BSCC Handbook




Section1 Club Rules

2Rules of racing

3Past award winners

4Club records


 Bishops Stortford Cycling Club 2018

This handbook is the property of the Bishop's Stortford Cycling Club.

Section 1


1This club shall be known as the Bishop's Stortford Cycling Club. The purpose is to encourage and promote the sport and pastime of all cycling activities in Bishop's Stortford and surrounding areas.

2The club colours shall be: black, white, blue and red.

3Membership shall be open to anyone attaining the age sixteen years*.

Senior members (18 years or over) 1st and 2nd claim.

Junior members (16 or 17 and those 18 year olds whose birthday is in the current year) 1st and 2nd claim.

*Social and family members - no age limit.

Honorary member.

4Acceptance of members: Persons will be accepted on payment of application subscription, (over thirteen and a half years minimum age). Subject to approval by Committee.

5a)Annual subscriptions: The 1st payment of which becomes due on joining the Club and thereafter on the 1st January each year. (Anyone joining after 30th June in any year will be classed as a fully paid up member until 31st December of the following year.

b)Members who have not paid their subscription by 31st January in any year shall be deemed to have resigned and their name removed from the Register of Members.

c)Any person who has allowed his membership to lapse from the previous year must re-apply for membership and pay a fine of £1.


Senior 1st claim18 or over £20.00

Senior 2nd claim18 or over£10.00

Junior 1st claim16 or over£10.00

Junior 2nd claim16 or over£5.00

SocialNo age limit£5.00

Family(Senior 1st claim plus)£15.00


1st claimunder 16£5.00

2nd claimunder 16£3.00

Senior 1st claim18 or over

a) In full time education b) Unemployed }£10.00

c) Senior citizen}

Honorary memberNo fee

e)Members must hold a 3rd party insurance of the BC, CyclingUK or some other scheme approved by the Club Committee or be willing to affiliate to the BC (1st claim only). Any person who cannot prove that they hold an approved 3rd party insurance scheme must be willing to pay for membership of the BC before his application for, or renewal of, membership of the BSCC can be accepted.

6Rights and privileges of membership.

1st claim:To compete in open events in the Club's name.

The right to vote at a General Meeting.

To stand for election to any office in the Club if over the age of 16 years.

2nd claim:To compete in Club events but not for Club awards (except 10 mile league). Cannot vote at a General Meeting or stand for any Club office.

Social:To join in the social activities of the Club.

Cannot compete in "open" or Club events. Cannot vote at a General Meeting or stand for any club office.

Family:One senior member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a 1st claim member. A partner and all children living at the same address shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of 2nd claim members.

Honorary:An honorary member shall have the rights and privileges of a first claim member.

7Expulsion of members: The Club Committee has the right to expel a member of the Club.

8The Honorary Officials of the Club:

President, Vice President(s), General Secretary, Road Racing Secretary, Time Trial Secretary, Press Secretary, Treasurer,

Chairman, Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Supplies Officer, Web Master, Club Captain and two Vice Captains.

9Club Committee: Shall meet at least every six months and shall control the management of the Club. The Committee Chairman shall convene a meeting when he or any other committee member identifies a need. It shall consist of: one Junior member (under 18) and the following Honorary Officials:-

Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Road Racing Secretary, Time Trial Secretary, Press Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary, Supplies Officer, Web Master, Welfare Officer, Club Captain and two Vice Captains.

The President and the Vice Presidents have the right to attend Committee Meetings and to take part in the discussions, but not the right to vote. A quorum shall consist of 4 members.

Proceedings of all Committee Meetings shall be made known unless considered against the best interests of the Club.

A Minute Book shall be kept to record the details of Committee Meetings.

Any member of the Committee absent for 3 consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse shall be deemed to have resigned and the Committee may fill the vacancy by co-opting another member.

10Annual General Meeting. Shall be held after the 1st October and before the 31st December in each year for the following purposes:

a)to receive reports of the previous year

b)to receive Statement of Accounts

c)to elect Honorary Officials

d)to discuss items appearing on the Agenda

e)any other business.

The Committee shall give 28 days notice of the date of the AGM. Items for the Agenda must reach the General Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the AGM.

A quorum shall consist of one third of the eligible members.

11Club funds shall be deposited in a bank in the Club's name and the Treasurer shall make a Statement of Accounts at each Committee Meeting and at the AGM.

The financial year shall end on 30th September.

12Special General Meeting. A special General Meeting may be called by 3 members or more by giving the General Secretary the reason in writing 28 days notice.

13On Club nights a Club Official shall announce:

a)details of forthcoming events

b)a summary of any outstanding competitive results

c)any other important items.

14On Winter Club Runs (1st October to 31st March) members must have rear mudguard and mudflap.

15On days when the Club is promoting "Open Events" Members wishing to race that day must be given clearance to do so from the respective "Open Event" Secretary.

16Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.

17A majority of two thirds (of full members present) is required to pass a new club rule.

18Full Club Members should be prepared to assist in the running of cycling activities. These activities may comprise:


2Associations to which the club is affiliated

3Non cycling organisations which the Committee deem to be worthy of assistance and which may enhance and improve the club and sport.

Failure to co-operate may result in the Committee refusing to renew membership.

Note: The Committee will assess the number of duties by totalling the known commitment for the year and dividing by the number of members.

19 All surplus income or profits are re-invested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

20 Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to a registered CASC, a registered charity or the sports governing body.

Section 2


1Members competing in Open and Association events shall endeavour to wear the Club's current racing colours - namely Black, White, Blue and Red.

2Entries for Club events - (except 10 league)

All members’ entries must be handed to the Racing Secretary with an entry form, at least 7 days before the event.

3Entries for 10 league:

One entry form covers all events and must be handed to Racing Secretary at least 7 days before the member’s first event.

4The onus of claiming annual awards rests with the members and must give complete details of appropriate performances to the Racing Secretary at the end of each racing season.

Members must produce proof of their performances upon request to the Racing Secretary.


All individual, team and tandem records as listed in the Cycling Time Trials Handbook are recognised by the Club and current record lists are kept by the Racing Secretary.

Claiming Records

Members breaking or establishing Club records must make a claim in writing to the Racing secretary within 14 days of the event and show him the Official Result Sheet within 8 weeks.

Private trials are not recognised for record breaking purposes.


Club place to place records exist for Schoolboys, Juniors, Seniors and Ladies on cycles, tricycles, tandem and tandem tricycles.

Bishop's Stortford to Ware and back

Bishop's Stortford to Chelmsford and back

Bishop's Stortford to Bury St. Edmonds and back.

1Members must start and finish at the Main Post Office in Bishop's Stortford and must turn at or pass the Main Post Office in the appropriate towns. The must be seen to do so by an observer.

2Notice of such attempts must be made in writing 7 days before the attempt to the Racing Secretary.

3The member must make all arrangements.

4Timekeeper and observers must be approved by the Club.

5Members may choose any route they wish but must be open to the use of motor vehicles.


1Standard Awards may be gained by members in the following classes:





Distances recognised are those listed in the current CTT Handbook under Competition Records for each class.

Standards are awarded as follows:

10 to 100 miles

National Record + 15% Gold

+ 25% Silver

+ 35% Bronze

12 & 24 Hour

Gold:90% National Record

Silver:85% National Record

Bronze:80% National Record

As listed in current CTT Handbook.

2A member must pay the appropriate fee together with his previous best time at the distance (if any) before being eligible for the award - which will be presented (if successful) at the following Club Dinner.

CLUB TROPHIES (Awarded annually)

10 Mile League

Open to 1st and 2nd claim members on payment of appropriate entry fee.

1Held on weekday evenings from 1st May until 31st July.

A maximum of 2 evenings can be used for running other Club events during this period.

2This league is a handicap event and the first 10 riders in each event on handicap are awarded points.

3Each event must be held on the same course.

4Each rider must, before being eligible, record a time for the ten miles, (in the two races before May 1st or the first event completed) on the course to be used.

5The handicap base time shall be 20 minutes.

6The riders handicap for the first counting event shall be his (fastest) time recorded (as in rule 4) minus 20 minutes, ie; recorded time 29min 3sec minus 20min = handicap of 9min 3sec. Maximum for men 15min and 20min for ladies.

7After each event the riders handicap is deducted from his recorded time and the rider with the shortest time shall be awarded 10 points.

2nd 9 points

3rd8 points

4th7 points

5th 6 points

6th5 points

7th4 points

8th3 points

9th2 points

10th1 point

8If a rider improves on his previous best time his handicap shall be reduced accordingly ie; 29.16 previous best - improves 59sec new handicap of 8.17. If a rider is slower his handicap remains unchanged.

9The winner of the competition shall be the person with the highest total number of points scored in 8 best events. In the event of a tie the winner is decided by the highest total number of points over all events.


Open to members under the age of 18 and those 18 year olds whose birthday is in the current year.

Will be awarded to the member returning the highest mean average speed for two 10 miles and two 25 miles time trials, in Club, Association or Open events.


Will be awarded to the member returning the highest mean average speed for 25, 50 100 miles in Club, Association or Open events.

This competition is also open to Juniors.


Will be awarded to the lady member returning the highest mean average speed for two 10 miles and two 25 miles time trials in Club, Association or Open events.


Will be awarded to the member (aged 40 years and over) returning the highest mean average speed on standard for 25, 50 and 100 miles in Club, Association or Open events.


Will be awarded to the member returning the shortest time in a Club, Association or Open event.


Will be awarded to the member covering the greatest distance in Association and Open event. This competition is also open to Juniors.


Awarded to member returning the shortest time in an event nominated by the Club Committee.


Awarded to the member with the highest points score under the following conditions:

1st10 points4th4 points

2nd8 points5th3 points

3rd6 points6th2 points

1 point for finishing.


1st10 points4th4 points

2nd8 points5th3 points

3rd6 points6th2 points

1 point for finishing.


Awarded to the winner of the Autumn/Winter Cross Country Chase.


Awarded by member gaining most points by attending Winter Club Runs and Club nights. Between 1st October and 31st March.

2 points for morning Club Run

4 points for All Day Run

1 point for a Club Night.


Awarded by the previous holder to the member who takes the worst hammering on a Club Run.


Awarded by the previous holder to the worst mechanic of the year!




Held by the current holder of the record.


Awarded at the President's discretion to a member who has tried hard during the year without winning any other award.


Awarded based on age standard in event nominated by the committee.


Awarded for an event nominated by the committee.


Awarded for an event nominated by the committee.


Awarded by the previous recipient to the member considered to be a persistent ‘half wheeler’ on club runs during the year.
Section 3




1968K Jolliffe22.7691968M Kitchener23.361

1969K Jolliffe23.441969T Nutter24.643

1970A Dobbin24.9231970T Nutter26.205

1971A Dobbin25.0141971not awarded

1972D Eager19.91972D Wackett22.808

1973D Eager20.6421973P Chapman23.702

1974P Chapman20.9381974P Chapman24.159

1975T Nutter22.1021975K O'Brien23.512

1976K O'Brien22.7011976P Hayward22.853

1977K O'Brien23.2901977P Hayward24.1

1978not awarded1978A Morley26.004

1979T Nutter23.2151979A Morley26.74

1980not awarded1980A Morley26.55

1981M Shepard23.9141981L Thompson25.03

1982P Chapman23.7111982R Beard24.935

1983T Nutter25.1661983M Hutchin24.84

1984M Paynton23.1331984P Jolliffe23.133

1985T Nutter25.9151985G Ryan23.401

1986not awarded1986D Knight25.445

1987R Asser22.1731987D Knight25.781

1988G Dewberry24.0821988not awarded

1989A Couchman24.5381989not awarded

1990G Dewberry23.5941990S Bridal24.111

1991B Dennett23.2241991S Bridal25.327

1992G Ryan25.4861992O Chapple23.045

1993B Dennett23.9371993not awarded

1994D Friend23.1121994not awarded

1995G Welch24.841995N Hornett21.07

1996G Welch26.121996Neil Hornett25.25

1997G Welch26.2951997Neil Hornett27.069

1998G Welch26.2341998not awarded

2015J Long27.464

2016Not awarded

LADIES BAR VETERANS BAR(on age standard)

1984G Roberts+2.342

1985G Roberts+2.532

1986not awarded 1987 R Asser +2.258

1988not awarded

1989L Brown+2.466

1990K Dennett22.5031990not awarded

1991K Dennett22.751991not awarded

1992not awarded1992not awarded

1993W Dadswell18.9451993D Friend+4.166

1994not awarded1994D Friend+4.075

1995W Dadswell20.061995B Dennett+2.474

1996F Hornett22.851996D Friend+5.35

1997F Hornett23.191997not awarded

1998F Hornett22.3291998not awarded

1999not awarded1999not awarded

2000not awarded2000not awarded

2001not awarded2001not awarded

2002not awarded2002not awarded

2003not awarded2003not awarded

2017 K Dennett23.7292015K Dorling 36.119mph

2016not awarded


1981M Eaton198.28 miles

1982M Eaton191.323

1984R Asser202.2

1985M Eaton198.311

1988M Eaton186.77

1989T Nutter230.5

1991B Dennett235.3

1993B Dennett236.135

1995G Welch241.78

1996 not awarded

1997G Welch240.12

1998not awarded


(on standard)


1968K Jolliffe1.2.50

1969K Jolliffe 59.08

1970A Dobbin 57.19

1971T Nutter 56.13

1972A Dobbin 57.16

1973D Sparkes1.0.10

1974T Nutter 57.14

1975T Nutter 55.00

1976T Nutter 57.33

1977T Nutter 59.02

1978T Nutter 56.15

1979A Morley 55.55

1980A Morley 55.291980L Brown+5.34

1981T Nutter 55.321981L Brown+4.23

1982T Nutter 55.091982G Roberts+5.40

1983T Nutter 57.541983L Brown+6.20

1984P Horton 55.131984L Brown+6.17

1985T Nutter 55.191985P Gale+5.58

1986P Horton 55.151986G Roberts+8.04

1987K Matthews 57.421987P Gale+8.21

1988G Dewberry/G Snellin 57.421988P Gale+9.20

1989T Nutter 56.131989L Brown+6.29

1990D Knight 53.071990B Wilkins+5.26

1991G Ryan 56.381991D Friend+6.54

1992D Knight 54.501992D Friend+4.26

1993B Dennett 59.111993D Friend +12.28994

1994T Nutter 57.361994D Friend +12.50

1995J Evans 57.331995D Friend +12.06

1996J Evans 53.131996D Friend +10.32

1997J Evans 53.321997J Evans +17.16

1998G Welch 53.151998I Davidson+2.49

1999K Dorling 55.061999D Friend+11.55

2000T Bright 58.142000D Friend+15.16

2001D Friend 56.102001K Dorling+4.13

2002K Whelan 57.342002D Friend+14.41

2003D Friend 1.3.252003I Davidson+5.28

2004not awarded2009 I Davidson+4.48

2005T Bright 57.152010 D Rudkin +10.56

2013K Dorling 56.21

2014K Dorling 54.42

2015J Long 51.46

2016 A Yeoman 56.58

2017 A Yeoman 52.522017 A Yeoman +14.23


1976C Farley

1977C Farley

1978P Hayward

1979C Farley

1980T Nutter

1981T Nutter

1982T Nutter

1983T Nutter1983R Beard

1984R Beard1984D Knight

1985P Horton1985D Knight

1986M Farley1986D Knight

1987M Farley1987D Knight

1988M Farley1988not awarded

1989S Kilroy1989not awarded

1990M Conder1990D Friend(jun)

1991P Jolliffe1991D Friend(jun)

1992D Knight1992O Chapple

1993R Beard1993not awarded

1994D Friend(sen)1994not awarded

1995D Friend(sen)1995not awarded

1996D Friend(sen)1996N Hornett

1997M Hutchin1997N Hornett

1998G Welch1998not awarded

1999D Friend1999not awarded

2000 D Friend

2001 D Friend

2002 D Friend

2003 D Friend

2008 A Hastings

2012S Nash

2013S Nash

2016C Monk

2017 T Couchman


1972G Hobin
1973D Sparkes
1974P Chapman
1975P Hayward
1976A Morley / 1976C Farley
1977A Duncan / 1977T Nutter
1978P Hayward / 1978T Nutter
1979G Saxby / 1979A Morley
1980L Thompson / 1980M McCann
1981R Beard / 1981J Lingwood
1982M Hutchin / 1982R Beard
1983D Knight / 1983P Chapman
1984S Newall / 1984R Beard
1985R Matthews / 1985M Farley
1986M Giles / 1986M Hutchin
1987G Dewberry / 1987not awarded
1988R Knight / 1988R Sanders
1989P Gottlieb / 1989M Hutchin
1990M Hutchin / 1990D Knight
1991M Eaton / 1991S Marshall
1992R Willé-Williams / 1992D Knight
1993D Friend / 1993not awarded
1994R Willé- Williams / 1994not awarded
1995S Andrews / 1995S Crunden
1996N Hornett / 1996N Hornett
1997D Bushell / 1997D Lee
1998I Davidson / 1998D Lee
1999M Hutchin / 1999P Bolton
2000I Davidson / 2000B Dennett
2001I Davidson / 2001= D Lee
S O’Harrow
2002 I Davidson / 2002D Murphy
2003I Davidson / 2003C Farley
2004L Rowe
2005 D Lee
2006 L Rowe
2007L Rowe
2008 A Hastings
2009 P Doige
2010 K Whelan / 2010K Whelan
2011S Nash
2012S Nash
2013 J Long / 2013R Mould
2014 C Potter / 2014 S Watt

2015A Yeoman2015K Lunt

2016L Gosden2016K Lunt

2017 S Cadzow2017 T Couchman


1997M Howes1997I Boyfield

1998I Davidson1998J Swallow

2002 I Davidson

2003I Davidson



1969M Wilkes

1970T Nutter

1971V White

1972P Chapman

1973M Eckers

1974C FarleyC Farley

1975K O'BrienT Nutter

1976M EckersC Farley

1977A MorleyT NutterT Nutter

1978C ParkinsonF Hornet(Mrs)C Farley

1979L BrownL BrownC Farley

1980L ThompsonI McKenzieM Armor

1981R BeardA HutchinC Farley D Lee

1982S SellA HutchinC Farley P Chapman

1983R KnightB RobertsonT Nutter D Keen

1984G DeanG RyanM Farley M Farley

1985K MatthewsP JolliffeM Farley

1986J Knight (Miss)K MatthewsA Fleet

1987S CoareP HortonP Jolliffe

1988B DennettM SalterP Jolliffe

1989S BridalB DennettS Kilroy

1990M GilesD Friend(sen)S Bridal

1991S BridalG WelchS Bridal

1992 K Dennett (Mrs) R Turner (Miss)G Ryan

1993D Da CostaK EdwardsJ Evans

1994S AndrewsB DennettD Knight

1995S AndrewsG RyanM Farley

1996B DennettM Farley

1997T NutterI DavidsonR Knight

1998K WhelanD Bushellnot awarded

1999J MacFarlaneI Davidsonnot awarded

2000D LeeK Whelannot awarded

2001T Nutter

2002D Lee

2006C Monk

2007A Wilkins

2008 M Giles

2009 J Squires (Mrs)

2010C MonkA Wilkins C Farley

2011K Lunt C Bishop

2012R KnightC O’Hara C Bishop

2013C CrowsonL Gosden K Lunt


2014P JolliffeT Frans (Ms)

2015J LockyerN Hutchin

2016J Bartlett (Mrs)L Brothwood (Miss)

2017 D BoakesS Evans

Section 4



Schoolboy10A Morley23.381978

25A Morley59.001978

30A Morley 1.17.011978

Junior10D Knight22.001987

25A Morley56.421978

30N Hornett 1.12.561996

Senior10J Long19.352015

25J Long51.462015

30J Long 1.00.232015

50J Long 1.48.012015

100J Long 3.53.582015

12 hourA Dobbin 252.637miles1971

Ladies 10K Dennett25.042017

25I Milner 1.02.231992

30F Hornet 1.23.231996

50I Milner 2.12.291992

100I Milner 4.51.381992

Veterans10K Dorling20.592014

25J Evans53.131996

30K Dorling 1.04.442015

50K Dorling 1.49.052015

100K Dorling 4.09.142015

12 hourR Asser 202.2miles1984

Tandem10A Couchman21.241989

G Snellin

25R Asser 57.211987

P Gale

30J Jennings 1.04.082001

Ms J Swallow

50R Asser 2.09.251980

L Brown

Veteran/10R Asser21.491989

TandemP Gale

25R Asser 57.211987

P Gale

30R Asser 1.12.431981

L Brown

50R Asser 2.09.251980

L Brown

Tricycle10A Gravenor27.021979

25A Gravenor 1.09.131976

30A Gravenor 1.31.301980


Senior10 Kilroy/Snellin/Ruocco 1.06.031989

25 Dennett/Knight/Snellin 2.45.341990

Veterans10 D Friend+7.412000

(age std)25K Dorling+15.052015

30K Dorling+18.572015

50K Dorling+33.442015

100L Brown+54.072015

12 hourR Asser-8.071984



1968M Kitchener1990S Coare

1969A Cracknell1991J Burns

1970D Price1995S Andrews

1971P Chapman1996C Farley

1972N Eckers1997K Dorling

1973P Chapman1999Dave Lee

1974R Monk2003C Farley

1975Mrs F Hornet2004Michael Giles

1976M Eaton2005Michael Giles