Birch Cliff Bulletin

January 2011

Welcome Back

From all of us at Birch Cliff, we extend best wishes for the coming year. The winter is off to a warm start this year, but the cold is on its way. Please ensure students are suited appropriately for the weather as we move through the coming months.

Our literacy and math initiatives will continue this term (see Area of Focus below). In both cases, staff at each grade level will be looking at school performance data, setting goals, jointly planning instruction and sharing marking standards and methods. The goal is to improve student performance by targeting our time, resources and skills.

The Schools in the Middle* program is in full swing at Birch Cliff. Teaching coaches have been providing invaluable information through workshops and visits to our school. The specific numeracy initiative, Three Part Lessons, began in December with Ms Kondos . A literacy initiative, We Like to Read, will be underway this term. Stay tuned…..

It promises to be a busy term. Make time each day to share your child’s school experience. Interest at home is important to student success.

* The Schools in the Middle: Effective Leadership, Effective Schools initiative is designed to support the

work of school improvement teams in elementary schools where 50% to 74% of the students achieved

the Provincial Standard on a minimum of four of six (or two of three) 2010 EQAO assessments.

Areas of Focus

In developing our School Improvement Plan for 2011-2012, the school targeted some areas for instructional focus in the areas of literacy and numeracy:

Reading for meaning– understanding explicitly stated information and ideas.

Increasing the percentage of students who “like to read” -as reported in a survey of students.

Topic development and organizing written work.

Problem solving –understanding/deconstructing a problem and discussing solution options and reasons for them.

Our teachers’ current and planned professional development target these areas. In class, lessons will place an emphasis on each . When working with your child at home, keep these four targets in mind. Your effort, in combination with the school’s, will enhance your child’s success.

For some tips:

Helping Your Child with Reading and Writing a Guide for Parents

Helping Your Child Do Math a Guide for Parents


Birch Cliff Bulletin

January 2011

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Key Dates

January 18th- Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 pm

January 20th-Sr. Boys’ V-Ball to Ottawa

January 23rd-HPV Vaccination Dose #2

January 25th-Lunch Lady Begins- Check your flyer!

January 27th-PA Day– No School

February 14th-Report Cards Home


January Character Trait

Teamwork is action by a group of people, in which each person in the group subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group. This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals bring their contributions together and work toward a common goal. A team can be two people or more. The important quality is that the members work as one, bringing talents together to help the group rise to its best!

Teamwork is only successful when members exercise the character traits that have been the focus so far this school year: respect, responsibility, empathy and kindness and caring. Besides the exercise of these traits, an effective team such as the project team in class, a sports team, Parent Council, teaching teams, or a school team such as the Safety Patrol, needs three things:

Clear Expectations: Why the team was created and what is it to do?

Clear Context: Why are members participating on the team?

Clear Commitment: Is the goal important to the members? Does everyone participate?

Working together enhances the quality of outcomes, fosters a healthy school climate and creates the habit of valuing the opinions and contributions of others.

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January 2011

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A Message from the Library

Just Read It

On Monday September 28, 2009, the TDSB launched an exciting and dynamic initiative

called Just Read It. Just Read It encourages all students, staff and the entire TDSB

community to engage in the joy of reading and to share their experiences of reading a

wide range of books with each other.

Whether signed out from a school library, the local public library, read at home or read in

the classroom, these books can be tracked through the TDSB Just Read It website.Submit your booksonline and recommend your favourites as a TDSBReader’s Choice.Monthly prizes will be randomly awarded to motivate and mobilize our schoolcommunity.

It is our hope that throughout this initiative our students, staff and community will

ultimately find that special book that ignites their passion for reading and learning.

Visit the link on our Birch Cliff web site or go to Chris’s Place ( Chris’s Place)on the TDSB web site to submit your books and learnmore about Just Read It.

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January 2011

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Moving From Grade 8 to Grade 9

It is during January and February that grade 8 students will submit their course selection sheets for next September.

Before Course Selection Sheets are distributed by your child’s core teacher or Teacher Advisor, the school team will have made a recommendation to you regarding programs that would be best suited for your son/daughter’s success. The key part of this process is to ensure that your child will be enrolled in the most appropriate program. This will greatly increase the opportunity for success in secondary school.

There are, however, situations where it will be your responsibility to initiate the required procedures for grade 8 to grade 9. Some of these situations are as follows:

  • if you want your child to attend a specialized program not in your home school
  • if you want your child to attend a regular program in a school outside your home school area
  • if you want to enroll your child in a catholic or private school
  • if you will be moving outside of the TDSB before next September

In the case where you want your child to attend a school other than your home school, you will need to get an Optional Attendance Application form from your child’s elementary school and bring that form to the requested secondary school by the deadline of February 1. (Some specialized program schools have earlier deadlines that were announced at their parent evenings.)

As a final thought, we urge you to keep in mind that any application to a secondary school is considered to be a pre-registration and acceptance is contingent upon successful completion of the grade 8 program. Recommendations, at this time, reflect a profile of the student’s academic achievements to date. Keep encouraging your child to work diligently throughout the year so that their best effort is communicated to the secondary school. Be involved in this process. Discuss options and future plans with your son/daughter. Let them know you are there to help them with these most important decisions.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Matt Johnston

(416) 396-6540 Ext. 20040

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January 2011

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IEP/IPRC Information Sessions for Parents/Guardians

The TDSB is hosting two information sessions on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, about the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) processes.
The sessions will provide an overview and help parents/guardians understand how an IEP is developed and implemented for any student. In addition,parents will be given information about the IPRC and the parent/guardian role in the process.
To learn more about how our Special Education programming is designed to help all students reach their full potential, please visit our Special Education website.
Date: / Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Time: / 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Locations: / EAST REGION
140 Borough Drive
Council Chambers, Main Floor WEST REGION
Bloor C.I.
1141 Bloor Street West
Registration: / NOT required
Parking: / Limited at both locations
If an interpreter or child minding is required, contact the number indicated at least one week prior to the event: / East: 416-396-9039 or 416-396-9003
West: 416-394-3754 or 416-394-7413

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January 2011

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Meetings in 2012:


No meeting in March

Wednesday April 18th

Wednesday May 9th

Wednesday June 13th

We have registered for Fusion!

What is TDSB Fusion?

  • A music showcase that brings a variety of cultural and performing arts styles, genres and mediums together in performances that reflect Toronto’s unique cultural mosaic
  • A musical performance opportunity for students in Grades 7 to 12. Students can perform solo or with a group.
  • A chance for students to perform any style, genre, or period of music from any culture or combination/ fusion of music-based performance styles.
  • A forum for students to perform existing music or original compositions.
  • An opportunity for students to perform for their school communities.
  • A challenge for student groups to submit a video recording of a live music based performance and to be selected to perform in the TDSB Fusion Music Showcase in March 2012!

Auditions begin soon for representative performers from Birch Cliff!- Ms Petsinis

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January 2011

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Volleyball Champions!!

After an undefeated regular season, Birch Cliff put in a masterful performance clinching the Scarborough and City Championships at Variety Village. The team face Pleasant View, a hard hitting team with a strong defense. Birch Cliff pulled together, matching their talent to win in two sets. This win advanced us to the finals and a chance to take the green banner home.

The final was against Duke of Connaught a team skilled in the soft tip. Birch Cliff won the first set with sound serving, passing and hitting. In the second set, Duke of Connaught put on the pressure and won 25-23. With a lot of brotherly love and encouragement, Birch Cliff came from behind 8-3 to a 15-13 win in the final set and brought back another championship banner to add to the Bobcat’s collection.Congratulations to Ryan, Elijah, Efaz, Aidan, Lanny, Jaan, Jack, Warren Eye, and Bennett. As Coach Secher would say, “Sweet job boys!”

By Ryan R. and Efaz C.

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January 2011

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Junior Girls’ Volleyball

The Junior Girls’ Volleyball team will be holding tryouts soon for another exciting round of games. We are excited by the number of girls who attendthetryouts and by the talent they display. While not all the girls will make the team, the experience of the tryouts is important as a learning experience which will ready a student for next year and possible success. So get out and try!

Once formed, the team will work on developing the basic skills and team play so that we can compete in a short season against other local schools.Practices will be held three times per week and with some luck, perseverance and hard work, our efforts will lead to a successful season.


Ms Calce and Ms Adams

Senior Girls’ Volleyball

After a very successful season last year and a Scarborough and City Championship under their belt, it’s time for the Senior Girl’s Volleyball team to start their new season. Tryouts to select a team of 10 begin this week, January 9-13 for girls in grades 7/8. This will allow two weeks for practice before the schedule begins. We are looking forward to another exciting season!


Ms Secher

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January 2011

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Sr. Boys’ Hockey

Go Leafs, Go Habs; no…’s Go Birch Cliff! The Sr. Boys’ hockey schedule begins on January 18th at 4:00 pm at Commander Area near Joseph Howe School. This will be Birch Cliff’s third season in the school league and the boys look forward to playing.

This year, six games are scheduled through to February. We are hoping to reach the play offs as many players will graduate this year. Practice and a team focus will tell the tale. Good luck boys!


Ms Secher

Folk dancing

Yes, it’s true – folk dancing will soon be underway! We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic students from grades one through six to join the Folkdance Club. Each week this group of students will come out to the gym to learn new dances, practise old ones and have a great time. We will be working towards the big show – the Folkdance Jamboree, which will be held later in the spring at the Scarborough Civic Centre. What a great way to chase away the winter blues and get a little exercise, too! Remind your child to listen to the morning announcements to find out when practices begin.

Ms. Calce