Bismarck Public Schools

Professional Excellence Program

Elementary Counselor Self Assessment






/ Always

I. Planning and Preparation

1. I possess knowledge of content and am able to make connections between content and other disciplines.
2. I display an understanding of the developmental age groups I teach
3. I am aware of school, district, and community resources available to assist students.
4. I apply knowledge of current research in counseling and apply it in the counseling process.
5. I make adjustments in my programs to meet the changing needs of students.
6. I design learning activities that are relevant to students and instructional goals. These learning activities also reflect current research.
7. I employ assessment criteria and standards that are clear and have been communicated to students.






/ Always
II. The Classroom Culture and Delivery of Services
1. I display knowledge of National School Counseling Standards and ethical standards including confidentiality.
2.  My students are engaged in the program with appropriate activities, materials and structure.
3. I design interventions that address individual student needs and involve other educators.
4. My interaction with students is appropriate and reflects general warmth, caring and respect.
5. I promote an environment in which students monitor and correct their own behavior.
6. I respond to student misbehavior appropriately, maintaining the student’s dignity.
7. My students respect each other as individuals.
III. Professional Responsibilities






/ Always
1. I communicate appropriately with parents, students, and colleagues.
2. I build partnerships with educators, families and the community to promote student wellness, learning and achievement.
3. I work with district, state and other agencies to provide and coordinate services for students.
4. I communicate with parents about student progress.
5. I participate in professional development activities and workshop.
6. I volunteer to participate in school and district events and activities.
7. I work with a variety of organizations to promote services for students.