Carl E Misch





Birth Place: Detroit, Michigan USA

Private Practice:Advanced Implant Dentistry

16231 West Fourteen Mile Road, Suite 200

Birmingham, Michigan48025

Tel: (248) 642-3800 Fax: (248) 642-3699

Founder, Director:Misch Implant Institute

16231 West Fourteen Mile Road, Suite 250

Birmingham, Michigan 48025

Tel: (248) 642-3199 Fax: (248) 642-3794

and email:



FarmingtonHigh School1965Diploma

Farmington, Michigan

WayneStateUniversity1969Bachelor of Science

Detroit, Michigan

University of Detroit1973Doctor of Dental Surgery

Detroit, Michigan

University of Pittsburgh1989Prosthodontics Certificate

School of Dental Medicine

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh1989Oral Implantology Certificate

School of Dental Medicine

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


University of Pittsburgh1989Master Dental Science

School of Dental Medicine

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Panel MemberJune 13 - 15, 1988

Consensus Development Conference on Dental Implants

National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration

Bethesda, Maryland


Clinical Professor of Oral Implantology and2005-Present

Director of Oral Implantology

Department of Periodontology


Philadelphia, PA

Adjunct Clinical Professor of Oral Implantology and 2004-2005

Co-Director of Oral Implantology

Department of Periodontology


Philadelphia, PA

Adjunct Professor

Department of Prosthodontic Restorative Dentistry2004-Present

University of Detroit Mercy

School of Dentistry

Detroit, MI

Adjunct Professor 2003 - Present

University of Michigan, School of Dentistry

Department of Graduate Periodontics

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Adjunct Professor1998 - Present

University of Alabama at Birmingham

School of Engr., Department of Biomedical Engr.

Birmingham, Alabama

Clinical Professor 2000 - Present


School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics

New Orleans, Louisiana

Associate Professor of Implant Dentistry2005 - 2007


School of Dentistry

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Loma Linda, California


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Assistant Professor of Implant Dentistry 1998 - 2005

Loma Linda University

School of Dentistry,

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Loma Linda, California

Associate Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics1999 - 2000

University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Adjunct Associate Professor1998 - 2003

University of Michigan, School of Dentistry

Department of Periodontics

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Associate Professor, 1996 - 1998

Dept. of Periodontics

University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine

Director, Oral Implantology, Continuing Education1995 - 2000

University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Pennsylvania

Associate Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics1987 - 1996

University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Director, Oral Implantology, University of Pittsburgh1990 - 1996

School of Dental Medicine - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Co-Director University Oral Implantology Center1986 - 1989

University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine,

Department of Prosthodontics

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh,1983 - 1987

School of Dental Medicine, Department of Prosthodontics

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Adjunct Associate Professor,1990 - 1997

University of Alabama at Birmingham

School of Engr, Depart. of Biomedical Engr.

Birmingham, Alabama

Adjunct Associate Professor , LomaLindaUniversity,

School of Dentistry1992 - 1994

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Loma Linda, California

Director Off CampusHospital Based Oral Implantology Program1989 - 1995

LomaLindaUniversity, School of Dentistry

Loma Linda, California

Charge d' Enseignement (Associate Professor)1988 - 1996

Faculté de Médecine (School of Medicine)

Lille, France

Associate Professor, Department of Oral Implantology1991 - 1995


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Professor,Department of Implantology1990 - 1995

Université Europeénne du Travail

Bruxelles, Belgium

Assistant Clinical Professor, Temple University1983 - 1987

School of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Clinical Faculty,University of Detroit1973 - 1974

School of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry

Detroit, Michigan


Attending Staff, BotsfordGeneralHospital 1999- Present

Farmington Hills, Michigan

Courtesy Staff, Grace Hospital, DMC2000 - 2005

Detroit, Michigan

Consultant, Princess GraceHospital1996 - 2005

Monte Carlo, Monaco


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Courtesy Staff, Long Island College Hospital 1994 - 2001

Brooklyn, New York

Courtesy Staff, Monsour Hospital1994 - 2001

Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Attending Staff, Mercy Hospital1989 - 2000

Detroit, Michigan

Attending Staff, Grace Hospital, DMC1982 - 1996

Detroit, Michigan

Courtesy Staff, Botsford Hospital1989 - 1996

Farmington, Michigan

Consultant, Veterans Administration Hospital1987 - 1995

Allen Park, Michigan


Licensed Dentist, Illinois#019.0278092008

Council of National Board of Dental Examiners1973

North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners1973

Licensed Dentist, Michigan#105601973

Licensed Dentist, New York#0350051979

Licensed Dentist, Pennsylvania#DS-025544-L 1985

Diplomate, American Board of Implant Dentistry1990

Oral Implantology


AmericanCollege of Oral Implantologists1989-1995

International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)1989-Present

Co-Chairman Board ICOI1995-Present

BioHorizons Dental Implants1995-2006


University of Detroit2008


CE Editorial Board, Dentistry Today2009

Advisory Board, Spectrum 2003- Present


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Senior Associate Editor, Journal of Oral Implantology1998- Present

Scientific Advisor, Implantodontie1992 - 2005

Section Editor, Implant Dentistry 1998- Present

International Editor, Implant Dentistry1991 - Present

Advisory Board, Dentistry Today1989 - Present

Editorial Board Practical Periodontics & Aesthetics in Dentistry 1990 - 1997

Editorial Advisory Board, Dental Implantology Update1990 - Present

Consultant, Implant Quarterly, A Digest of Contemporary1987 - Present

Implant Dentistry

Editor, The International Journal of Oral Implantology1985 - 1991

Co-Editor, The International Journal of Oral Implantology1981 - 1985

Assistant Editor, The Implantologist1979 - 1980

The International Journal of Oral Implantology

Assistant Editor, Journal of Oral Implantology1988

Publications Committee, AmericanAcademy of 1987 – 1988

Implant Dentistry


Dr. Gustavo Avila (2nd year), The influence of anatomic variables in sinus grafting technique outcomes.

Dr. Richard Koh (1st year), Clinical evaluation of MinerOss® Bonegraft and BioHorizons® Tapered Internal Implants during immediate placement.

Simon Berstein, Evaluation of Narrow Diameter One Piece Implant for the Restoration of Maxillary Lateral & Mandibular Incisors, M.S. June 2006

Sang-HoonPark, Bone Augmentation of peri-implant dehiscence using a cellular dermal matrix, M.S. June 2005

Duce Chung, The significance of the Keratinized Mucosa in the Maintenance of Endosseous Implants with Different Surfaces: A 3 Year Retrospective Study, M.S. 2005

Jennifer Steigenga, Effect of Implant Thread Geometry on Strength of Osseointegration and the Bone-Implant Interface. M.S., 2003

Jeffrey Korsnes, Effects of a Demineralized Bone Matrix Material on Alveolar Ridge Preservation. M.S., 2002


Doctor Honoris Causa2003

U of Bucharest

Bucharest, Romania

Doctor Honoris Causa 2002

University of Yeditepe

Istanbul, Turkey


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Honorary Member1996

Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Nu Nu Chapter

Dean's List1970, 1971, 1972,1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

Magna Cum Laude1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

President of Class1970, 1971, 1972, 1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

Vice President,American Student Dental Association1972

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

President, American Student Dental Association 1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

Delegate, International Student Dental Association 1973

London, England

Dean's Key, Scholarship, Outstanding Leadership and Service1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

Columbia Dentoform Award, Outstanding Contribution1973

University of Detroit, School of Dentistry

Alpha Sigma Nu, National Honors Fraternity 1973

University of Detroit


Albert L, Borish Award2011

Academy of General Dentistry

Perel ICOI Educator Award2008

International Congress of Oral Implantologists

Fellow of International Honor Dental Organization

Pierre Fauchard Academy2006

President’s Medal 2003

AmericanAcademy of Implant Dentistry

The Graduate Program in ImplantDentistry-LomaLindaUniversity

The Robert James Achievement Award 2001


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


FellowInternationalCollege of Dentists 2001

Aaron Gerskoff Memorial Research Award 1999

Vermeil Medal of Merit, City of Paris, France 1998

Isaieh Lew Award, AmericanAcademy of Implant Dentistry1998

Honorary Member, Turkish Society of Oral Implantology 1993

Fellow, AmericanCollege of Dentists 1991

Proclamation, Mayor of Dearborn, Robert Guido 1991

Dr. Carl E. Misch Day, April 20, 1991

Honorary Member, Associazione Nazionale Impianto Protesi,1991


First International Prize, Dutch Oral Implantology Society 1990

Diplomate, American Society of Osseointegration 1990

Honored Fellow, American Academy of Implant Dentistry 1990

Diplomate, American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry1990

Silver Medal of Merit, City of Paris, France 1989

Implantologist of the Year, American Society of Osseointegration1989

Proclamation, Mayor of Dearborn, Robert Guido1989

Dr. Carl E. Misch Day, April 20, 1989

Fellow, Academy of Dentistry International1989

Member of Honor, Basilio Jaef Foundation1987

Mastership, American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics 1987


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Member of Honor, Le Collège International de Recherches1986

Implantaires de Lariboisière

Member of Honor, Academia Italiana degli Impianti 1986

Member of Honor, Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Zahnarztliche1986


Member of Honor, Canadian Society of Oral Implantology1985

Associate Fellow, American College of Oral Implantology1985

Credentialed Member, American Academy of Implant Dentistry1985

Education Award, International Congress of Oral 1985


Member of Honor, Dutch Oral Implantology Society 1984

Fellow, American Association of Hospital Dentistry 1984

Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry 1983

Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine1983

Member of Honor, Venezuelan Dental Society 1983

Member of Honor, Australian Society of Implant Dentistry 1983

Fellow, Primate Research Institute1982

Associate Fellow, American Academy of Implant Dentistry 1982

Diplomate, International Congress of Oral Implantologists1982

Honorary President, Columbian Dental Implant Society1982

Member of Honor, Primate Research Institute, Argentina1982


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Member of Honor, Peru Dental Implant Society1982

Fellow, Academy for Implants and Transplants 1979

Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists1978

Best Dentist in America 2004-2005

Who’s Who, Life Member 1998

Who's Who, Honored Member 1995

Who's Who among American Executives, U.S. Registry1995

Doody's Rating Service: Guide to the 250 Best Health 1993

Sciences Books - Contemporary Implant Dentistry


University of Louisville2009

Commonwealth of Kentucky – Kentucky Colonel

Louisville, KY September 18, 2009

International Congress of Oral Implantologists/IPS2008

Scientific Chairman

Chicago, IL August 21-23, 2008

International Congress of Oral Implantologists2007

(ICOI) Pisa Consensus Conference on Implant Success

Pisa, Italy, October 4-6, 2007

International Congress of Oral Implantologists/IPS2007

Scientific Chairman

Orlando, FL January 25-27. 2007

International Congress of Oral Implantologists/IPS2006

Scientific Chairman

Montreal, Canada, August 18-20, 2006

Michigan Dental Association

Editorial Advisory Board,

Lansing, Michigan2005 -Present

Co-Chairman, Board of Directors, International Congress1993 - Present

of Oral Implantologists

Member, Board of Directors, International Association 1990 - Present

of Certified Dental Implant Laboratory Technicians

Member, Board of Directors, Association of 1990 - Present

Dental Implant Auxiliaries

Chairman of the Board, American College of Oral Implantology1988 - Present

Honorary Scientific Committee Member2005

Sename Implantology Association (S.I.A)

2nd International Conference (June 16-18,2005)

Sorrento, Italy

Scientific Program Co-Chairman American Academy of Implant 2003

Dentistry 2003 Annual Meeting

Member, Membership and Award Committee


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Academy of Osseointegration 2000 - 2001

Scientific Co-Chairman

World Meeting ICOI, Las Vegas, NV2004

Scientific Chairman Consensus on Immediate Load

AmericanAcademy of Implant Dentistry2003

Director, American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant 1995 - 2001


President, American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry 2001

Implant Dentistry Research and Education Fund1995

Greater New York Implant Study Club 1995

Member, Board of Directors, International Congress of Oral 1980 - 1993


Immediate Past President, AmericanCollege of Oral 1993


Member, Advisory Board American Society of Osseointegration1988 - 1993

President, National Office, American Academy of Implant1992


President, International Congress of Oral Implantologists1981 - 1991

President, National Office, American Academy of Implant1992-1993


President-Elect, National Office, American Academy of Implant1991


Vice President, National Office, American Academy of Implant 1990


Program Co-Chairman, Institute for Implants and Biomaterials1990

in Stomatology, 4th International Congress, Charleston, South


ACOI Consensus Guidelines Committee for Predoctoral Implant1990

Dentistry Education


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


ACOIConsensus Guidelines Committee for General Practice1990

Residency and Advanced Education in General Dentistry,

Implant Dentistry Education

Consulting Member, Alabama Implant Study Club1984 - 1990

Active Member, Alabama Implant Study Club1990 - Present

Program General Chairman, American College of Oral 1989

Implantologie, World Congress IX, New York, New York

Chairman, Education Committee, International Congress1984 - 1989

of Oral Implantologists

Co-Director, University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental1988

Medicine, Continuing Education, Oral Implant Program

Honorary Overseas Consultant and Advisor, Hong Kong1988

International Academy of Oral Implants

Treasurer, National Office, American Academy of Implant 1988


President-Elect, International Congress of Oral Implantologists1988

Member, Blue Ribbon Committee, American Academy of Implant1988 - Present


Chairman, Education Committee, Academy for Implants 1984 - 1987

and Transplants

Member, Primary Regional Examining Committee, American1987

Academy of Implant Prosthodontics

Member, Certified Education Program Committee, American1987

Academy of Implant Dentistry

Secretary/Treasurer, International Congress of Oral 1981 - 1987



Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Vice-President, International Congress of Oral Implantologists1985 - 1987

Vice President, Regional District, American Academy of Implant 1987


Program Scientific Chairman, American Academy of Implant1987

Dentistry, World Conference on Oral Implants, Las Vegas, Nevada

President, American College of Oral Implantology1987

President-Elect, American College of Oral Implantology1987

Consulting Member, Hong Kong Society of Implant Dentistry1987

President-Elect, Central District, American Academy of Implant1986


Vice President, American College of Oral Implantology1986

Consulting Member, Illinois Implant Study Club1986

Program Chairman, American Academy of Implant Dentistry,1986

Mid-Winter Meeting, Chicago, Illinois

President, Quest Implant, Inc. 1984 - 1986

Secretary/Treasurer, AmericanCollege of Oral Implantology1985

Consulting Member, Canadian Implant Society1985

Charter Member, Detroit District Dental Club, 1985

Implant Section

Vice President, Central District, American Academy of Implant1984


Spokesman, Michigan Dental Association1981 - 1984

President, Academy for Implants and Transplants 1983


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae


Treasurer, Central District, American Academy of Implant 1983


Member, International Relations Committee, American Academy1983

of Implant Dentistry

President-Elect, Academy for Implants and Transplants1982

Secretary, Central District, American Academy of Implant1982


Member, Public Relations Committee, Detroit District Dental1980 - 1982


Host of "Smile Detroit" Weekly Radio Program on Dental Health1980 - 1982

WCAR, 1090 AM

Program Chairman, World Congress VI, International Congress1982

of Oral Implantologists, Maui, Hawaii

Chairman, Membership Committee, AmericanAcademy of 1982

Implant Dentistry

Vice-President, Academy for Implants and Transplants1981

Program Co-Chairman, Loma Linda Dental School and1981

International Congress of Oral Implantologists , Subperiosteal

Implant Symposium, San Diego, California

Program Co-Chairman, Second American National Meeting1981

International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Atlanta, Georgia

Secretary, Academy for Implant and Transplants1980

Member, Task Force Committee, Michigan Dental Association1978 – 1979


Carl E. MischCurriculum Vitae



Misch CE, The Hidden Consequences of Losing Teeth – How Dental Implant Stop Gradual Bone Loss and Replace Teeth. Dear Doctor- Dentistry and Oral Health 5 (3): 47-55 Oct, 2011.

Suzuki KR, Misch CE, Arana G, Rams TE, Suzusk JB. Longterm histopathologic evaluation of bioactive glass and human-derived graft materials in Macaca fascicularis mandibular ridge reconstruction. Implant Dent (4) 318-322 August, 2011.

Koh RU, Oh TJ, Rudek I, Neiva GF, Misch CE, Rothman ED, Wang HL, Hard and Soft Tissue Changes Following Crestal and Subcrestal Immediate Implant Placement. J Periodontol, Feb. 2011

Misch CE, Resnik R. Mandibular nerve neurosensory impairment after dental implant surgery: management and protocol. Implant Dent 19 (5): 378-86.

Misch CE Implant Dentistry – Past, Present and Future – Dentaltown

Misch CE. Clinical Guideline for the Vertical Position of the Maxillary Incisal Edge: The Key is the Canine

Misch CE, Misch C, Bone Augmentation by Deficit Six and Topography – The two-to-five wall defects. Dentaltown 11 (11) 54-57, November, 2010

Misch CE, Resnick R, Sharawy M. Neurosensory Impairment Following Dental Implant Surgery: Management and Protocol. Implant Dentistry 19 (5) 378-86, October 2010.

Avila G, Neliva R, Misch CE, Galindo-Moreno P, Benavides E, Rudek I, Wang HL. Clinical And Histologic Outcomes After The Use Of A Novel Allograft For Maxillary Sinus Augmentation: A Case Series. Implant Dentistry, 19 (4) 330-41, August, 2010.

CE Misch Risk Factors and Treatment Fees for Implant Dentistry. Dentistry Today 29 (8) 58-63, August, 2010.

Treatment Fees and Risk Factors for Implant Dentistry. Oral Health, August 2010.

The influence of Bucco-Palatal Distance on Sinus Augmentation Outcome Journal of Periodontology

Avila G, Wang HL, Galindo-Moreno P, Misch CE, Bagramian RA, Rudek I, Benavides E, Moreno-Riestra I, Braun T, Neiva R. J Periodontol, 81 (7) 1041-50, July, 2010.

Misch CE, Silc JT. Key Implant Positions: Treatment Planning Using the Canine and First Molar Rules, Dentistry Today, 28 (8) 66-70, August 2009

Misch CE, Silc JT. Periodontal treatment or extraction and implant insertion? Dental Economics, 99 (4) 62-64, April 2009.

Avila G, Galindo-Moreno G, Soehren S, Misch CE, Morelli T, Wang H-L. A Novel Decision-Making Process for Tooth Retention or Extraction. Journal of Perio, 80 (3) 476-491, 2009

Avila G, Galindo-Moreno P, Soehren S, Misch CE, Morelli T, Wang H-L. A Novel Decision-Making Process for Tooth Retention or Extraction. Journal of Periodontology Mar 2009, Vol. 80, No. 3, Pages 476-491: 476-491.

Misch CE, Silc JT. A Key Implant Position for a Fixed Prosthesis: The First Molar Rule. Oral Health, April 2009 (submitted)

Terracciano-Mortilla LD, Misch CE, Suzuki JB. The Dental Hygienist’s Role in Implant Evaluation & Assessment. JPH, 15-17, Fall 2008

Gapski R, Misch CE, Stapleton D, Mullins S, Cobb C, Vansanthan A, Reissner M.

Histological, Histomorphometric, and Radiographic Evaluation of a Sinus Augmentation

With a New Bone Allograft: A Clinical Case Report. Implant Dentistry 17 (3) 1-10,


Misch CE, Silc JT. Socket Grafting and Alveolar Ridge Preservation. Dentistry Today 27 (10) 146-152, October 2008

Misch CE. BioHorizons Monograph, Pract Perio Rest Dent (In press) 2008

Misch CE, Perez HM. An Atraumatic extractor (physics forceps): A Biomechanical rationale. Dentist Today 27 (8) 98-101,August 2008

Misch CE. Treatment plans related to key implant locations: The canine and first molar position. Oral Health 43-48, August 2008

Misch CE, Misch-Dietsh F, Silc J, Barboza E, Cianciola, LJ, Kazor C. Posterior implant single tooth replacement and status of abutment teeth multi-center 10 year retrospective report. Journal of Perio 79 (12) 2378-2382, December 2008.

Misch CE. Guidelines for Maxillary Incisal Edge Position-A Pilot Study: The Key is the Canine. J Prosthodontics 17 (2) 130-134, 2008.

Misch CE, Dental implants as a profit center: Prosthetics and surgery. In Dental Economics Pg. 88 & 90, April 2008

Dastoor SF, Misch CE, Wang H-L. Dermal Fillers for Facial Soft Tissue Augmentation. Journal of Oral Implantology, 33(4) 191-204

Misch CE, Perel ML, Wang H-L, Trisi P, Galindo-Moreno P, Rebaldi A, Steigman M, Palti A, Sammartino G, Pikos MA, Schwartz-Arad D, Choukroun J, Gutierrez-Perez J-L, Marenzi G, and Valavanis D. The International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Pisa Consensus Conference on Implant Success, Survival and Failure, Implant Dentistry, 17(1) 5-15, 2008

Resnick RR, Misch CE. Prophylactic Antibiotic Regimens in Oral Implantology: Rationale and Protocol, Implant Dentistry (In Press) 2007

Misch CE. Dental Implants. Dentistry Today. 26(11): 60, 2007.

Dastoor SF, Misch CE, Wang H-L. Botulinum Toxin (Botox) to Enhance Facial Macroesthetics: A Literature Review. Literature Review, Vol. XXXIII (3) 164-171, 2007

Misch CE. Treatment Plans Related to Key Implant Positions: Three Adjacent Pontics Rule. Oral Health, 16-21, 2007.

Suzuki JB, Misch CE, Sarnachiaro OJ, Sarnachiaro GO, Moto L, Arana G, Togga SJ, Gotta E, Bui L, Sharawy M. Clinical and Histological Evaluation of Immediate-Loaded Posterior Implants in Non-Human Primates. Implant Dentistry 16 (2) 176-186, June 2007.

Misch CE. Implants and the General Practitioner. Dentistry Today, 48-54, 2007.

Rams TE, Misch CE, Brown, IJ. Estimated Dental Implant Treatment Potential in United States Adults, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, pg. 852, 2006.

Chung DM, Tae-In Oh, Jungwha L, Misch CE, Wang H-L. Factors Affecting Late Implant Bone Loss: A Retrospective Analysis, Oral Maxillofac Implant 22:117-126, 2007.

Misch CE. Successful Short Dental Implants: A Biomechanical Approach. BioHorizons Monograph, Pract Perio Rest Dent 11-16, 2006

Chung DM, Oh TJ, Shotwell JL, Misch CE, Wang HL. Significance of keratinized mucosa in maintenance of dental implants with different surfaces. J Periodontol 77(80);1410-20. August 2006

Misch CE. Surgical Loading and Prosthetic Considerations for Wide Diameter Implants. Oral Health, 18-24, August 2006.

Misch CE. Wide-diameter Implants Surgical, Loading, and Prosthetic Considerations, Dentistry Today 25 (8) 66-71, August 2006

Misch CE, Steigenga J, Barboza E, Misch-Dietsh F, Cianciola L, Kazor C. Short Dental Implants in Posterior Partial Edentulism: A Multicenter Retrospective 6-Year Case Series Study, Journal of Perio, 77 (8) 1340-1347, 2006.

Misch CE, Goodacre CJ, Finley JM, Misch CM, Marinbach M, Dabrowsky T, English CE, Kois JC, Cronin RJ. Consensus Conference Panel Report: Crown-Height Space Guidelines for Implant Dentistry-Part 2. Implant Dentistry 15(2):113-118, 2006.