sectors. Indicate eitherincrease, no impact, or decrease for each sector looking at the final forecast for 2050.

  1. What was the impact on Transportation Emissions? ______
  2. What was the impact on Buildings Emissions? ______
  3. What was the impact on Industry Emissions? ______(Of course!)
  4. What was the impact on Electricity Emissions? ______

24)Click through the benchmarks for consumption and electric demand to determine if the adjustments you made in the IndustrySector had an impact on them. Indicate either significant increase, slight increase, little to no impact, slight decrease, significant decrease for each benchmark.

  1. What was the impact on Energy Consumption?______
  2. What was the impact on Petroleum Consumption? ______
  3. What was the impact on Biomass Consumption? ______
  4. What was the impact on Electric Demand? ______

25)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

Industry Sector Individual Options Investigation

You will now maximize each option individually to determine which one is having the greatest impact on emissions, energy use, and oil use reduction.

26)Prediction: Which option do you think is going to have the greatest impact on reductions within the Industry Sector? ______

27)Maximize the Overall Industry Efficiency Improvements in 2050 option by moving the slider to 45%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Industry: Overall Industry Efficiency Improvements in 2050

28)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

29)Maximize the Low Carbon Fuel Mix by 2050 option by moving the slider to 64%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Industry: Low Carbon Fuel Mix by 2050

30)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

31)Maximize the Biomass Feedstock Percent for Chemicals in 2050 option by moving the slider to 100% Biomass - 0% Petroleum. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Industry: Biomass Feedstock Percent for Chemicals in 2050

32)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

33)Analysis: Which Industry Sector option had the greatest impact on reductions?


34)Explanation: Provide an explanation for WHY the Industry Sector option above had the greatest impact on reductions compared to the others.


35)Analysis: When you maximized all the options for the Industry Sector and then looked at the benchmarking, the Electricity Emissionsactually increased by 2050. Which Industry Sector option do you think caused the increase to the Electricity Emissions and why? Figure out a way to test your hypothesis. Correct your hypothesis if necessary.


Transportation Sector Investigation

Click on the icon for the TransportationSector to select it. To be certain the scenario is reset, click on the [Reset] button at the bottom and then click on [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

36)Background: Hover the mouse pointer over each option and read the description to better understand what you are adjusting which each slider.

37)Prediction: Adjusting the settings in the Transportation Sector can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy use. If you maximize all the settings for the Transportation Sector, what percentage do you think carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced? ______

38)Maximize Options: Adjust all the sliders to their maximum setting except the Vehicles Miles Traveled per Light Duty Vehicle in 2050 which should be minimized to provide the largest reductions. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below and compare the percentage of emissions reduction to your prediction.

Transportation Sector Maximum Impact Scenario

Transportation Sector Benchmarking

39)Click on the Benchmarking tab. Notice the reduction to Total Emissions compared to the Baseline adapted from the Annual Energy Outlook from 2011.

40)Now click through each sectors emissions benchmark and determine if the adjustments you made in the Transportation Sector had an impact on any of the other sectors. Indicate eitherincrease, noimpact, or decrease for each sector looking at the final forecast for 2050.

  1. What was the impact on Transportation Emissions? ______(Of course!)
  2. What was the impact on Buildings Emissions? ______
  3. What was the impact on Industry Emissions? ______
  4. What was the impact on Electricity Emissions? ______

41)Click through the benchmarks for consumption and electric demand to determine if the adjustments you made in the Transportation Sector had an impact on them. Indicate either significant increase, slight increase, little to no impact, slight decrease, significant decrease for each benchmark.

  1. What was the impact on Energy Consumption?______
  2. What was the impact on Petroleum Consumption? ______
  3. What was the impact on Biomass Consumption? ______
  4. What was the impact on Electric Demand? ______

42)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

Transportation Sector Individual Options Investigation

You will now maximize each option individually to determine which one is having the greatest impact on emissions, energy use, and oil use reduction.

43)Prediction: Which option do you think is going to have the greatest impact on reductions within the Transportation Sector? ______

44)Maximize the Light Duty Vehicle Fleet Miles Per Gallon in 2050 option by moving the slider to 75. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Transportation: Light Duty Vehicles Fleet Miles Per Gallon by 2050

45)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

46)Maximize the Non-Light Duty Vehicle Efficiency in 2050 option by moving the slider to 60%. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Transportation: Non-Light Duty Vehicle Efficiency in 2050

47)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

48)Maximize the Gallons of Biofuels by 2050 (in billions) option by moving the slider to 65. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Transportation: Gallons of Biofuels by 2050 (in billions)

49)Close and Reset: Close the Summary Info window by clicking on the [Close] button at the bottom right corner. Reset the scenario tool by clicking [Reset]and then [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

50)Minimize the Vehicle Miles Traveled per Light Duty Vehicle in 2050 option by moving the slider to 10000. Click on [Save] and then click on [Generate Outputs]. Record the Summary Info below.

Transportation: Vehicle Miles Traveled per Light Duty Vehicle in 2050

51)Analysis: Which Transportation Sector option had the greatest impact on Emissions Reduction by 2050?


52)Analysis: Which Transportation Sector option had the greatest impact on Energy Use and Oil Use Reduction by 2050?


53)Explanation: Provide an explanation for WHY the Transportation Sector options above had the greatest impact on reductions compared to the others. Why did one have a greater impact on Emissions Reduction while another had the greatest impact on Energy Use and Oil Use Reduction?


54)Analysis: When you maximized the impact for the options within the Transportation Sector and then looked at the benchmarking, the Industry Emissions was also reduced significantly by making adjustments to the Transportation Sector options. Which Transportation Sector option do you think caused the reduction to the Industry Emissions and why? Figure out a way to test your hypothesis. Correct your hypothesis if necessary.


Electricity Sector Investigation

Click on the icon for the ElectricitySector to select it. To be certain the scenario is reset, click on the [Reset] button at the bottom and then click on [Reset] again to confirm you want to RESET all values to match the base case scenario.

55)Background: Hover the mouse pointer over each option and read the description to better understand what you are adjusting which each slider.

Maximum Coal Scenario

56)Prediction: Adjusting the settings in the Electricity Sector can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. If you maximize use of coal to generate electricity, what percentage do you think carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced? ______

57)Maximize Coal: In the Electricity Generation Mix in 2050 section, maximize Coal to 68%, minimize Natural Gas to 2%, leave Nuclear at 16% and Renewables at 14%. Leave the Percent Fossil Fuel Carbon Capture and Sequestration in 2050 at 2%. Click on [Save] and then click on [GenerateOutputs]. Record the Summary Info below and compare the percentage of emissions reduction to your prediction.

Electricity Sector: Maximum Coal Scenario

NOTE: A negative reduction means there was actually an increase!

Electricity Sector Benchmarking

58)Click on the Benchmarking tab. Notice the increase in Total Emissions compared to the Baseline adapted from the Annual Energy Outlook from 2011.

59)Now click through each sectors emissions benchmark and determine if the adjustments you made in the Electricity Sector had an impact on any of the other sectors. Indicate eitherincrease, no impact, or decrease for each sector looking at the final forecast for 2050.