Opening:The weekly general body meeting of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) was called to order at 4:03 pm on Monday, February 20, 2012 in the House Chambers at Florida Atlantic University by Naria Martinez

Chapters represented for voting:

•Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Incorporated

•Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated

•Alpha Psi Lambda Co-ed Latin Fraternity, Incorporated

•Alpha Nu Omega Christian Fraternity, Incorporated

•Alpha Nu Omega Christian Sorority, Incorporated (LATE)

•Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated

•Beta Chi Theta National Fraternity, Incorporated (LATE)

Executive board members:

•Naria Martinez—President

•Ellie Carrillo—Executive Vice President

•Fabrizzio Miranda—Vice President of Finance

•Francisco Miranda—Vice President of Programming

•Candace Ceran—Vice President of Administration

•Tania Paini—Multicultural Greek Council Advisor

Approval of Previous Minutes


•Motion to approve the previous minutes by general consent by Oshay Nelson of Alpha Nu Omega Christian Fraternity, Inc.

oSecond by Luz Pedraza of Alpha Psi Lambda Co-ed Latin Fraternity, Incorporated.

All in favor: 7All Oppose: 0Motion PASSES

Approval of Agenda


•Motion to approve the agenda by general consent by Luz Pedraza of Alpha Psi Lambda Co-ed Latin Fraternity, Inc.

oSecond by Crystal Moreno of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

All in favor: 7All Oppose: 0Motion PASSES

Officer Reports


oApplications for MGC Executive Board 2012-2013 will be given out next week.

Executive Vice President Report

oNo Report

Vice President of Programming

oDream Act Walk

▪April 5, 2012 at 12:00pm

▪Forum that evening to follow

Vice President of Finance

oCurrent Balance: $1, 603.47

oReceipts for Lambda Theta Phi, Alpha Psi Lambda, Sigma Lambda Gamma, Alpha Nu Omega Fraternity and Lambda Theta Alpha were distributed from paid dues.

Vice President of Administration

oNo Report

Multicultural Greek Council Advisor

oUp Til Dawn Finale Event - 50th Anniversary

▪February 24, 2012 from 9:00pm-1:00am

▪Campus Recreation Bring your Owl Card (Only 1 guest per person without an FAU ID)

▪Free Food!

oStandards of Excellence

▪Must be saved and submitted in PDF form to Tania Paini .

▪Greek Week Team Captains meeting on February 27th in Sago Palm Room at 7:00pm

Old Business

•MGC Flyers

oIf interested please see Executive Vice President after the meeting for details.

New Business


•Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.


•Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

oFebruary 27-March 2nd Founder's Week

oMonday- BBQ @ 4:30pm, Tuesday –Forum, Wednesday - Cake Cutting / Exhibition at the Traditions Plaza from 10-2, Thursday - Tabling/ Informational, Friday- Banquet $50 Ticket.

•Alpha Psi Lambda Co-ed Latin Fraternity, Inc.

oThanks the council for supporting them throughout their week!

•Alpha Nu Omega Fraternity


•Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Inc.


•Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.


•Beta Chi Theta National Fraternity Incorporated



Meeting was adjourned at 4:18 pm by Naria Martinez. Next meeting is February 27, 2012 at 4:00 pm in the House Chambers at Florida Atlantic University.

Minutes submitted by: Candace Ceran

Vice President of Administration

Approved by:Tania Paini

Multicultural Greek Council Advisor