Birmingham-Nottingham Strategic Collaboration Fund – Application Form

Applications must be submitted on the online application form on the partnership website (). This word document is provided to aid the process of compiling the application.

Please direct any queries to Soma Mukherjee (, 0115 951 5762) or Nathalie Kopecky (, 0121 414 5888).

Applicant Information
Main project lead & contact details ______
Principal Investigator (UoN) / ______/ School/Department/ Faculty (UoN) / ______
E-mail address: / ______
Principal Investigator (UoB) / ______/ School/Department/College (UoB) / ______
E-mail address: / ______
Type of collaborative project: / ☐Research / ☐Professional Services
Funding stream: / ☐Creativity /
/ ☐Accelerator
Total Amount Requested / £
Details of the proposed project, programme or activity, its aims and objectives.
Describe the novelty.
Justify what the money will be spent on
(max 500 words)
Summary of the collaborative components of your project.
Who will be involved?
(max 500 words)
List the deliverables, potential outputs and outputs of the project
(max 500 words)
Why should we fund this? Why should your project be funded through the BNSCF specifically and not another source
Describe the benefits and additionality to the universities
(max 500 words)
Indicative project timeline(start and end dates as well as key milestones), and project deliverables
Describe how the project has the potential to lead to genuine and sustained impact for both institutions (max 500 words)
If requesting funding for additional staff resource, describe why the work cannot be undertaken by an existing team member and why this is not “bridging” between projects (max 500 words)
Breakdown of expenditure
(Please indicate which costs will be managed by the PI at Birmingham and which by the PI at Nottingham)
Birmingham costs:
Nottingham costs:
Accelerator Proposals Only
Details of the current synergies and work already undertaken between the institutions that make your project suitable for Accelerator funding (max 500 words)
I have read the guidance for the Birmingham-Nottingham Strategic Collaboration Fund and agree to abide by its terms and conditions.
I understand that if awarded funding I shall be required to write a brief report on the outcomes of the project, to provide a brief account of expenditure and to adhere to the expectations as set out in the Call for Applications.
Applicant name (UoN): /
Applicant name(UoB): /

This form is provided to aid the process of compiling the application. Applications must be submitted on the online application form on the partnership website (