Bismillahirahminir Raheem
Rabishralee sadree….
Ø Share some of my experiences, Cover the philosophy, touch on some masil, but not a lot,
Ø Not a major in the subect
Ø Ask away – don’t guarantee I know the answers
Ø Apologies if it is a little bitty, but tried to make a list of all the things I wanted to say so I don’t forget
Ø If boring, not getting anything out of it, please say. Or break, etc
Before you leave – now
Ø Hajj , very similar to Ramadhan – and I’ll try and compare the two as we go along, but there is a diferrence,
o It is said that Ramazan – everyone enters into Allah’s mercy – but Hajj – Allah chooses who he will grant His favours too
o There is a lesson in that too. I remember…was not to keen on going
o Duas for Ramadhan – talk about Hajj, …haja baytikal harraam, fi aami hadha wa fi kuli aam
o You guys are very lucky, there are a selected few, shukr for that…
Ø Start reading and preparing from now – divide the preparation into 4 parts - philosophy and fiqh and amaals, and the practicals - what to take, what to wear, etc. What order we concentrate on. Going for an amazing journey. Once in a lifetime. Not chawro or ghantia..
o From practical things such as Do not cut your hair (from 1st zilkad to 10th zihaj) to learning the philosophy
o History – imams, prophets, etc
o Do we know the fiqh masails
o Focus your mind from now – everyting you do for Allah – even if make a cup of tea – Baqarah 196: و اتموا الحخ و العمرة لالله... And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah….
o Not – I will listen to the tapes on the plane cos there will be a million and one things going on…
Ø What do you want to get out of hajj – keep a diary, make notes of what you want to get out of hajj. Add to it when you there….and when you come back, compare notes, of how you fared against those aspirations.
Ø Read the ayaats of hajj in the qu’ran – Allah also tells us how to prepare, what to take, what to do
o Sura baqara – 197:
o الحج اشهر معلومات, فمن فرض فهن الحج فلا رفث ولا فسوق ولا جدال في الحج, و ما تفعلوا من خير يعلمه الله , وتزودوا , فان خير الزاد التقوى ...
o For the Hajj are the months well know, and if anyone undertakes the duty of the Hajj, let their be no obscenity, no wickedness, no wrangling in the Hajj, and whatever good you do, Allah knoweth it, And take a provision with you for the journey, and the best of provisions is taqwa, so fear me O you that are wise.
o Why do we fast – lalkoum tatkon – so that you may achieve taqwa.
Ø There are others (9:3, 19. Sura-e-hajj – 26->, 3:96-97– we’ll touch on some of them as we go along, also whole of Sura - Hajj
Ø Other preparations
o Write a will – obligation anyway. HP - Under pillow, etc
o Pay khums , clear debts…
o Ask forgiveness from the people Sile-raham / rade mazaalim –
o no baggage – going clean and ready to begin the journey towards Allah – unhindered and weighed down by obligations…..
Ø Preparation is key. If you got philosophy, fiqh, sorted now. Then you can enjoy the hajj. Hundreds of people telling you where to go, what to do, 2 million people there, its no the time to worry about do I do 2 rakaats, can I use a toothbrush in ehraam, deodorant, etc…those things sort out now.
Before you leave immediately
Ø Sadqa
Ø Ghusul - washing away all the sins of wrong doings. Cleaning yourself with the light of absolute repentance.
Ø Pray namaz and duas
Ø I’ll start with Medina – way I did. Think most groups do. Sunnis do not believe. I think it was mullah Asgher said, narrated story – If it was not for the HP, I would not know Allah
Ø House and the home and the mosque of the Holy Prophet and Bibi Fatema and many Imams. Absolutely amazing place and so peaceful. Feel contented.
Ø Prophets mosque – Sunnis do not believe it part of Hajj. 3I asked HP: What benefit is there to visiting us. HP: My son, I swear that if anyone visits me during my life or after my death, or you or 1, 2, or any, it becomes wajib for me to visit them in the hereafter and do shifa for them.
Ø Ladies – special times – morning and afternoon. Enter through the extension, not main gates of mosque, though it mustahab to enter through baab jibraeel. Every year, less and less of masjid ladies get to go to.
Ø Main / original mosque (even that has been extended) and the new extension
Ø Manners of entry – idn-e – dukhuul. Allah says in HQ: O h you believe, seek permission to enter the house. A’ adkhulu....It in most books. Even if we can’t remember it. We should know it when we reciting. Ayat from Quran : “Oh Allah, make me enter a goodly entering,....”
Ø Salaams and ziyaraat to the Holy Prophet and Bibi Fatema – know that they return it. 4:86.
و اذا حييتم بتحية فحيوا باحسن منها....
Ø Pillars –
o Three types – (1) original, used to be palm trunks, now red with gold lines, (2) used to be all red – built after HP death, (3) half red, haf white – riyadhul jant. Between HP house and HP mimbar. Area marked by cream carpet.
o tawba, - Abu Laba and Jews
o ghannana, - palm trunk that HP used to lean on to deliver sermons
o wujood – meet delegates
o hirs – 1 I guard HP
o Ayesha – lot of thawab to pray
o Tahajjud – HP shab
o Jibrail – inside zaree – secrets of the heavens and the eath
Ø Place of janaat, sufaa, bab / makaam-e-jibrail/ bab rahmat (urgent requests), houses of sadaat (houses of children of HP – knocked down)
Ø Practicalities –
o it will be manic – so many people trying to cram in.
o People pushing and shoving – do not push bk. HP came to teach best akhlaq.
o Do not raise your voice over the voice of the Holy Prophet
Amaals to do in Medina
Ø Duas – No better place to do
o makhare-mul akhlaq, tawba, tawasuul (6 adresseee)
Ø Wasisilat – not wahabi’ism
o Ask from the Imams
o Sunnis believe shirk – we believe wajibaat. Not bida, not innovation, but wajib.
o So sad to see – all mosques been broken. Visiting Medina not part of Hajj. Ziyarat of HP not recommended. Not allowed to ask anything from him, etc. Forcefully stop you.
o Wasliat is command from Allah – Maidah 35– Ya ayo hald heena amaano , itaqool Allah, wabtaghoo ilaih wasilat…We want to get closer to him, therefore find a means to approach him. In the Qu’ran – “wa law annahoom idhaa zalamoo an foseehim, jaa oo ka, fastaghfirollah, was taghfighralahoomar rasool la wajadoo Allah tawaban raheema.” And when they were unjust to themselves, had they come to you and asked for forgivesnes….Story of Abu lababa.
Ø Namaaz – so much thawab
Ø Thursday night in janatul baqee – dua – kumayl
Ø Dua – e- tawasul (6 of the adressees)
Janatul Baquee
Ø 2,4,5, 6 Imaams, maybe BF. – we going to visit – lets learn something about them. Kitab – ul – Irshaad, small booklets, even madressa notes…
Ø Pity , most closed of. There are namaazs of each of the Imaams
Ø Ibrahim – son of the Holy Prophet
Ø Fatma – binte Asad
Ø Prophets aunts. Umul Baneen, Aqeel bin Abu Talib, Andulah bin Jaffer –e tayyar, Halleema Saddiya, some of martys of Ohod, prophets wives, adopted daughters, Abbas (uncle of HP)
Ø Amazing personalities – their history?
Places around Medina
Ø Not robotic around these places. In out, two rakaat namaz, lets go
Ø Jang – e Ohod:
o 4:152. “Allah did indded fulfil His promise to you when you with his permission were about to annialate your enemy – until you flinched and fell into disputing about the order, and disobeyed it, and he brought you in the sight of the booty of which you covet. Among you are some that hanker after this world, and some that desire the hereafter…..
o Is this our philosophy, getting distracted from Allah through materials of this world? Reflect on the people of Ohod. C.f. my work….
o Jibraeel gave Zulfikar to 1I.
Ø Masjid Quba – first mosque. Prophet waited for 1I to join. – . Go with wudhoo, pray two rakaat – qabul umrah. Why. Sura tawba –
o المسجد اسس علي التقوا
o Prophet (PBUH) used to visit it regularly. Pray Jumah . But then people used to get jealous and built another mosque nearby – مسجدا ضرار - a mosque of mischief and infidelity to disunite the believers – is this the way we are in our lives?
Ø Masjid Juma – first Juma prayed here. Also 1I and BF honeymooned near here?
Ø 7 masjids – battle of Khandaq. Rest…where they camped . Masjid Fath (Prophet prayed for success) – Sura Ahzab – 9 – O you who believe – remember the grace of Allah on you, there came down on you hosts, but we sent against them a hurricane and forces that you saw not, but Allah sees clearly what you do…….they came upon you from above you and below you, the eyes became dim, and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and you imagined various vain thoughts about Allah. In that situation were the believers tried, they were shaken a tremendous shaking….. Think about the situations in our lives……
Ø Masjid Qiblatain – Baqarah:144 – we shall turn you to a Qiblah that will please you…
Ø Masjid – bir – e Ali. Shafaa in water
Ø Masjid – e – Fazeeq – Wine to vinegar . Ask Allah by his name to turn bad deeds into good.
Ø How long everyone stay in Medina?
Ø Masjid – e – Shajarah
Ø Namaaz before hand – 2 or 8 rakaats. Duas.
Ø Niyaat of Umrah – e – Tamaattu so important.
o When doing ghusul – washing away all the sins of wrong doings. (*5)
o Remember that you are shedding your bad habits and putting on the clothes of obedience to Allah.
o Remember clothes of death.
o Your are detaching from hypocrisy and vanity and showing off all bad deed
o You are making forbidden to yourself the Muharamat, and releasing yourself from all commitments other than Allah
o I’ve shed all my attahchments from this world, just me and you. Vulnerable and exposed. C.f shoes, Nabi Musa. Face cream Thank Allah. C.f parent told me the other day. Kid does not want to pray cos they have everyting…
Ø Only niyyat that it is mustahab to do loudly. Takbir immediately afterwards. And labay.
Entering Makkah
Ø Make niyyat that with your hear you are heading towards Allah
Ø He who recites Labayk 70 times with complete faith in Allah, Allah appoints 1000 angels to pray to save you from the fire.
Entering the Haraam
Ø Mustahab to enter through bab salaam – between safaa and marwa
Ø Duas to recite – important
Ø When see the Ka’ba for the 1st time – make hajaat – laying eyes on symbol of Allah’s majesty - accept
Ø Niyyat
Ø Make Allah the centre of your life, - your focus – all I doing is for Allah – Inasalaati wa nousouqi…
Ø Start at blackstone,7 rounds. . Say salaams from far.
Ø try and learn duas, focus. Its not going to be practical to have book. One dua for each round. Or one name of Allah for each round. Read the English of the duas and bear in mind. Panjatan.
Ø Red the duas in book.
o “ I ask you by the name in which Musa called you from Toor-e Sineen and you accepted him,
o Inee ilayka faker, wa inee khaifoon mustajeer,..
o Sailuka fakeeroka, miskeenuka, bi babika, fa ta sadk alaihi bil janat.
o Ya dhal mani was tawl, ya dhal juwdi bil karam
o Can remember all of it, then bits
Ø Practicalities of tawaf
o You will be pushed. Take own steps. Shoulders to face kaaba. Retrace steps
o Don’t touch kaaba or hijre ismail on way round
o Try to keep within bounds of Makaam – e ibrahim – mustahab.
Ø Packed –
o “Rabi Ani magloobui – fantasir – Nazmina story.
o “wa man dakhala kana aaminan” – Call Allah by that.
o When it gets hot. Call Allah by the name by which he saved Nabi Ibrahim from the fire. “ Ya nari kooni bardan wa salaaman ala Ibrahim”
o Partners in front / partners at the back
2 rakaat namaaz
Ø As close as possible to makaam-e-Ibraheem
Ø Partners to protect so no pushing
Ø Pray twice – clarify with Mustafa Jaffer
Ø Dua after namaaz
Ø Drink zam zam and poor over body
Safaa and Marwa
Ø Retracing the footsteps of Bibi Hajre. Allah liked her ibadah so much. She was slave, second wife, black….yet Hajj not qabul without it
Ø Between hope and fear. Ina safaa wal marwa min shai ril Allah 2:158
o Hope to save her child, Allah will help. Remember she had complete trust in Allah. Nabi Ibrahim left her in the middle of no where. Is this the will of my Lord. She had complete trust and faith in Allah.
o When we go between Safaa and Marwa we have to bear that in mind. Hope and fear he will die. That is the what we should focus on in our life. Hope for Allah’s mercy, fear his punishment. The middle way.
o Saying of Imam Ali. Slave - The prayers of those who fear Allah, the Trader – the prayers of those who want his benefit, of the believers who worship in his way.