The Mayors Fund for London with support from Lloyd’s Charities Trust, the grant-making charity of the Lloyd’s insurance market, set up the Count on Us Maths Club Project. This project ran over the past 3 years in 26 primary schools across London. The clubs provide targeted interventions for pupils aged 5 – 11 during lunchtime, before or after school to engage pupils in fun numeracy activities. Clubs support pupil’s in the following ways; improving attitudes towards mathematics, increasing enjoyment and increasing mathematical attainment by adding value to your numeracy strategy and supporting learning beyond the classroom.
The website provides all the good practice collected over the past 3 years along with the free resources. Now is your chance to set up your own maths club with our brand new kick-start grants. Read the information below and fill in the application form for your opportunity to access the funding.
Kick-Start Grants and Selection Criteria
Kick-start grants are available for all London schools in order for them to purchase the resources they need to set up and run their maths clubs. Each school has the opportunity to bid for up to £600. Schools will be expected to set out what resources they need and the cost of these resources. The aim of this grant is to support schools with the initial set up costs for the clubs, schools should be considerate of how they will make the clubs sustainable.
As a social mobility charity, the Mayor’s Fund focuses on those children who are most in need. To be eligible to access this kick-start funding schools must ensure:
- That they target pupils who are under achieving in maths or lack confidence or interest in the subject.
- That priority for attending is given to pupils who receive free school meals, a minimumof 50% FSM.
Monitoring information
Schools will be required to trail some of the free resources available on our website and provide feedback to the Mayor’s Fund at a forum event. Maths club leaders will commit to attend one maths club forum at City Hall to share good practice and support us to review and improve our resources. Schools will submit registers for their clubs at the end of each club term for academic year 16/17.
How to complete this Application form
Please provide sufficient information about your school and your maths provision. It isimportant to demonstrate your whole school commitment to changing attitudes to numeracy, and indicating how you plan to make your club sustainable.
Schools are recommended to attach,where possible, your most recent Pupil Premium spending overview, your Numeracy Development Plan (if you have one in place) and current School Development Plan to your application to provide further evidence that you have met our selection criteria.
How to submit your Application Form
Completed applications and accompanying documents should be emailed or posted to: Tess Sullivan, Mayor's Fund for London, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, More London, London, SE1 2AA.
School Information
School Name:
School Address:
School Postcode:
London Borough:
School Type (eg. LA maintainted, Academy etc):
Ages of pupils (eg. Primary / Junior etc):
Number of Children on roll:
Form Entry:
Contact Information
Headteacher Name:
Headteacher Email:
Maths club leader Name:
Maths club leader Role Title:
Maths club leader Email:
Telephone Number:
School Demographic Information
We collect demographic information for our records.
Pupil Premium Eligibility:
Percentage of Pupils with SEN:
Breakdown by % of pupil’s ethnicity:
Pupils with English as an additional language:
Number of languages spoken in school:
Please provide a brief overview of your school community, including any currentkey challenges facing children and families:
E.g. overcrowded housing, financial hardship
School Attainment Information
We aim to reach pupils who are at risk of not reaching their full potential. Please provide your schools end of Key stage 2 SATS results for our information.
Key Stage 2 Maths Data2016
Percentage of children reaching the required level:
School Commitment Overview
We want to hear from you why your school and pupils need the Maths Club project, and why you want to be part of the programme. We need this information to ensure the most appropriate and capable schools are included in the project. Please use the box below to answer the following:
- What is your current club provision in school and how will maths clubs fit in?
- Who will you select as a maths champion to run the maths club (why this person?) and how will the leadership team support them?
- Why do your children need the Count on Us Maths Club project?
- Please explain why your school and in particular leadership team, are suited to and enthused by taking part in this programme?
*Please answer these questions as thoroughly as possible to support your application:
Maths Clubs Budget Overview
The Count on Us Maths Clubs kick-start grantwill support schools to set up and run their maths club. The grant is for up to £600 per school. To receive the grant you must agree to trail one of our resource packages. Please state which package you would will be trailing:
Maths Kitchen
Mathematical Talk
Please give an overview of how your school plan to use this funding. The resources must be directly linked to maths club, please state how they will be used in maths club, for example: a holding activity or warm up activity.The resources do not only have to be for the themed packages above. Ensure you have attributed costs to each item:
E.g. cooking equipment, ingredients, board games.
Resource / Estimated cost / How will you use the materials?If you have any questions or need support completing this form, please contact Tess Sullivan: or 0207 983 4753
Count on Us Maths Clubs Projects School Commitment
If you are successful for the kick- start grant, you agree to commit to the following for the academic year 2016/17:
Continue to develop your whole school commitment to changing attitudes to numeracy
Nominate and support a ‘maths champion’, including their maths clubs and any other initiatives
Identify a staff member to administer the budget for the project and follow financial procedures accurately
Use the Getting Started Guide, when setting up the club, to ensure best practice for your Maths Club:
Comply with the pupil selection criteria described above
Provide a space for the Maths Clubs to meet, as well as basic resources such as pens and paper
Trial a selection of Mayor’s Fund resources (Maths Kitchen, Mathematical Talk or Enterprise) for review at the forum.
Keep a record of pupils attendance e.g. a register and submit termly for monitoring purposes.
Maths Champion to attend one Forum to review resources and website
Provide a short case study
Host occasional project visits by Mayor’s Fund staff, funders and other stakeholders
Headteacher’s Approval
Headteacher's Signature:
This indicates that you support this application and if successful, will support the implementation of Count on Us Maths Clubs at your school.
About the Mayor’s Fund for London:
The Mayor’s Fund for London is a social mobility charity. We empower young Londoners from disadvantaged backgrounds to acquire the skills and opportunities they need to secure employment, climb the career ladder and escape the threat of poverty.
The Mayor is our patron.
Our charitable activities focus on wellbeing, skills, employment and enterprise. We help children and young people play a greater part in the future of London.
With thanks for their support to Lloyd’s Charities Trust.
Lloyd’s Charities Trust makes grants to a wide range of charities on behalf of the Lloyd’s insurance market. Mindful of Lloyd’s position as one of the UK’s leading financial institutions and a major contributor to the economy, Lloyd’s Charities Trust aims to spread the economic and social benefits of the Lloyd’s market by supporting projects that tackle disadvantage and foster opportunity. Lloyd’s Charities Trust have funded the past 3 years of the project and are generously supporting the new chapter for maths club by funding our kick-start grant program.
Visit: T: 020 7983 4051
Email: Registered Charity No: 1124833