July 19, 2017

A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on July 19, 2017 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:10 PM.

Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Ezrati


Public: Chris Chale, Mr. and Mrs. Vince DuBois, Mr. and Mrs. David Cleaveland

The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Clerk’s report included:

•  Sale of 386 trash tags

•  Two payrolls were processed

•  Deputy Clerk attended one Planning Board Workshop

On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the minutes for the June 21 Regular Meeting were approved, all in favor.

On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, and seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #2 totaling $99,620.04 was approved. Deputy Mayor Majer moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented and Trustee Ezrati seconded the motion, all in favor.

Zoning Report

Trustee Ezrati presented the Zoning Report which was provided by John Fenton, Building Inspector, and Zoning Enforcement Officer; Building Permits, Inspections, and Violations were addressed.

Mayor Griffith summarized the agenda and opened the meeting for public comments on agenda items only. There were no public comments.

The next regular meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. The workshop will be held at 6:00pm before the meeting. There will be a workshop on August 9, 2017 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall at 7:00 pm.

RESOLUTION #35; Approving Purchase of ESO Solutions, Inc. for Interoperability Software for Tivoli Fire Department Emergency Services, motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer; all in favor. Trustee Ezrati review Cheryl Hilbrandt’s presentation, and Mayor Griffith mentioned that this software is superior to others.

RESOLUTION #36; Approving Crawford & Associates to Submit Application for CFA Grant; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Ezrati; all in favor.

Mayor Griffith provided information regarding the shoreline stabilization. Trustee Ezrati indicated that this step is essential.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Ezrati

•  Water/Sewer

•  Well Report; 4.4" rain

•  137 North Road; water main break

Water Quality Report

•  Two water samples taken each month

•  No violations

•  Testing every month

•  Two different locations are tested monthly; water quality met standards

Street Painting Festival will take place September 23, 2017 Music will be provided by Joe Tobin. Signs will be up looking for musicians and those who write music. Registration will also be available on line this year.

Trustee Schneider

•  Court Report: $1,239.00 remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller. Court Report was provided by Mayor Griffith in Trustee Schneider’s absence.

Trustee Murphy

Information was provided for Trustee Murphy regarding the Summer Recreation Camp.

Deputy Mayor Majer

•  Library events were reviewed by the Deputy Mayor. One in particular is the Mad Science Show coming up on July 24, 2017. Clermont will hold an event on Voter’s and Women.

•  Regarding the Anchorages; 10,000 letters were received. There are 4 steps which were a part of the evaluation.

•  Canoe launch in Tivoli Bays is still closed.

Mayor Griffith

•  Green Committee; Street Lights; an audit was complete from a company called Compu-Tel evaluating lights throughout the Village.

•  Yard Sale Day is Saturday, July 29, 2017.

•  August 5, 2017 is the date for Tivoli Community Day. Starts at 2:00 PM; there will be races, tug of war, food for purchase from the Mason’s and pot luck refreshments, as well. There, as always, will be bands and a Community Photo. The photo will be taken at 4:45 PM, and music will start following the photo.

•  Pine Street construction has begun. The hydrant and lamp post have both already been moved. The area will be beautiful, and buses will be off the road.

•  There will be new 6’ glass basketball backboards being installed in the park. The beds under the playground equipment are going to be remulched, and the present boards will be replaced.

Public Comment

Dave Cleaveland asked about the fire hydrant and mentioned the yellow striped/marked parking/traffic area on Feroe Avenue is not being heeded. Trucks are not able to get in to service some establishments on Broadway. He also mentioned Section 80 of Code and explained dogs are urinating on his lawn, and he is quite unhappy. Mayor Griffith advised he would speak to dog owner’s that he knows

Vince DuBois brought up speeding on Montgomery Street. He asked what can be done to alleviate it. He inquired whether an emergency reduction of speed could be put temporarily into effect. He was advised it would require a public hearing, and there may not be enough time to incorporate the reduction prior to the completion of the bridge.

Mrs. DuBois spoke of the early trucks in the morning that are travelling very fast especially between the hours of 6:20 AM – 7:20 AM. She also asked if parking restrictions would be in effect on Yard Sale Day. Mrs. DuBois also mentioned she has a friend who is a rain barrel expert and offered him as a guest speaker. She had questions regarding the street lights and the topic came up as to how the light quality is of high importance. Lighting needs do differ from location to location within the Village.

Vince DuBois asked whether the Village could go solar in some areas at some point.

Mrs. DuBois spoke about the handi-capped parking at the Post Office. And, she asked if there would be handicapped accessibility at the future waterfront park.

Vince DuBois inquired about the sewer and water presentations. And, it was confirmed that there is a link on the Village website. Also, it was made clear that potentially in August and September there will be more presentations scheduled. Vince mentioned he believes that some people are still unaware of the project. He also asked if the Village could apply for a grant for the water tower. The Board explained that they are aware of the grant schedule and the availability of funding.

Karen Cleaveland offered her opinion that the local businesses are potentially the largest users of water. Deputy Mayor Majer offered that this is a major decision for the Village to make regarding the water/sewer project and evaluation.

Vince DuBois spoke of water in regards to fire protection. He asked about the possibility of using the river, and he is an advocate of using the river as a water source.

Karen Cleaveland thanked John Fenton and believes he is doing a great job, and she has seen progress around the Village. Karen added how the Village is looking better. She thanked the Village Board for hiring Mr. Fenton.

Dave Cleaveland mentioned trash pickup. He asked of the plan regarding trash pickup, and feels the task of 2 of 3 men on Tuesdays picking up trash is an unsavory and unsafe environment for our DPW workers. Mayor Griffith added there are thoughts of having just 1 company provide haulage of trash in the Village one day per week. Public hearings will have to take place, and it is an idea to give trash pickup to just one entity, and then the Village could outsource trash for the entire Village.

Mayor Griffith discussed the noise ordinance, code enforcement and trash. He mentioned that some laws are antiquated and need updating.

September 18 is a tentative date for the bridge reopening, however, updates will come from the County DPW as they progress through the project.

On a motion by Trustee Ezrati and seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,

Robin L. Bruno

Village Clerk