Birch Parish Council


OftheCouncilMeetingheld onTuesday7th November 2017 at Birch Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm.

Memberspresent:Mrs. E Bowtle, Mr. C Harvey, Mr. P Walsh,Mrs. M Campion, Mrs. C Boyce,Mr. A Condron (Clerk) & Clr A Ellis.

1. Chairman’s opening remarks.

The Chairwelcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.Apologies for absence

Mr. D Ninnim,Mrs. C Cottrell, Clr Mrs. J MacleanClrK Bentley.

3. Declarations of Interests to any agenda items

To give any Councillor an opportunity to declare a Personal or Prejudicial interest on any matters covered by the agenda. Members were reminded that, when considering any item, if it became clear that they have an interest they must declare it.

Mrs. Cottrellhaddeclared her interest as a major local land owner and member of the PCC.

4. Public Participation

The public could ask questions relating to work and services of the Council. Questions cannot always be answered at the meeting butwill be dealt with appropriately. If a question was also to be discussed by the Council it will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

Mr. R Carr & Mr. G Carrattended the meeting.

5. Reports from Borough Councillors and Police etc.

(Because the new Ward covers 15 Parish’s the three Councillors alternate their attendance at Parish Meetings as required, ideally at least one Councillor attending each meeting and to report on behalf of all the Councillors who have any action points from the last meeting)


Councillorssupplieda reportandissues discussed

Any action points from the last meeting as in agenda item 7 below

Clr Ellis confirmed that the consultation period for the new garden communities would start on 13 November.

The Zone Wardensupplieda report andissues discussed

Any action points from the last meeting see item 7 below

It was agreed a letter of thanks should be sent to the Zone Warden Mrs. C Law as her temporary posting was ending in November.

The Policeno longer supplyreports to the Parish Council

Any action points from the last meeting in agenda item 7 below

6.Approval of Minutes –3rd October2017

The minutes of the meeting held on the3rd Octoberwereapproved and duly signed by the Chair.

7. Matters arising.

St Peters Church –TheChurch Commissioners have asked the Secretary of State to reconsider the need to hold a non-statutory enquiry based on the latest information available. The Parish Council supports this request and the Church Commissioners original “Footprint Proposal” should an enquiry be deemed not to be needed – no further news.

Play Equipment Safety Checks- Mr. Harvey suppliedan inspection reportandanyissuesdiscussed. It was also noted that a resident was allowing a pet dog to damage Play Equipment which would be brought to the attention of the Zone Warden.

Birch Surgery Former Premises - Strutt & Parker are currently looking to sale/rent the former doctors Surgery in Birch Street for community use but are also now seeking planning permission to convert the premises back to residential use.

Waste Recycling–Mr. G. Carr updated the meeting on theissue in the “Cut by the War Memorial “at Hill side Cottages which was caused by a recycling truck.

Remembrance Sunday 12th November–the hall will be open from 9.30 am for refreshments prior to the service at the War Memorial.

Death of former Parish Councilor Tom Wayman – the Clerk will obtain a quote for a plaque which will be hung inside the Village Hall to rememberMr. Waymans contribution to the village.

New litter Bin Blind Lane –A request from Mrs. Lawthe Zone Warden that the ParishCouncil purchase a new bin was discussed. Clr Ellis will look into possible S106 funding.

#Highway issues being followed up by Clr Bentley.

Clr Bentley will be presenting the outstanding issues belowagain to the Highways Panel in October for action ASAP.

#Sign Post Hardy’s Green (first reported in September 2014)--The wooden sign post at Hardy’s Green has a section missing & has fallen over due to wood decay andHighways have thispending for future action. The Clerk has asked for the sign post at Fountains Lane to be looked at as well.It has beennotedthat the sign post at Claypits has also fallen down and this has also been reported to Clr Bentley.

#The Direction Sign’s in Birch Park– (first reported in March 2015)The “Give Way Sign” at the Layer de la Haye end of the road has still not been erected as well as a number of other signs on the road.

#Heckfordbridge Fences (first reported in June 2015)--the bridge painting work has still not been done though Clr Bentley has confirmed this is on Highways list of action points. Complaints by a resident about overhanging trees are due to be actioned on 9th November.

#Play area parking – (first reported in October 2015)It has been agreed that the parking bay and access area to the playing field should be remarked and the number of disabled bays reduced to one.

#Condition of Parish Roads – the pot hole in the middle of the road,on the back road from theHare & Hounds to Pudding Lane has been reported to Highways & Clr Bentley – this has been repaired but not that well because of the underground spring.

#Safety along Mill Lane & Birch Street- requests have been made by residents for improved safety signage along Mill Lane & Birch Street. Clr Bentley has requested that a speed strip be installed and it was agreed that the request should be at the Layer Breton end of the village as only one strip would be allowed to measure speeding issues by the Highways Dept. because of the high demand for these devices. A separate request will be made for a 20mph limit on Mill Lane which would take longer to get any action implemented.

The Footpath between Birch Gallery & the School - the surface of the footpath between the Birch Gallery & the School to be discussed by the Ward Cllrs as a matter of urgency.

8.Payments Made/Money Received etc.

£59.20 (tax) / 101602
101603 / Clerk’s wages for October2017 & PAYE including tax to inland revenue
£26.33 / 101604 / AC & AJ Condron – office hire & Clerks Expenses for Oct2017
£1440 / 101605 / Hill Farm Landscapes – grass cutting plus graveyard – Sept/ Oct
£38.95 / RECEIVED / UK Power Networks Wayleave

All invoiceswere approvedand signed

9.Letter/E mail/Tel Issues

Three letters regarding St Peters Church from Mr. R Carr, Clr Bentley & the Parish Council

Email from ECC regarding Superfast Essex Community Wi-Fi

10. Neighbourhood Watch

Play Equipment damage by dogs at the Play Area

11.Web page.

Usual information updates have been added to the Web Page.


Making the Links –November2017 issue.

EALC –November issue 2017

RCCE Oyster issue Autumn 2017

Clerks & Councils Direct – November issue 2017

13.Planning applications/approval

Revised layout of CCTV cameras at Birch Airfield, Blind Lane

Extension, Fields End, Birch Street – approved by CBC

New Garage, Braeside cottage, mill Lane – approved by CBC

14. Fly/tipping Issues

None reported

15.Parish Councillor Responsibilities reports

Mr. Harvey – Play & Wildlife Area & Grass reports – (See item 7 above)

The garages at Greenfield Houses are being refurbished by CBH so they can be put out for rent. Concerns were raised about a possible increase in traffic and parking.

Mr. Ninnim –no litter picks or strimming carried out in October.

Mrs. Cottrell– as Mrs. Cottrell the footpath officer was absent a number of issues regarding footpaths which are not in Birch will be referred to the Clerk of Layer Breton for action.

16.Training Courses November 2017 – January 2018

Data Protection Act – November 7 & 9

Councillor Training Day (1) – November 14 & 18

Councillor Training Day (2) – November 22 & 25

Advanced Training Day (1) – November 28

Chairman Short Course – December 2

Advanced ChairmanTraining Day (2) – December 12


Highways Briefing – November 3

Duties of the RFO – November 7

Local Services Fund Briefing – November 9

Data Protection Regulations Briefing – January 23 & 25

Fire & Safety Level (2) – January 31

17. Parish Council Elections 3rd May 2018

The full Council will be up for re-election in May 2018.The Clerk updatedthe meeting on procedure & the costs involved. It was agreed that due to current forecast income no increase in precept would be requested to cover these costs.

18. Birch Housing Needs Survey

A draft survey has been supplied by RCCE & circulated to all Parish Councillors. The meeting agreed that the likely costs and distribution problems should be reviewed before any decisions are made to proceed with the survey or not.

THENEXT -PARISH COUNCIL MEETING-will be held on Tuesday5th December2017 at 7.30pm.