Bishop John S. Cummins Institute
for Catholic Thought, Culture and Action
Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Present: Bishop John S. Cummins, Brother Charles Hilken, FSC, Chair; Michael Barram, Jane Camarillo, Richard Carp, Jeanne DeMatteo, David Gentry-Akin, Marie Lawler, Brother Donald Mansir, FSC, Susan Marston, Ted Tsukahara, Marshall Welch, Brother Martin Yribarren, FSC, Joe Zepeda, Sally Jamison, Administrative Assistant
Brother Charles led the group in an opening prayer.
Members discussed the first two chapters of Donna Orsuto’s book, Holiness.
Brother Charles will provide minutes of the discussion for members to read and offer corrections.
Chairs Report:
Brother Charles asked for a member to vet the essay,
The Christian Idea of Man by Josef Pieper, as a possible reading for our discussion. Joe Zepeda volunteered.
Brother Charles presented the 2010-2011 Annual Report and asked for any
The Finance Committee met the week before this meeting. Brother Charles
reported that there were three applications for assistance. Two of the applications were accepted and one declined. The Cummins Institute will
support CLAC (Catholic Liturgical Arts Committee) for their conference on October 1, 2011 at Saint Mary’s College. Brother Martin Yribarren gave a brief
description of the conference featuring guest speaker Bob Hurd. There will be a second conference in February with William Woeger.
The Finance Committee also agreed to support the Blue Mass organized by Brother Dominic Berardelliand the Newman Symposium, October 27,2011.
Old Business:
Cummins Institute agreed, upon selection of the Montini Fellow, to explore
the possibility of inviting a speaker in addition to the Montini Fellow who has always been chosen to address the topic of defining the nature of a Catholic College. The second speaker would be invited for their expertise and leading role as a contemporary Catholic theologian or thinker.
We decided upon Shawn Copeland. Professor Copeland would be invited for a Spring 2012 conference. Marshall shared facts about her expertise as a feminist theologian whose scholarship explores the African-American experience. Brother Charles asked for a consensusof when to invite this speaker. It was suggested that a date in mid or late March and prior to the Easter break would be optimum.
New Business:
Bishop Cummins was asked to speak in the form of a “check-in” to the Institute. The Bishop reminded us that next year is the 50thanniversary of the Diocese and the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. Bishop Cummins was ordained in the decade of the Council. While he was Dean of Boys at Bishop O’Dowd the Bishop at that time (1963) invited Bishop John to attend the Vatican Council in Rome. One week after Bishop John arrived the
Liturgy Document was passed by a vote of 2178-19. Bishop Cummins recalled the issue of collegiality of the Bishops as a question that created definite polarization. This led to a call for decentralization. In relation to our 50th Anniversary Bishop John emphasized that what is embedded in the Diocese and in the Church is participation in the liturgy. Bishop John pointed out that beauty and art has to be living. The value of scripture in the Mass has not been played up enough.
Brother Charles explained that Bishop John has proposed the cardinal in charge of the Pontifical Council on Culture. With the approval of the members, Brother Charles will pursue making the invitation. Brother Donald added that he and Sister Mary Peter are organizing a Symposium III for 2012-2013.
The idea of the effect of Vatican II at SMC and higher education with the Diocese and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II are all topics that Bishop Cummins thinks the current Bishop would be interested in
pursuing. Brother Donald, Brother Charles and Roy Wensleywill continue work on this possibility at the College.
Brother Charles reminded the members that the Montini Fellow, Dr. Richard
Yanikoski, will be a part of a special Cummins Institute meeting on Tuesday, October 23 as part of his visit to the campus. There will be a conversation and dinner afterwards for members who would like to stay. Sally will send a notice asking for a dinner RSVP.
Carole Swain spoke about the 2012-2013 sesquicentennial as a member of the 150th planning committee. She was asked to work with the Cummins Institute to do a Catholic symposium. This would take place in the fall of the sesquicentennial year. The spring event would be a part of De La Salle week.
Carole asked if the cardinalcould be built into the symposium. Brother Charles added that the topic of faith and science has been proposed. He needs a group to research the possibility. Brother Donald felt there should be at least one strong Catholic symposium.
Michael Barram reminded members that the Religious Studies class has a segment that deals with Central Catholic principles. This could tie in with Vatican II, giving the students an exposure to the changes that were made which especially touch on their course. Michael and Carole will work with the program committee.
Carole reported a series of new faculty reading groups that will start on Tuesday, September 20th. Carole gave copies of the reading for this first session to interested members. The Cummins Institute is going to host a reading group at the November 8th meeting. There will be a discussion followed by a dinner. The meeting will be extended to 7:00 p.m. to incorporate the reading group. The reading will be distributed prior to the meeting. Brother Donald stated that this is an opportunity for the Cummins Institute to move out of the group and interact with the community.
Brother Donald distributed his report on Fides et Ratio and thanked Cummins for sponsoring his participation in the Seminars this past June.
He then spoke about Newman Symposium II on October 27th from 1-5 p.m.
in the Soda Center. There are 3500 books in the Newman Collection in the
SMC library. This Newman Symposium II is being sponsored by the Mission San Jose Dominican Sisters (including Sister Mary Peter Traviss), the Saint Mary’s College Brothers’ Community and Cummins Institute. The first Newman Symposium, sponsored by the Dominican Sisters, was held in San Jose and at Stanford. Newman Symposium II will be at the Dominican San Jose Mission and at Saint Mary’s College, Moraga. There will be 35 texts on display at the SMC symposium and the extensiveSMC Newman Collection will be on display in the library. The symposium will highlight two presentations including a presentation by Sister Mary Peter, one with Brother Donald on Newman and the Holy Spirit, and a question and answer with Bishop Cummins after each presentation. The symposium will be followed by a Mass with music from the Newman era that is being organized by Brother Martin Yribarren. There will be a reception and dinner following the Mass.
Brother Charles asked Michael Barram to tell the members about an opportunity for students to receive a master’s degree in education through Providence College. The program places students to teach in elementary schools in a diocese and at the same time earn a master’s degree through Providence College. Their tuition is paid in exchange for teaching. The information is posted in the Theology and Religious Studies department and also in Mission and Ministry.
Ted Tsukahara reminded the members that there is a lecture by Father William O’Neill, S.J. on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel, sponsored by the Henning Institute. Father O’Neill, Associate Professor of Theology of Santa Clara University, is speaking about Catholic social teaching and the economy. There will be a question and answer session following the lecture.
Brother Charles adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 11 October, 2011
Brother Charles Hilken, FSC