FP7 Marie Curie Actions -
Opportunities for Industry – Academia Collaboration

Seminar delivered by UKRO

Sponsored by Advantage West Midlands

Monday 12th November 2007

Birmingham REP (Repertory Theatre)

Who should attend?

The event is targeted at researchers and research training managers/supervisors in universities, RTOs and companies, who wish to access FP7 funding in order to develop their research skills and training capacity. It will be of particular interest to:

·  Academic and research staff seeking to identify new research opportunities in FP7 and wishing to build their links with industry;

·  Research groups/organisations wishing to develop their European and International Collaboration links through staff exchanges and secondments, particularly between academia and industry.

About the event

This is a half-day event on Marie Curie Actions for host organisations focusing on opportunities for collaboration between public research organisations and private companies, delivered by UKRO, the Marie Curie National Contact Point:

·  Industry – Academia Pathways and Partnerships (IAPP)

·  Initial Training Networks (ITN)

·  International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)


·  Book a One-to-One Session to discuss your project

Attendance is free and open to anyone. Lunch will be provided.

To register for this event please register at:


These events tend to get oversubscribed. Book early to avoid disappointment!


09h30 Registration and Coffee

10h00 Welcome and Introductions

Jitka Dolezalova/ Jon Bloomfield, Advantage West Midlands

10h05 Overview of Opportunities in FP7

Cecilie Hansen, UKRO

10h15 Opportunities to support staff exchanges and recruitment of researchers between industry and academia: Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Cecilie Hansen, UKRO

10h45 Coffee Break

10h55 Case Study on FP6 TOK- IAP project in medicine

Professor David Adams, Birmingham University

11h10 Opportunities to support training of early stage researchers: Marie Curie Initial Training Networks

Cecilie Hansen, UKRO

Opportunities to build links through international staff exchange: Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme; Cecile Hansen, UKRO

11h40 Case Study on coordinating an FP7 ITN proposal

Dr Maria Heckl, Keele University

11h55 How to apply and tips on writing your proposals

Cecilie Hansen, UKRO

12h30 Lunch and networking opportunities

Afternoon Session – One-to-one sessions with the UK Marie Curie NCP and Advantage West Midlands

From 13.30 onwards

Please indicate in the online registration form if you are interested in a one-to-one session to discuss the Marie Curie schemes and application ideas further.