The Monastery, Windhill
Bishop’s Stortford Herts C23 2ND
Effective from 1stMarch 2012
Bishops Stortford Resident(residentwithin the Civil Parish at the time of death.)
New Grave Space* Exclusive Right of Burial / ERB* / Burial / Interment / Total
Doublegrave - Adult / £350 / £325 / £675
Single grave - Adult / £350 / £275 / £625
Single grave - Child Max 10 years / £110 / £200 / £310
Single grave - Stillborn / child under a month / £110 / £0 / £110
Cremated Remains plot - Adult or child / £230 / £175 / £405
Cremated Remains plot - Stillborn/child under a month / £110 / £0 / £110
Re-opening existing double (7ft) grave for burial
Adult Burial to a maximum depth of 5ft / - / £200 / £200
Adult Cremated Remains / £175 / £175
Child Max 10 years / - / £120 / £120
Stillborn or child under a month / - / £0 / £0
Re-opening existing single (5ft) for Cremated Remains / - / £175 / £175
Previous Bishops Stortford Resident(not resident at time of death, but had been a resident within the Civil Parish for 5 years within the last 20 years.
New Grave Space* Exclusive Right of Burial / ERB* / Burial / Interment / Total
Double grave - Adult / £630 / £585 / £1215
Single grave - Adult / £630 / £495 / £1125
Single grave - Child Max 10 years / £200 / £360 / £560
Single grave - Stillborn or child under a month / £200 / £0 / £200
Cremated Remains plot - Adult or child / £415 / £315 / £730
Cremated Remains plot - Stillborn / child under a month / £200 / £0 / £200
Re-opening existing double (7ft) grave for burial / Burial/
Interment / Total
Adult Burial to a maximum depth of 5ft / - / £360 / £360
Adult Cremated Remains / £315 / £315
Child Max 10 years / - / £215 / £215
Stillborn / child under a month / - / £0 / £0
Re-opening existing single (5ft) for Cremated Remains / - / £315 / £315
NonBishops Stortford Resident(who has been a resident for less than 5 years within the last 20 years or who has never been a resident)
New Grave Space* Exclusive Right of Burial / ERB* / Burial/ Interment / Total
Double grave - Adult / £1400 / £1300 / £2700
Single grave - Adult / £1400 / £1100 / £2500
Single grave - Child Max 10 years / £440 / £800 / £1225
Single grave - Stillborn / child under a month / £440 / £0 / £440
Cremated Remains plot - Adult or child / £920 / £700 / £1620
Cremated Remains plot - Stillborn / child under a month / £440 / £0 / £440
Re-opening existing double (7ft) grave for burial
Adult Burial to a maximum depth of 5ft / - / £800 / £800
Adult Cremated Remains / £700 / £700
Child Max 10 years / - / £480 / £480
Stillborn / child under a month / - / £0 / £0
Re-opening existing single (5ft) for Cremated Remains / - / £700 / £700
Gravestones, Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions
Initial Headstone inscription …………………………£50
Additional Headstone Inscription……………………..£30
Granite Vase ….…………………………………….…£15
Other fees
Additional charge for casket………………………£50
Copy of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial .…………£50
Transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial …………………£50
Use of Chapel ………………………………….….……£75 + £25 for additional chairs
Admin charge for Interment Form completion………..£50
Telephone numbers
Bishop’s Stortford Town Council……………………01279 652274
Bishop’s StortfordCemetery………………………...01279 654996